Why are people living in cars??


Active Member
Nov 25, 2011
60 Minutes ran a heart wrenching piece Sunday about people who have lost their jobs and their homes living in cars. -- it's tragic! Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars - CBS News

It's a pity Scott Pelly, CBS and 60 minutes did not have the guts to follow up with a story about how Obama kowtowed to the radical environmentalists and killed tens of thousands of jobs building the pipeline from Canada, a pipeline desperately needed to reduce our dependence on Arab oil -- or how his administration kowtowed to the unions and killed thousands more jobs by refusing (for the first time in history) to allow Boeing to build a plant in South Carolina to build the overflow 787s. Boeing will probably be forced to put this plant overseas!! Then there is the Obama moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, which has killed tens of thousands more jobs. Result: Many more people living in their cars!
As the Wall Street Journal pointed out in an Opinion piece this morning, The Democratic Party has abandoned the working class, in particular the white blue collar workers that were once its base and mainstay. McGurn: Obama Abandons the Working Class - WSJ.com
60 Minutes ran a heart wrenching piece Sunday about people who have lost their jobs and their homes living in cars. -- it's tragic! Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars - CBS News

It's a pity Scott Pelly, CBS and 60 minutes did not have the guts to follow up with a story about how Obama kowtowed to the radical environmentalists and killed tens of thousands of jobs building the pipeline from Canada, a pipeline desperately needed to reduce our dependence on Arab oil -- or how his administration kowtowed to the unions and killed thousands more jobs by refusing (for the first time in history) to allow Boeing to build a plant in South Carolina to build the overflow 787s. Boeing will probably be forced to put this plant overseas!! Then there is the Obama moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, which has killed tens of thousands more jobs. Result: Many more people living in their cars!
As the Wall Street Journal pointed out in an Opinion piece this morning, The Democratic Party has abandoned the working class, in particular the white blue collar workers that were once its base and mainstay. McGurn: Obama Abandons the Working Class - WSJ.com

You're stupid.
It's because the cars are more statusy to live in than tents.
The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.
Reality bites!! And the truth hurts -- it often inspires brilliant statements like "more lies from the right." Does the fact that McGurn disagrees with you disqualify him from expressing his views. Does it disqualify me?? Did Obama or did he not kill the Canadian pipeline? Did he or did he not kill the Boeing plant in South Carolina? Did he or did he not put a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf? All while millions of Americans are out of work and some are even living in their cars out of desperation. See if you can come up with something other than a snide put-down of the "right" this time.

William McGurn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

William McGurn is an American writer. He was the chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush from June 2006 until February 2008, replacing Michael Gerson.[1
The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.

You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.

You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!
The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.

You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!

"The American poor aren't poor enough..."

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.

You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!

Nothing will ever change until some people dredge their heads outta their butts and learn that this is not a conservative/GOP problem, that the left/Dems are just as culpable. If you don't keep the plantation dwellers in their place, you will lose yours.
And yes, the American poor are not poor enough. When they do get poor enough, they might drag their asses out and find work to pay for food and shelter instead of squatting there with their jaws locked on the government tit.
Reality bites!! And the truth hurts -- it often inspires brilliant statements like "more lies from the right." Does the fact that McGurn disagrees with you disqualify him from expressing his views. Does it disqualify me?? Did Obama or did he not kill the Canadian pipeline? Did he or did he not kill the Boeing plant in South Carolina? Did he or did he not put a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf? All while millions of Americans are out of work and some are even living in their cars out of desperation. See if you can come up with something other than a snide put-down of the "right" this time.

William McGurn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

William McGurn is an American writer. He was the chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush from June 2006 until February 2008, replacing Michael Gerson.[1

Its partisan babble from the mouth of a bush speech writer
You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!

Nothing will ever change until some people dredge their heads outta their butts and learn that this is not a conservative/GOP problem, that the left/Dems are just as culpable. If you don't keep the plantation dwellers in their place, you will lose yours.
And yes, the American poor are not poor enough. When they do get poor enough, they might drag their asses out and find work to pay for food and shelter instead of squatting there with their jaws locked on the government tit.
Find work?!? Find work?!?

If there was work to be found, the poor would find it.

This transmission is from the planet Earth. I have no idea where to point the antenna so you can receive it.
60 Minutes ran a heart wrenching piece Sunday about people who have lost their jobs and their homes living in cars. -- it's tragic! Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars - CBS News

It's a pity Scott Pelly, CBS and 60 minutes did not have the guts to follow up with a story about how Obama kowtowed to the radical environmentalists and killed tens of thousands of jobs building the pipeline from Canada, a pipeline desperately needed to reduce our dependence on Arab oil -- or how his administration kowtowed to the unions and killed thousands more jobs by refusing (for the first time in history) to allow Boeing to build a plant in South Carolina to build the overflow 787s. Boeing will probably be forced to put this plant overseas!! Then there is the Obama moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, which has killed tens of thousands more jobs. Result: Many more people living in their cars!
As the Wall Street Journal pointed out in an Opinion piece this morning, The Democratic Party has abandoned the working class, in particular the white blue collar workers that were once its base and mainstay. McGurn: Obama Abandons the Working Class - WSJ.com

we need that pipe line not for the oil but it would damn sure git a lot of people working and a far better chance for the homeless to better thierselves, at least the ones who want to. i saw that 60 minutes on people living in thier cars, i was a single parent with 4 kids in the 80's and nineties, we live in my truck and motels for 8 months , i door knock for tree and yard work till i got a steady job then we moved into a real home. at that time work was almost as bad to find as now. WE NEED THAT PIPELINE
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!

Nothing will ever change until some people dredge their heads outta their butts and learn that this is not a conservative/GOP problem, that the left/Dems are just as culpable. If you don't keep the plantation dwellers in their place, you will lose yours.
And yes, the American poor are not poor enough. When they do get poor enough, they might drag their asses out and find work to pay for food and shelter instead of squatting there with their jaws locked on the government tit.
Find work?!? Find work?!?

If there was work to be found, the poor would find it.

This transmission is from the planet Earth. I have no idea where to point the antenna so you can receive it.

Yes. Imagine if all of Obummer's constituents would stand up on their hind legs, like humans, and demand he do something to facilitate the creation of jobs in this country. But it is far more expedient for him to promise to keep paying out millions of dollars in welfare....of all stripes. The only beneficiaries of his policies of the ultra-rich who take the taxpayers' money and then recycle a goodly portion back to Obummer and his regime. The "poor" are satisfied with their stipend that allows them a comfortable living without having to earn it. On some level, the "poor" have sold themselves very, very cheaply.
That's not what I'm saying at all. What I AM saying is that Obama and his administration have done nothing to get us out of this recession, their economic policies have failed, and worse, when really big opportunities come along -- like Boeing, the Pipeline, and the Gulf they are actively and deliberately killing jobs. There is no denying it. Reality bites. If it comes to a choice of pandering to the environmentalists and the unions, or actually allowing some jobs to be created -- good high paying jobs -- Obama would just as soon these folks stay in their cars.

The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.
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Its partisan babble from the mouth of a bush speech writer

The liberal will be anti-business. This obviously encourages poverty since business is the source of wealth. As if to illustrate the point in simple a way the liberal can understand, BO had no business people in his administration. When he worked on Wall Street he said it was as if he had parachuted behind enemy lines. He wants to raise taxes on the wealthy as if the government creates jobs rather than wealthy business people.
The Right poo poos spending on infrastructure as either cronyism or entirely wasteful. The OP suggests that some spending on infrastructure would get the poor people out of living in cars and back in their McMansions.

But notice this: the Right NEVER equivocates the income disparity with growing poverty.

You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!

Quick, this is where you propose that all the homeless line up for sterilization, or abortion...and where you invite the elderly, the young, and the poor to volunteer for euthanasia.
You have obviously never experienced true, bone-grinding, mind-numbing poverty as it exists in other parts of the world. Having only one car, tv with cable, playstation, computer access, and many other luxuries is not poverty. Oh, yeah, have you noticed that the starving poor are also the obese? Not missing all that many meals, are they? Americans need to pull their heads out of their heinies and get a grasp on reality. Of course, if the lemmings put the current ruler back into his undeserved office, we might just get a taste of real poverty...lots of us!
So we need babies with bloated bellies and indifferent attitudes toward houseflies? The American poor aren't poor enough? The building has to burn to the ground before we think of sprinkler systems and smoke detectors?

Gotta LOVE the American Conservative!

Quick, this is where you propose that all the homeless line up for sterilization, or abortion...and where you invite the elderly, the young, and the poor to volunteer for euthanasia.

No, but I would like to invite all those global warming nuts to hand over the keys to their cars, snowmobiles, four-wheelers, etc. They should also give up everything that has been manufactured using petroleum. Oh, and no fair using public transportation unless it runs on some non-carbon dioxide producing power source.

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