Why are liberals obsessed with homosexuality


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Homosexuality has always existed, but lately it has become an obsession.

You see it in every movie, every TV show, and literally, it seems that Hollywood is determined to show us gay sex scenes whether or not we want to see them.

I see it as part of the decline of Western civilization.

It's like putting too many rats in a cage, or too many humans in a city. When animals or humans become too crowded, they become homosexual, and then they die out.

It's Mother Nature's way of saying, "I'm done with you. Go extinct."
Homosexuality has always existed, but lately it has become an obsession.

You see it in every movie, every TV show, and literally, it seems that Hollywood is determined to show us gay sex scenes whether or not we want to see them.

I see it as part of the decline of Western civilization.

It's like putting too many rats in a cage, or too many humans in a city. When animals or humans become too crowded, they become homosexual, and then they die out.

It's Mother Nature's way of saying, "I'm done with you. Go extinct."

Says the person who writes a topic about his favorite subject.....
But hey, there ARE too many people on the planet, perhaps it is the world's way of saying "fuck off and die some, so that other animals can have their place", the world is an amazing place.
But hey, there ARE too many people on the planet

Yet ... how many are willing to step aside themselves to make room for the others?

Homosexuality has always been around. This is true. But only in recent years has it not been grounds for losing your job, losing custody of children, getting beaten, or even being murdered.

Rather than ask why liberals are obsessed with homosexuality, perhaps you should ask why social conservatives are so obsessed with it. Why do you take an entire emotional/spiritual/physical relationship and try to make it all about the sex acts?
Among Karl Marx's original plan for Communism was the elimination of marriage and family, which he saw as artifacts of the bourgeois culture that he wanted to eradicate. This was very quickly abandoned by most movements to openly implement Communism, but it broke off and took on a life of its own, eventually finding a home among modern “liberals”, including American Democrats. Though I don't think they now have any idea of why they are doing this, the modern left's embrace of premarital and extramarital sex, bastardy, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of destructive, immoral sexual perversion, are all part of this Marxist attack on marriage and family.
Homosexuality has always existed, but lately it has become an obsession.

You see it in every movie, every TV show, and literally, it seems that Hollywood is determined to show us gay sex scenes whether or not we want to see them.

I see it as part of the decline of Western civilization.

It's like putting too many rats in a cage, or too many humans in a city. When animals or humans become too crowded, they become homosexual, and then they die out.

It's Mother Nature's way of saying, "I'm done with you. Go extinct."
I don't see it in every movie, neither do you because you have not watched every movie..
Among Karl Marx's original plan for Communism was the elimination of marriage and family, which he saw as artifacts of the bourgeois culture that he wanted to eradicate. This was very quickly abandoned by most movements to openly implement Communism, but it broke off and took on a life of its own, eventually finding a home among modern “liberals”, including American Democrats. Though I don't think they now have any idea of why they are doing this, the modern left's embrace of premarital and extramarital sex, bastardy, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of destructive, immoral sexual perversion, are all part of this Marxist attack on marriage and family.
By God we all know that rightist have never done anything like that, tell the Log Cabiners(GOP members that are ghey) that you want them out of the RNC and to stop living by killing themselves..
You really are a sick twisted liar..
Among Karl Marx's original plan for Communism was the elimination of marriage and family, which he saw as artifacts of the bourgeois culture that he wanted to eradicate. This was very quickly abandoned by most movements to openly implement Communism, but it broke off and took on a life of its own, eventually finding a home among modern “liberals”, including American Democrats. Though I don't think they now have any idea of why they are doing this, the modern left's embrace of premarital and extramarital sex, bastardy, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of destructive, immoral sexual perversion, are all part of this Marxist attack on marriage and family.

So you think premarital and extramarital sex, bastardy, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of destructive, immoral sexual perversion, are inventions of the Marxists? LMAO! All of those things have been going on since the beginning of time.

I think they do have a pretty good idea why they embrace individual freedoms. I think they do have a pretty good idea why they fight against the bigotry. The question is, why do conservatives care so much? Does it really effect them?
So you think premarital and extramarital sex, bastardy, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of destructive, immoral sexual perversion, are inventions of the Marxists? LMAO! All of those things have been going on since the beginning of time.

I didn't say that. Of course they've been around for as long as humanity has. And they've been properly recognized as immoral, harmful, and ultimately destructive to society. What Marxism brought us was acceptance of these evils, a move to normalize them and treat them as if thee is nothing wrong with them; and the motive is obvious when you look at the original context. Marx wanted to destroy society, as it was then known, to be replaced by a completely different kind of society. And destruction of the family, which has always been the foundation of every successful human society throughout history, was a crucial starting point for Marx. But this aspect of Marxism broke off and took on a life of its own, becoming a destructive disease within society.
It can be summed up by the words moral relativism. Where there is no moral standard, morality is defined by the individual. The elimination of the importance of gender means your mind is ready to be groomed for anything. Once that bridge is crossed they own you.

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