Why are pro choicers afraid to fight it out state by state?

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It answers it directly... politicians don't want to have to answer for their votes.... so they create blue ribbon commissions instead or they get their judges to do the hard work and take the heat for them....
This ruling by the supreme court removes that as a tactic at at least the highest court in the land....
That shows a legal loophole they used to push their agenda. But my question was about being scared to fight. Do I need to repeat it?

Even if the composition of the Supreme Court changes, it still won't grant the Supreme Court the Power to Legislate from the bench.
Eventually any attempts to do so will be overturned ... Even if it takes 50 Years.

Tell your elected Representatives what you want at both the State and Federal Level.

If what you want is a defined Constitutional Right to Abortion ...
All you need is a supermajority in the House and Senate, and 38 states to agree.

They legislated from the bench friday.
That shows a legal loophole they used to push their agenda. But my question was about being scared to fight. Do I need to repeat it?
They are not afraid to fight they are afraid they will win the fight and have to face the voters... this is why nothing gets done....
What I realize is Margaret Sanger died years before Roe v. Wade was decided and that illegal abortions were killing women. So don't trot that dumb shit out to me. I get tired of you rigt wingers and your bullshit. Margaret Sanger has nothing to do with this. She's been dead damn near 60 years and black babies are dying in the womb because of the stress white racism pits on their mothers right now. Margaret Sanger isn't doing that.
You must be the stupidest Black person on this board. Look up why Janet Yelliin is Pro Abortion. Abortion in this Country is NOT illegal. So stop 🛑 with the Black Bullshit. The same rules that apply to Blacks apply to everyone in that State or should blacks get special treatment? Stop with your black Racism and preferential treatment
They legislated from the bench friday.

They did no such thing ... They overturned an empty attempt to do so.
Nothing they did wrote Legislation, set limits, or defined anything ... They just returned the Power that is Reserved for the States back to the States.

They didn't write a single law ... They didn't try to create a Constitutionally Protected Right that doesn't exist ...
They did not write anything that makes anyone do anything, and the States don't even have to write Legislation if they don't want to.

Stop Pretending

About one third of the states are going to effectively ban abortions or already have.

About one third are going to keep abortion legal no matter what.

About one third of the states could go either way.

Why are pro choice advocates so afraid to battle the issue out on a state by state basis?
This is an artificially inflated movement just the same way gun control will be.

If this were anytime before 9/11 , the left would be in the streets massively opposing the extradition of Julian Assange.....calling for Edward Snowden to be pardoned, for politicians and media figures who lied us into wars to be held accountable.

The summer of George Floyd was their practice run. Jan 6th was ......we'll see.
When diesel fuel hits $10 a gallon and the teamsters shut everything down then you're going to see protests.
About one third of the states are going to effectively ban abortions or already have.

About one third are going to keep abortion legal no matter what.

About one third of the states could go either way.

Why are pro choice advocates so afraid to battle the issue out on a state by state basis?
Be careful what you wish for. I have no idea how big of an issue this is for women folk. It could be nothing, or you can have awakened a sleeping giant, and put a butcher knife in her very pissed off hands.
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