Why are most liberal and some conservatives SO DUMB...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
when it comes to that stupid even total outright LIE that some stupid conservatives idiotically refer to "Bush spending like a drunken sailor"!

GET your FACTS straight before you stupidly make a DUMB comment like that! FACT FROM THE GOVT bureau of Economic Analysis!!!

U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

Total Expenditures 2001 to 2008: $33.618 trillion.

Total INCOME: 2001 to 2008 $28.320 trillion REVENUE

Total more paid out then came in: $5.298.

Average per year over 8 years: $662.25 billion

And IF YOU idiot liberals and a few IDIOT conservatives would PLEASE explain to me what affect do you think $8 trillion in Net Operating Losses the IRS approves written against Taxable Income from 2001 up till now?

In other words from 2001 to 2008 Nearly $250 billion a year or $2.5 trillion
was NOT received as taxes DUE to geez...you guys forget this???
1) Dot.com which cost $5 trillion in losses
2) 9/11 do any of you remember this??? (Oh yea one of Bush's spending??)
Nearly $800 billion over 6 years in Homeland Security .. YOU forget that?)
3) Worst hurricanes SEASONS. in history $1 trillion in losses.

You guys forget those events that had a REAL taxable AFFECT on income..
Yet you liberals and few conservatives TOTALLY forget those events!
THEY ARE REAL. THEY HAPPENED THEY COST $8 trillion in loss revenue!

BUT 2009 through 2010:

Total expenditures from 2009 to 2010 $7,666.5 trillion

Total Income from 2009 to 2010 $10,261.5 trillion

Total more paid out then came in $2,595 Trillion

Average per year over 2 years: $1,297.5 Trillion!

You idiot liberals/democrats...!!!! Which is 200% bigger
$1,297 Trillion or
$662 billion???


Also WHO creates the budgets and approves the budgets?
Who controlled the House from 2006 to 2010??? DEMOCRATS@!
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Why are most liberal and some conservatives SO DUMB...

You mean, like, those nitwits who complete questions with ... , rather than (what most people call) a question-mark? (i.e. ?)



You're gonna have to ask....

....about that.



They should be able to tell you where that sour ol' bitch hangs.​
Oh great, another jrk, who spams the boards with the same thread over and over and over again.

Disney's White Wilderness was filmed in Alberta, Canada, which is not a native habitat for lemmings and has no outlet to the sea. Lemmings were imported -from Manitoba-for use in the film, purchased from Inuit children by the filmmakers. The Arctic rodents were placed on a snow-covered turntable and filmed from various angles to produce a "migration" sequence; afterwards, the helpless creatures were transported to a cliff overlooking a river and herded into the water. White Wilderness does not depict an actual lemming migration at no time are more than a few dozen lemmings ever shown on the screen at once. The entire sequence was faked using a handful of lemmings deceptively photographed to create the illusion of a large herd of migrating

snopes.com: White Wilderness Lemmings Suicide
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