Why are pro choicers afraid to fight it out state by state?

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When the process of an abortion is exposed, the people see what it really is. They cannot win when the barbaric practice is exposed and debated openly.
When people see what a well-regulated militia members does to little children with their well-regulated guns...the people will see what it really is
The right that does not appear in the constitution and was invented by an activist court was simply brought into line with the actual constitution by the current court. You are not just demanding the right to abortion, but demanding it become convenient too.

As to your second idea, it is true they can do so. Also, don't complain if pro life votes change the laws in pro abortion states since they obviously have the right to vote too.
Bullshit. There are a lot of things that are rights today that were not written in the constitution. By your interpretation, the Air Force is unconstitutional and women have no rights. Neither are mentioned in the constitution.
They are defined in the supremacy clause where it says that the federal constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is defined by the working hierarchy whereby federal agencies supersedes state agencies. The president is above a governor, the federal supreme court decisions supersede state court decisions. States rights are bullshit and were only made to be after the federal government ended slavery and passed the first civil rights act.

Yeah ... The Law of the Land specifically says the States have Rights reserved to them.
You don't have to pretend it is or isn't there because it is written in the Tenth Amendment.

If you want Abortion to have those same defined protections spelled out in the Constitution ...
All you need is a supermajority in the House and Senate, and 38 States to agree.

That's it ... You don't need to try and twist it up to explain your erroneous approach.

When people see what a well-regulated militia members does to little children with their well-regulated guns...the people will see what it really is
It's NOT the law abiding you have to worry about... It's the CRIMINALs the left is now protecting.
When the process of an abortion is exposed, the people see what it really is. They cannot win when the barbaric practice is exposed and debated openly.
The process of abortion was exposed a long time ago. And so was the process of underground abortions. All this decision does is move us back to real barbaric practices.

This is the problem with you zealots. You don't think things out. It's all emotion.
The left has never given a damn what the people want. Leftist leaders think they know what's best for the peasants, and the peasants better shut the hell up and do what they're told.
They said abortion was in the Constitution? No; it’s not. It’s a “ law?” Illegal Immigration is also against the law; do they give a SHIT? In my State they allow unfettered abortion rights. It’s disgusting. 🤮😪
The process of abortion was exposed a long time ago. And so was the process of underground abortions. All this decision does is move us back to real barbaric practices.

This is the problem with you zealots. You don't think things out. It's all emotion.
You do realize that Margret Sanger was a racist and that abortion was her attempt to remove blacks and other people of color from the United States, don't you?

Yeah ... The Law of the Land specifically says the States have Rights reserved to them.

If you want Abortion to have those same defined protections spelled out in the Constitution ...
All you need is a supermajority in the House and Senate, and 38 States to agree.

That's it ... You don't need to try and twist it up to explain your erroneous approach.

They have the rights reserved that the federal law allows. My approach is correct. We've seen countless errors by state get corrected by federal legislation.
IDK. It's the rich celebrities that turn out to be all virtue signaling. Look at how many of them actually left the country when Trump was elected.
Too bad more of them like Barbara Streisand and others didn’t leave. Please tell us , what did they have against Trump and why do they love ❤️ Brandon??
Roe didn't force anybody to do anything.

The anti abortion states are.

And you peasants are the compliant ones aren't you?
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you as you lose what little self-respect you have left licking The Man's boots.
You do realize that Margret Sanger was a racist and that abortion was her attempt to remove blacks from the United States, Don't you?
What I realize is Margaret Sanger died years before Roe v. Wade was decided and that illegal abortions were killing women. So don't trot that dumb shit out to me. I get tired of you rigt wingers and your bullshit. Margaret Sanger has nothing to do with this. She's been dead damn near 60 years and black babies are dying in the womb because of the stress white racism pits on their mothers right now. Margaret Sanger isn't doing that.
Too bad more of them like Barbara Streisand and others didn’t leave. Please tell us , what did they have against Trump and why do they love ❤️ Brandon??
I haven't a clue, except to explain that they are probably hideously indoctrinated by the DNC. Maybe even threatened with harm if they don't play along. Maybe being blackmailed, like Jeff Epstein's "friends".
They have the rights reserved that the federal law allows. My approach is correct. We've seen countless errors by state get corrected by federal legislation.

If they can figure out a way handle Abortion with Federal Legislation that's possible too.
They never attempted that though, so I don't know why you would even bring that up.

If you want Abortion to be a Protected Right ... Then you are going to have to use Federal Legislative process ...
And all you need is a supermajority in the House and Senate, and 38 states to agree to make it a Constitutionally Protected Right.

Your approach of thinking the Supreme Court was ever granted the Power to Legislate is erroneous.

About one third of the states are going to effectively ban abortions or already have.

About one third are going to keep abortion legal no matter what.

About one third of the states could go either way.

Why are pro choice advocates so afraid to battle the issue out on a state by state basis?

Perhaps because as dozens of threads on this forum and the words of many leading Repubs have told us, this is just the start.

The GOP leadership is talking about a nation wide abortion ban should they win back both sides of Congress.

Justice Thomas has already told us what the next targets will be, first same sex marriage and then legal birth control.
About one third of the states are going to effectively ban abortions or already have.

About one third are going to keep abortion legal no matter what.

About one third of the states could go either way.

Why are pro choice advocates so afraid to battle the issue out on a state by state basis?
Why won’t you allow that for gun regulation?
hey are defined in the supremacy clause where it says that the federal constitution is the supreme law of the land. It is defined by the working hierarchy whereby federal agencies supersedes state agencies. The president is above a governor, the federal supreme court decisions supersede state court decisions. States rights are bullshit and were only made to be after the federal government ended slavery and passed the first civil rights act.

Yep, and Lees surrender at Appomattox Courthouse cemented that fact.
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