Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

So...if you oppose the policies of the Israeli government you're anti-Semitic. Guess that makes all you righties anti American.

Inferring that the Israelis target children when in fact that is exactly what the Arabs do is what makes the left anti-sematic. Among a host of other things they say.

I'm pretty sure both sides have been targeting children. It's a fucking war...they suck. I'm fucking tired of my country being involved in other people's battles.

First time for everything wytch, I agree with this statement of yours. It ain't our business. The people in the Middle East will be killin each other a century after the world ends. Time to get all our troops home and focus on defense of this country.
It is obvious that there are those who are anti-Semites. Some even go as far as to imply that Israel targets children then the cry babies neg rep a person for pointing out their anti-Semitism.

In an email interview with The Christian Post, Muravchik says that opposing Israel and supporting Palestinians fits with a new Leftist ideology that views modern political struggles as between race and ethnic groups, with the predominantly white West against the non-white rest of the world. This viewpoint has surpassed the previous class-based, rich versus poor, categories as the predominant ideology of the Left, he argued.

Despite this change on the Left, Muravchik does not believe that Democrats will change their support for Israel because American voters are strong supporters of Israel.

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

I'll ask you again:

Describe to us the manner in which one may oppose the policies of Israel without qualifying in your eyes as anti-Semitic.

Or, explain to us why no such manner can exist.

It would be hard to explain to you because such a discourse is so foreign to you. But let us start with saying that inferring that the Israelis, who have the right to the land ceded to them by the UN or by fruit of wars started by the Arabs, target children is a pretty low point to start. Especially after three of their children were kidnapped and murdered.

Blowing up the homes of the families of possible suspects is a war crime. It is collective punishment.

Building settlements in the occupied territories has also been condemned by the UN; since YOU brought up the UN.

And as you see people, this poster cannot give an answer to the question I asked. Therefore in his mind and the mind of most Israeli apologists,

any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism.
A plane full of innocents gets shot down and it's universally viewed as a horrific atrocity.

But in the same week, just about the same number of innocent Palestinians are murdered by the Israelis


because the pro-Israeli propaganda has been so deeply embedded in the American mindset, no such reaction can even occur without being mercilessly ridiculed.

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