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Why are liberals so rude to the right?

Look at the whining, for pity sake. Dems and Pubs, lefties and righties, Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians have always smacked each other around in nasty ways. Folks, stop the whining. You look pitiful.
Liberals give conservatives every ounce of respect they deserve

No. They don't. They (by and large) give conservatives every bit of respect they ignorantly imagine the conservatives "deserve."

This is just more evidence of how shallow is the thinking of modern day liberals.

You are a spokesman for such stupidity, leftwhiner. They should feel embarrassed.

Look at your own posts....and the posts of your hard right brethren and tell me again how "rude" the libruls are.

I love the way you guys dismiss your vitriol and condemn others'

What about my posts? I never said I treat all libs with respect. I don't.

Also, most of the libbies whom I consistently treat with disdain have earned it by their own attitudes and style.

And I have not condemned vitriol from the left. It's like your sole stock in trade. I just return what you morons tend to toss out there. If you don't like it, you whining bitch, then don't do it.
No. They don't. They (by and large) give conservatives every bit of respect they ignorantly imagine the conservatives "deserve."

This is just more evidence of how shallow is the thinking of modern day liberals.

You are a spokesman for such stupidity, leftwhiner. They should feel embarrassed.

I was being tactful

Actually conservatives are given much more credence and respect than they have earned


You were being your typical ignorant self, full of baseless feelings of superiority. You -- and lots of you leftwingnuts -- are simply full of such unwarranted ego, sickening arrogance and consistent error.

Frankly, what some left wing fubar nitwit such as you "believes" that others "deserve" in terms of respect is pretty much irrelevant except as a tool to explore your arrogant ignorance.

Another cuddly conservative
I was being tactful

Actually conservatives are given much more credence and respect than they have earned


You were being your typical ignorant self, full of baseless feelings of superiority. You -- and lots of you leftwingnuts -- are simply full of such unwarranted ego, sickening arrogance and consistent error.

Frankly, what some left wing fubar nitwit such as you "believes" that others "deserve" in terms of respect is pretty much irrelevant except as a tool to explore your arrogant ignorance.

Another cuddly conservative

^ another smarmy hack lib devoid of integrity.
Of course it's both sides. The people have come to despise one another. There are no points of agreement or compromise. Everything is separate. It started in the 70s. There was even a book written about the split. The Big Sort. Since that book was written the American people have moved beyond preference to outright enmity.

This kind of people are unable to elect a leader capable of bringing both sides together. No matter who is elected in 2016, the other side will be consumed with revenge. Bush was reviled, obama attacked on all fronts. Whoever is president next will be the recipient of increased fury. We hate each other so much that it's foolish to think beyond the 2016 election. We probably won't last that long.

unless both sides get rid of the assholes in their parties and lock these people out of politics this shit will continue...the reason i cant stand both parties....everyone is afraid to say something because the assholes will get on them.....they will call you a Rino or a Blue Dog.....fuck them both....

The politicians that you blame are far from being at fault. See, the elected politicians are only reflecting the people. The people don't want RINOS or blue dogs. The people are not interested in politicians who will go along to get along. It's gone way too far for that. This is the time of choosing up sides. Anyone in the midddle will get run over in both directions.

Sorry to tell you, but you should really have realized it by now on your own.

if you had any brains Katz you would figure it out that most of the Country is in or near the middle.....the Far Right and Left have the biggest mouths......
The We the People do not want TPM or reactionaries or libertarians or lefties: they want the broad mainstream right of center to left of center.

We the People do not want AINOs (Americans In Name Only) like the far right or the far left.
There are idiots, morons, and outright rude insulting condescending assholes on both sides of the political spectrum that is just life there will always be people like this. The question I have is why is type of behavior more acceptable or tolerated more when it comes from the left than it is when it's from the right? when you hear this from the left it's described simply as freedom of speech or expression or one just giving their opinion if the same thing comes from the right it's described as sexism, racism, or hate speech I think this is a far more important question.

Why is anything "more acceptable"? Perhaps it's the way the Nation is feeling? You had your turn....Reagan, Bush, Bush II....and look at the mess we are in. Clinton worked out pretty well for the Nation....Obama might too if he had some cooperation from the house....buy no....we have become too ideologically driven to cooperate. The bad thing is.....no ONE side should have total control....there needs to be healthy debate and compromise. But this is beyond that....and the right is doing MOST of it.

Are you high? I voted for Obama the first time around and he had no problem for his first two years. Democrats controlled both houses and what did he accomplish? You're fucking delusional pal.

Based on his administrations criminal activities of the last two years he is one of THE worst presidents ever. He is either directing the criminal activity or he is incompetent beyond reason. Your choice.

he is not a very good leader......he like Bush has a problem communicating with those who don't agree with him....

Well, I'm not rich, but when you see 40% of your income hijacked before the deposit gets to the bank, and you also see gang bangers and welfare queens not having to hit a lick at a snake, it is easy to surmise that liberal policies aren't going to help this widow who worked 3 jobs to support her family. Conservative policies may not help my bracket either, but it certainly looks like less of the money I, myself, have earned gets given to the undeserving. The undeserving get rude when they see you don't want them to have it because they think they deserve it more than you. I have parted with conservatives on occasion, one of them being national healthcare. I, along with my professional organization, have supported national healthcare since the day I became a nurse. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined it would be chucked onto the backs of small businesses the way it has been. What a blow to some really hard working people. It would cost less and benefit more in the long run just to extend medicaid to the working poor.


Again, it was conservatives who insisted that employer based health care be maintained at all costs. We could have had a public option, they shot that down. We could have had a medicare buy in. They shot that down.

Do you think the majority of folks on Welfare and Food Stamps wouldn't rather be working a job? In fact, 40% of those who have food stamps have at least one household member with a job.

You guys complain about them "Welfare people", but the reality is, conservative policies created them.

Because when you have to go to the GOvernment for good, shelter and health care because you can't get that out of your employer, you are going totally vote for more of that shit.

No one has ever let his child starve on principle.

conservative policies created them.

who's policies seem to be keeping them there?....:eusa_eh:
Jake is right for once. The nation is divided between friends and enemies. Few will be nice to their enemies. There was at one time a huge middle ground where most people would compromise, agree, and what politicians did didn't affect them all that much. That middle ground is disappearing, it is no more than a sliver now. What politicians do are affecting people in their daily lives.

Friends and enemies, everyone has to decide and never give an inch.

yea its a sliver.....care to show something proving that?....
unless both sides get rid of the assholes in their parties and lock these people out of politics this shit will continue...the reason i cant stand both parties....everyone is afraid to say something because the assholes will get on them.....they will call you a Rino or a Blue Dog.....fuck them both....

The politicians that you blame are far from being at fault. See, the elected politicians are only reflecting the people. The people don't want RINOS or blue dogs. The people are not interested in politicians who will go along to get along. It's gone way too far for that. This is the time of choosing up sides. Anyone in the midddle will get run over in both directions.

Sorry to tell you, but you should really have realized it by now on your own.

if you had any brains Katz you would figure it out that most of the Country is in or near the middle.....the Far Right and Left have the biggest mouths......

You might need to think that most of the country is in the middle. I understand the need to do that.

It just isn't true. You could be a Swede insisting that multiculturalism works.
The country is in the middle, not to the far right or far left.

I understand that Katz does not understand, perhaps to his own detriment some day.
The politicians that you blame are far from being at fault. See, the elected politicians are only reflecting the people. The people don't want RINOS or blue dogs. The people are not interested in politicians who will go along to get along. It's gone way too far for that. This is the time of choosing up sides. Anyone in the midddle will get run over in both directions.

Sorry to tell you, but you should really have realized it by now on your own.

if you had any brains Katz you would figure it out that most of the Country is in or near the middle.....the Far Right and Left have the biggest mouths......

You might need to think that most of the country is in the middle. I understand the need to do that.

It just isn't true. You could be a Swede insisting that multiculturalism works.
and i understand your need to think it isnt....most of America is either Moderate to Conservative Democrats to Liberal or Moderate Republican....and Independents will fall somewhere in there....
You obviously haven't debated me yet. It isn't something I brag about. Lots of liberals here have met the business end of my jackassery. Not because I called them names, but humiliated them with logic, then called them names.
You've lost every argument you've debated me on. You're like 0-20!

You didn't even score 1 debating point. Everything you put up, I shot down with absolute malice. And those points stayed down, never to rise again.

And the worst part is, I didn't even use my A-game to do it!
The answer should be obvious. Those on the right are enemies to be destroyed not given respect. The right needs to learn this lesson but fast. This is a war so far fought on a low level with the left supporting various forms of proxy. The left doesn't really want to be rude. They really want the right dead. Their wet dreams are of when the right dies. That's why the justify everything from islamic terrorists with bombs to black panthers with baseball bats.

That's funny because of all the years I've spent on political forums, I've only ever seen those from the right refer to people with whom they differ politically as "the enemy."
The answer should be obvious. Those on the right are enemies to be destroyed not given respect. The right needs to learn this lesson but fast. This is a war so far fought on a low level with the left supporting various forms of proxy. The left doesn't really want to be rude. They really want the right dead. Their wet dreams are of when the right dies. That's why the justify everything from islamic terrorists with bombs to black panthers with baseball bats.

That's funny because of all the years I've spent on political forums, I've only ever seen those from the right refer to people with whom they differ politically as "the enemy."

well then you haven't been paying attention on this board.....
You wanna to talk about rudeness, how rude was it for the right to criticize Obama less than 10 days after being inaugarated in his first term, before he had a chance to do anything as President?
The answer should be obvious. Those on the right are enemies to be destroyed not given respect. The right needs to learn this lesson but fast. This is a war so far fought on a low level with the left supporting various forms of proxy. The left doesn't really want to be rude. They really want the right dead. Their wet dreams are of when the right dies. That's why the justify everything from islamic terrorists with bombs to black panthers with baseball bats.

That's funny because of all the years I've spent on political forums, I've only ever seen those from the right refer to people with whom they differ politically as "the enemy."

Perhaps you spend too much time on political forums and should pay more attention to the president of the United States who referred to republicans as the enemy. He later apologized but he really had to once cornered by his own rhetoric. As for your claim that you only heard the right refer to people with whom they differ politically as "the enemy" is simply impossible to believe. I've only been on this political forum for a few weeks and I've heard republicans called "enemies, Nazis,bible thumpers and any number of invectives. Don't get me wrong. I don't care. Both sides call each other names.

Obama: I shouldn't have used the word 'enemies'

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