Why are my Tax $$$$ Supporting This? Oh,Democratic Party Held Hostage by Black Vote

One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

So why do you vote DemoKKKrat??


Because of the REPUBLIKKKANS who are actually klan.and white supremacist supported.

Well that's ignorant and racist.
When living in Cicero my granfather was offered a job by Al Capone gang that would have paid 5x more than what he was making. He was poor but refused. Always taught me ‘‘twas better to make an honest living and be poor than be in with a bad crowd that will sell you down the river when going gets tough.”

And he was white during segregation. I know you don't understand what that means.
Segregation was in the North? Just one long big cry out of you...”My people” this and “My people” that. “ Whites got it made.” Sure.

Segregation was national and you know it,

Jim Crow in the North

After World War II, northern cities became even more segregated as blacks moved into urban areas and whites migrated to the suburbs. Large-scale developments – such as the Levittowns in Long Island, N.Y., and Bucks County, Pa. – restricted occupancy for whites only.

Sweet Land of Liberty also takes an incomplete look at the northern courtroom struggles to attack discrimination during the ’60s and ’70s.

Robert L. Carter, the general counsel of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – for whom I worked in the ’60s – believed that the U.S. Supreme Court had to apply in the North the same equal educational opportunities doctrine central to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.

The nation’s most distinguished social scientists and educators testified in northern federal courts about segregation’s harmful effects irrespective of intent, but every appeals court that considered the issue rejected the NAACP’s position, and the Supreme Court refused to review these decisions.

Jim Crow in the North

And I have not said one thing about "my people." I have just refuted every lie you tell with precision

I have never said whites had it made. I am saying whites have benefitted from racist laws and policies regardless of income.

Drop the Limbaugh chump or you'll keep getting embarrassed.


Race in History of Labor Unions

Nothing embarrassing at all..... unless a DemoKKKrat!!

When living in Cicero my granfather was offered a job by Al Capone gang that would have paid 5x more than what he was making. He was poor but refused. Always taught me ‘‘twas better to make an honest living and be poor than be in with a bad crowd that will sell you down the river when going gets tough.”

And he was white during segregation. I know you don't understand what that means.
Segregation was in the North? Just one long big cry out of you...”My people” this and “My people” that. “ Whites got it made.” Sure.

Segregation was national and you know it,

Jim Crow in the North

After World War II, northern cities became even more segregated as blacks moved into urban areas and whites migrated to the suburbs. Large-scale developments – such as the Levittowns in Long Island, N.Y., and Bucks County, Pa. – restricted occupancy for whites only.

Sweet Land of Liberty also takes an incomplete look at the northern courtroom struggles to attack discrimination during the ’60s and ’70s.

Robert L. Carter, the general counsel of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – for whom I worked in the ’60s – believed that the U.S. Supreme Court had to apply in the North the same equal educational opportunities doctrine central to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.

The nation’s most distinguished social scientists and educators testified in northern federal courts about segregation’s harmful effects irrespective of intent, but every appeals court that considered the issue rejected the NAACP’s position, and the Supreme Court refused to review these decisions.

Jim Crow in the North

And I have not said one thing about "my people." I have just refuted every lie you tell with precision

I have never said whites had it made. I am saying whites have benefitted from racist laws and policies regardless of income.

Drop the Limbaugh chump or you'll keep getting embarrassed.


Good you agree blue cities are still racist and segregated in the year 2017..

Come to the upstate of south Carolina at a local waffle house a old white guy sitting at a stool will offer a black guy a cup of coffee and ask him to take a seat and talk for a spell.
One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

So why do you vote DemoKKKrat??


Because of the REPUBLIKKKANS who are actually klan.and white supremacist supported.

Bullshit!! You have ZERO cred when you resort to that shit!! What Republicans have EVER endorsed the Klan and Jim Crow laws?


We should have a Nazi Tax for asshats like you

Dear Mousterian Obama passed one. It was called ACA, did you miss it?
He and other Democrats decided to mandate their political beliefs in federalized health care for the whole nation
as the "law of the land" superceding the Constitutional rights of citizens to vote on the matter to defend our civil liberties, due process and free choice. And imposed FINES on citizens who either couldn't afford to comply or could not do so without violating Constitutional beliefs and principles.

So who's the "Nazi" imposing party beliefs on everyone by force of law?
We should have a Nazi Tax for asshats like you

Dear Mousterian Obama passed one. It was called ACA, did you miss it?
He and other Democrats decided to mandate their political beliefs in federalized health care for the whole nation
as the "law of the land" superceding the Constitutional rights of citizens to vote on the matter to defend our civil liberties, due process and free choice. And imposed FINES on citizens who either couldn't afford to comply or could not do so without violating Constitutional beliefs and principles.

So who's the "Nazi" imposing party beliefs on everyone by force of law?

It really annoys me when people want/demand hand-outs instead of a hand up. I want IM2 to have a great job, wealth if possible if not already, access to ALL the fruits of US Education, culture and Law as well as, if in need, a helping hand. Sorta like for EVERYONE!! Am I wrong or do they want FOOD STAMPS instead of a well paying job? That's weird!!

Democtats will ensure that $$$$ continues to be allotted to a perpetual victim class for votes. Keep them dependent on government aid...keep a vote. Clinton’s found out in 2008 how all their measures to ensure the black vote worked out. Lmfao.

There are far more poor whites than blacks.

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