Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?
I think they call it moral equivalency ...that's if a libtard can conceive of morality.
Why do conservatives derisively call Obama a tyrant while they wholeheartedly support the genuine tyranny of Israel over the Palestinians?
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

I'll ask you again:

Describe to us the manner in which one may oppose the policies of Israel without qualifying in your eyes as anti-Semitic.

Or, explain to us why no such manner can exist.
I'll ask you again:

Describe to us the manner in which one may oppose the policies of Israel without qualifying in your eyes as anti-Semitic.

Or, explain to us why no such manner can exist.
Because the A-card, is the only argument they have left.

Have you noticed that no matter what the criticism is, or what subject it is about, the response is always the same response 90% of the time. The only reason someone criticizes Israel, is because they hate jews.

They can't explain "why" the person would hate jews, they can only "say" the person hates jews. And they say this to everyone who utters a negative word towards Israel.
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?
What does pointing out the Israeli's target children, have anything to do with Judaism?

Liberals oppose Israel because they're one of the biggest human rights abusers in the world.
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?
About B?Tselem | B'Tselem
President Obama, liberal Democrat, got 78% of the Jewish vote in 2008.

I guess that makes 78% of American Jews anti-Semitic.
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

Muravchik is mistaken, or I am not a "liberal". Long live ISRAEL.
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

actually, I think Americans are tired of being dragged into wars in the Middle East that have nothing to do with us.

as for why most liberals oppose Zionism, it's pretty much for the same reason most of them opposed Apartheid.
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

oh Goober , 70 percent of us Jews are liberal here in America and support Israel and can criticize Israel when we think she is wrong on some policies, Israel is a JEWISH state.A lot of us think Israel has been getting much to close to the rightwing christian kooks here in America which is having an impact on their policies

The bottom line: ONLY Jews mater when it comes to Israel

Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel
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It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

oh Goober , 70 percent of us Jew are liberal here in America and support Israel and can criticize Israel when we think she is wrong on some policies, Israel is a JEWISH state.A lot of us think Israel has been getting much to close to the rightwing christian kooks here in America which is having an impact on their policies

The bottom line: ONLY Jews mater when it comes to Israel

Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

I disagree, America must stand behind Israel, and I am not a fundamentalist; next, where do you think Christianity came from? It is not derived from Taoism.
Golda Meir summed it up perfectly more than 40 years ago........."the bloodshed will end when the Paletinian people love their children more than they hate us".
Anti-semitsim itself is a Christian construct.

If the "Judeo Chrustian" coalition is ever successful in eradicating Islam......expect Christians to resume thinking of Jews as heretics and heathens. All religions depend on divisiveness.

Liberal Americans calling out the nation of Israel for acting the fool isn't in any way related to the religious flavor of the country. It is entirely get-political criticism. Shit...it isn't even "opposition".
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It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

I am left wing.

Israel, like most countries, has everything from liberal to extreme right wing and everything in between-just like us.

It hasn't been until the last 5-6 years that you have seen any group of liberals vocal against Israel. That's because of propaganda. You can tell because it doesn't deal with issues or laws or specific policies or history or individuals. It's very emotionally driven. Much of it has come through the Arabic studies programs in the universities.

So, I'd be careful with the why do liberals support.....

I'm a liberal.
Golda Meir summed it up perfectly more than 40 years ago........."the bloodshed will end when the Paletinian people love their children more than they hate us".

Maybe if the Zionists stopped killing their children, they wouldn't hate them so much.


and why is this our problem again?
Bottom line is, as we speak, these subhumans are getting their asses bombed back to the stone age and a huge majority of Americans are laughing their balls off about it........that's always the way its been and always the way it will be. Never understood why the fringe elements come out during these times and interject their drivel that nobody cares about??:wtf::wtf::gay:

By the way.....anybody seen those vids on how they clean those tunnels out in Gaza??? Got a lot of dumbasses hiding in there.......get smoked as if they want it to happen!!! Nobody roots for subhumans!!!:up:

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