Why are my Tax $$$$ Supporting This? Oh,Democratic Party Held Hostage by Black Vote

When living in Cicero my granfather was offered a job by Al Capone gang that would have paid 5x more than what he was making. He was poor but refused. Always taught me ‘‘twas better to make an honest living and be poor than be in with a bad crowd that will sell you down the river when going gets tough.”

And he was white during segregation. I know you don't understand what that means.
Segregation was in the North? Just one long big cry out of you...”My people” this and “My people” that. “ Whites got it made.” Sure.
One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

Silly response ?

You call the constitution silly ?

The constitution gave your father the right to vote ..

And how did your kin work harder please explain? Ya do know the smart ones get paid what they know, the dumb ones only get paid how hard they work .

Yes a silly response. That's what I called it because that's what t was. I'm not ecplaining anything that we all already know.
Why don’t you stop whining for blacks...because you are a suburban white kid near Ft.Riley, and educate yourself.
“Suck a ******* ****or something.” Great example of how far we have fallen as a society. Democrats want them vote tho G
So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.
Poor bastards. I can assure you that you started out economically more advantageous than my white self. So stop crying tears over nothing.So what’s holding you back? Figured you would get some common sense and realize Democrats to keep blacks down?

I doubt it. But this is not about race so I am not going to break you down. I don't ink I need to listen to an uneducated racist white republican trying to tell me how it's the democratic party trying to keep blacks down after a black democrat served 2 terms as president after being nominated by the democratic party.
Doesn’t want to break me down. Lmfao. You couldn’t break wind unless there was a Democrat sponsored federal program for it.

Well white boy, you've grown old and stupid oblivious to the many government programs you and your parents were provided.
What government programs ?

Name them that helped me?

The only person that helped me in my life was a business man and his father they saw my potential as an 18 year old, they gave me a job they gave me the keys to their small plastic factory in Chicago, they sent me to night school I would come in there on weekends to work when no one told me I was the only one there except the old man in his office watching the stocks on a small screen television and the bears game on his projection television..he would come out to the shop wondering what the sound was about..and invite me in pour me a cocktail..

And say to me sit down let me teach you about the stock market , work , the bears .

The old man was a great guy to me and so was his son..we would talk for hours on those sundays..

Name one that didn't. I don't know how old you are, but you say you lived in chi town how did your parents buy their home? Where did they live?

Don't be like Bush, a farmer living on homestead land he inherited talking about how the government never helped him.

Poor bastards. I can assure you that you started out economically more advantageous than my white self. So stop crying tears over nothing.So what’s holding you back? Figured you would get some common sense and realize Democrats to keep blacks down?

I doubt it. But this is not about race so I am not going to break you down. I don't ink I need to listen to an uneducated racist white republican trying to tell me how it's the democratic party trying to keep blacks down after a black democrat served 2 terms as president after being nominated by the democratic party.
Doesn’t want to break me down. Lmfao. You couldn’t break wind unless there was a Democrat sponsored federal program for it.

Well white boy, you've grown old and stupid oblivious to the many government programs you and your parents were provided.
What government programs ?

Name them that helped me?

The only person that helped me in my life was a business man and his father they saw my potential as an 18 year old, they gave me a job they gave me the keys to their small plastic factory in Chicago, they sent me to night school I would come in there on weekends to work when no one told me I was the only one there except the old man in his office watching the stocks on a small screen television and the bears game on his projection television..he would come out to the shop wondering what the sound was about..and invite me in pour me a cocktail..

And say to me sit down let me teach you about the stock market , work , the bears .

The old man was a great guy to me and so was his son..we would talk for hours on those sundays..

Name one that didn't. I don't know how old you are, but you say you lived in chi town how did your parents buy their home? Where did they live?

Don't be like Bush, a farmer living on homestead land he inherited talking about how the government never helped him.

Started in a trailer. My father worked a shit load of overtime on an assembly line...saved money...bought an old house that required much improvement. He often told me the story of how he walked into the bank and the loan officer said ”What-up white...whachoo need to-day home slice.” Then he mentioned how they swapped racist jokes for awhile...and he got a loan. Before he left he was told... “ But don’t let them ******* know...it’s our white secret.”
You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

Silly response ?

You call the constitution silly ?

The constitution gave your father the right to vote ..

And how did your kin work harder please explain? Ya do know the smart ones get paid what they know, the dumb ones only get paid how hard they work .

Yes a silly response. That's what I called it because that's what t was. I'm not ecplaining anything that we all already know.
Why don’t you stop whining for blacks...because you are a suburban white kid near Ft.Riley, and educate yourself.

Actually I am a black man who has lived in Portland, Seattle, and Kansas City. .I have travelled and spent time in every major city but Miami, NYC and Boston. I have also visited Zimbabwe. I am well educated, post grad style. I don't whine for anyone, I speak truth that people like you cannot deal with.
I doubt it. But this is not about race so I am not going to break you down. I don't ink I need to listen to an uneducated racist white republican trying to tell me how it's the democratic party trying to keep blacks down after a black democrat served 2 terms as president after being nominated by the democratic party.
Doesn’t want to break me down. Lmfao. You couldn’t break wind unless there was a Democrat sponsored federal program for it.

Well white boy, you've grown old and stupid oblivious to the many government programs you and your parents were provided.
What government programs ?

Name them that helped me?

The only person that helped me in my life was a business man and his father they saw my potential as an 18 year old, they gave me a job they gave me the keys to their small plastic factory in Chicago, they sent me to night school I would come in there on weekends to work when no one told me I was the only one there except the old man in his office watching the stocks on a small screen television and the bears game on his projection television..he would come out to the shop wondering what the sound was about..and invite me in pour me a cocktail..

And say to me sit down let me teach you about the stock market , work , the bears .

The old man was a great guy to me and so was his son..we would talk for hours on those sundays..

Name one that didn't. I don't know how old you are, but you say you lived in chi town how did your parents buy their home? Where did they live?

Don't be like Bush, a farmer living on homestead land he inherited talking about how the government never helped him.

Started in a trailer. My father worked a shit load of overtime on an assembly line...saved money...bought an old house that required much improvement. He often told me the story of how he walked into the bank and the loan officer said ”What-up white...whachoo need to-day home slice.” Then he mentioned how they swapped racist jokes for awhile...and he got a loan. Before he left he was told... “ But don’t let them ******* know...it’s our white secret.”

So he never got any help because he was white.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

Silly response ?

You call the constitution silly ?

The constitution gave your father the right to vote ..

And how did your kin work harder please explain? Ya do know the smart ones get paid what they know, the dumb ones only get paid how hard they work .

Yes a silly response. That's what I called it because that's what t was. I'm not ecplaining anything that we all already know.
Why don’t you stop whining for blacks...because you are a suburban white kid near Ft.Riley, and educate yourself.

Actually I am a black man who has lived in Portland, Seattle, and Kansas City. .I have travelled and spent time in every major city but Miami, NYC and Boston. I have also visited Zimbabwe. I am well educated, post grad style. I don't whine for anyone, I speak truth that people like you cannot deal with.
You speak bullshit that advances no ones lot in life. Were you born in the United States? Most people who travel or immigrate appreciate our American Republic.
Doesn’t want to break me down. Lmfao. You couldn’t break wind unless there was a Democrat sponsored federal program for it.

Well white boy, you've grown old and stupid oblivious to the many government programs you and your parents were provided.
What government programs ?

Name them that helped me?

The only person that helped me in my life was a business man and his father they saw my potential as an 18 year old, they gave me a job they gave me the keys to their small plastic factory in Chicago, they sent me to night school I would come in there on weekends to work when no one told me I was the only one there except the old man in his office watching the stocks on a small screen television and the bears game on his projection television..he would come out to the shop wondering what the sound was about..and invite me in pour me a cocktail..

And say to me sit down let me teach you about the stock market , work , the bears .

The old man was a great guy to me and so was his son..we would talk for hours on those sundays..

Name one that didn't. I don't know how old you are, but you say you lived in chi town how did your parents buy their home? Where did they live?

Don't be like Bush, a farmer living on homestead land he inherited talking about how the government never helped him.

Started in a trailer. My father worked a shit load of overtime on an assembly line...saved money...bought an old house that required much improvement. He often told me the story of how he walked into the bank and the loan officer said ”What-up white...whachoo need to-day home slice.” Then he mentioned how they swapped racist jokes for awhile...and he got a loan. Before he left he was told... “ But don’t let them ******* know...it’s our white secret.”

So he never got any help because he was white.
None. He came from a predominantly white area. He was just poor trash that nobody gave a shit about. Now, back to your sad life and why I should shed a tear for you because your black?
Republicans get welfare. And what's worse is the very richest of the rich are dependent upon republicans I make sure they get corporate welfare. That's why republicans always campaign on.. "Oh....you know what w happen if you vote democrat, they are going to raise your taxes and cut your subsidies.
So you still have not corrected your lie from previous post and Democratic Party shamelessly promotes government dependency for votes.

I don't have to correct the truth.
So...your father fought in World War One...that makes you 100 plus years old. Damn your in good shape.

I stated plainly that my father fought in WW2. You apparently are not literate. I said you have a 1918 white mans attitude. Meaning that it is 2018 now and you hold the same attitude about race whites held 100 yeas ago..
We won the war correct? OK...so what is my attitude supposed to be from 1918 until now? Have you earned respect? The Civil Rights Movement did in 1960’s. Now it’s 2017. That War has been fought. You won. But you have to act as if you .ost to cover for your shortcomings. I don’t owe anybody a modicum of my financial support based on their race. That would be racism.

Well that at is not over, and when I say you have a 1918 attitude, just read your posts. This is the same thing whites were saying in 19818. I don't have any shortcomings to cover for. Who asked you for financial support? You see fool, you give yourself away every time you post.. I don't have to tell myself shit. It's shown daily. You are the one who has to tell yourself the lie of how the civil rights wars are over and how blacks won. You are the one who has to tell yourself the lie that we are only complaining to cover up gr our shortcomings. And you are the one who has to tell yourself how blacks are simultaneously holding the democratic party hostage while we are being held hostage on a liberal plantation.
So you still have not corrected your lie from previous post and Democratic Party shamelessly promotes government dependency for votes.

I don't have to correct the truth.
So...your father fought in World War One...that makes you 100 plus years old. Damn your in good shape.

I stated plainly that my father fought in WW2. You apparently are not literate. I said you have a 1918 white mans attitude. Meaning that it is 2018 now and you hold the same attitude about race whites held 100 yeas ago..
We won the war correct? OK...so what is my attitude supposed to be from 1918 until now? Have you earned respect? The Civil Rights Movement did in 1960’s. Now it’s 2017. That War has been fought. You won. But you have to act as if you .ost to cover for your shortcomings. I don’t owe anybody a modicum of my financial support based on their race. That would be racism.

Well that at is not over, and when I say you have a 1918 attitude, just read your posts. This is the same thing whites were saying in 19818. I don't have any shortcomings to cover for. Who asked you for financial support? You see fool, you give yourself away every time you post.. I don't have to tell myself shit. It's shown daily. You are the one who has to tell yourself the lie of how the civil rights wars are over and how blacks won. You are the one who has to tell yourself the lie that we are only complaining to cover up gr our shortcomings. And you are the one who has to tell yourself how blacks are simultaneously holding the democratic party hostage while we are being held hostage on a liberal plantation.
So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

Silly response ?

You call the constitution silly ?

The constitution gave your father the right to vote ..

And how did your kin work harder please explain? Ya do know the smart ones get paid what they know, the dumb ones only get paid how hard they work .

Yes a silly response. That's what I called it because that's what t was. I'm not ecplaining anything that we all already know.
Why don’t you stop whining for blacks...because you are a suburban white kid near Ft.Riley, and educate yourself.

Actually I am a black man who has lived in Portland, Seattle, and Kansas City. .I have travelled and spent time in every major city but Miami, NYC and Boston. I have also visited Zimbabwe. I am well educated, post grad style. I don't whine for anyone, I speak truth that people like you cannot deal with.
You speak bullshit that advances no ones lot in life. Were you born in the United States? Most people who travel or immigrate appreciate our American Republic.

I speak bullshit that advances everyone. You speak divisive racist crap. I can appreciate what need o be appreciated and criticize what needs to be criticized. That's what most people do who travel or immigrate. You are here criticizing part of t the American political process trying to get everyone to make this a one party system. So what gives your ass the sole right to criticize while no one else can?
One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.

And Democrats voted en masse AGAINST IT!!! Think!!!

What does that have to do with my tax dollars subsidizing votes for Democratic candidates?

Because your tax dollars subsidize republican candidates too. And when we talk victim, that's the Trump voter. Thy averaged 20,000 dollars over the US median income and they felt left out economically. That's victimhood.
How do my tax dollars subsidize Republicans? I did not know Republicans have a class of victims that they created, and every election cycle Republican candidates would campaign on...”Oh...you know what will happen if you vote Democrat, your welfare will be cut off. “ But Democrats are shameless and do it all the time...

Republicans get welfare. And what's worse is the very richest of the rich are dependent upon republicans I make sure they get corporate welfare. That's why republicans always campaign on.. "Oh....you know what w happen if you vote democrat, they are going to raise your taxes and cut your subsidies.

Foodstamps instead of jobs? No thanks.

One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

So why do you vote DemoKKKrat??

When living in Cicero my granfather was offered a job by Al Capone gang that would have paid 5x more than what he was making. He was poor but refused. Always taught me ‘‘twas better to make an honest living and be poor than be in with a bad crowd that will sell you down the river when going gets tough.”

And he was white during segregation. I know you don't understand what that means.
Segregation was in the North? Just one long big cry out of you...”My people” this and “My people” that. “ Whites got it made.” Sure.

Segregation was national and you know it,

Jim Crow in the North

After World War II, northern cities became even more segregated as blacks moved into urban areas and whites migrated to the suburbs. Large-scale developments – such as the Levittowns in Long Island, N.Y., and Bucks County, Pa. – restricted occupancy for whites only.

Sweet Land of Liberty also takes an incomplete look at the northern courtroom struggles to attack discrimination during the ’60s and ’70s.

Robert L. Carter, the general counsel of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – for whom I worked in the ’60s – believed that the U.S. Supreme Court had to apply in the North the same equal educational opportunities doctrine central to the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision.

The nation’s most distinguished social scientists and educators testified in northern federal courts about segregation’s harmful effects irrespective of intent, but every appeals court that considered the issue rejected the NAACP’s position, and the Supreme Court refused to review these decisions.

Jim Crow in the North

And I have not said one thing about "my people." I have just refuted every lie you tell with precision

I have never said whites had it made. I am saying whites have benefitted from racist laws and policies regardless of income.

Drop the Limbaugh chump or you'll keep getting embarrassed.

One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.
Poor bastards. I can assure you that you started out economically more advantageous than my white self. So stop crying tears over nothing.So what’s holding you back? Figured you would get some common sense and realize Democrats to keep blacks down?

I doubt it. But this is not about race so I am not going to break you down. I don't ink I need to listen to an uneducated racist white republican trying to tell me how it's the democratic party trying to keep blacks down after a black democrat served 2 terms as president after being nominated by the democratic party.
So how many blacks are now WORSE OFF?

How many are BETTER OFF since Trump?

One of my uncles in the Navy, who was not shot, was at Normandy Beach for D-Day landings. He said the worst detail he ever had was graves registration. Had to go out in small boat and pull bodies of dead Americans floating in English Channel on board to register them. If you were in front of me right now I would punch you in your fucking face.

You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.

So why do you vote DemoKKKrat??


Because of the REPUBLIKKKANS who are actually klan.and white supremacist supported.
You don't get to punch anyone. My dad took a bullet for this nation in France, his brother was killed in he European theatre. But when he came back, he had to ride the back of the bus and could not vote for 20 years until the voting rights act was passed. And still today we have whites like you who exist here with a 1918 mindset.
My kin shit in an outhouse in freezing temperatures and struggled for everything the had. How does your fathers experience diminish what my uncles did? Fuck you for trying. When was the last time you were a slave or denied right to vote? Didn’t think so...have some cheese with your whine.

So? What does my fathers experience have to do with your silly response? My kin worked harder than yours bitch and were paid less only because of their race. If they could get a job. They shit in outhouses too, When whites had toilets,.
Poor bastards. I can assure you that you started out economically more advantageous than my white self. So stop crying tears over nothing.So what’s holding you back? Figured you would get some common sense and realize Democrats to keep blacks down?

I doubt it. But this is not about race so I am not going to break you down. I don't ink I need to listen to an uneducated racist white republican trying to tell me how it's the democratic party trying to keep blacks down after a black democrat served 2 terms as president after being nominated by the democratic party.
So how many blacks are now WORSE OFF?

How many are BETTER OFF since Trump?


There really aren't any better off since Trump. We'll see how things are when Trumps policies actually have hit.
Well white boy, you've grown old and stupid oblivious to the many government programs you and your parents were provided.
What government programs ?

Name them that helped me?

The only person that helped me in my life was a business man and his father they saw my potential as an 18 year old, they gave me a job they gave me the keys to their small plastic factory in Chicago, they sent me to night school I would come in there on weekends to work when no one told me I was the only one there except the old man in his office watching the stocks on a small screen television and the bears game on his projection television..he would come out to the shop wondering what the sound was about..and invite me in pour me a cocktail..

And say to me sit down let me teach you about the stock market , work , the bears .

The old man was a great guy to me and so was his son..we would talk for hours on those sundays..

Name one that didn't. I don't know how old you are, but you say you lived in chi town how did your parents buy their home? Where did they live?

Don't be like Bush, a farmer living on homestead land he inherited talking about how the government never helped him.

Started in a trailer. My father worked a shit load of overtime on an assembly line...saved money...bought an old house that required much improvement. He often told me the story of how he walked into the bank and the loan officer said ”What-up white...whachoo need to-day home slice.” Then he mentioned how they swapped racist jokes for awhile...and he got a loan. Before he left he was told... “ But don’t let them ******* know...it’s our white secret.”

So he never got any help because he was white.
None. He came from a predominantly white area. He was just poor trash that nobody gave a shit about. Now, back to your sad life and why I should shed a tear for you because your black?

.Yes he got that loam from the bank that a black person would not have gotten. Nobody has asked you to shed a damn thing white boy. .It is apparent who has the sad life here and it's not me.

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