Why are republicans downplaying covid and vaccinations for political gain?

To prove it is not really about natural rights in abortion threads, only Control over women's bodies.
The better question is, Why are democrats over-hyping Covid and vaccinations? Oh wait, we already KNOW the answer to that. They hope for political gain.
Greene held a press conference after she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. In tweets on Sunday and Monday, she falsely claimed that COVID-19 is not dangerous for people unless they’re obese or over age 65 and said vaccines shouldn’t be required.
Why are Dems overplaying WuFlu and the vaccine for political gain?

Greene is 100% correct. The vast majority of deaths are elderly and obese. Zero reason for a young heathy person to take the jab.
Greene held a press conference after she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. In tweets on Sunday and Monday, she falsely claimed that COVID-19 is not dangerous for people unless they’re obese or over age 65 and said vaccines shouldn’t be required.
The whole thing is a political shame.
Be alot better if everyone admitted that and moved on.
But alas...
Hypocrite democrats like those crazies who fled Texas rather than doing their duty weren't wearing masks on the private plane. Apparently they spread Covid all over the place and even to the V.P. Nobody on the left seems concerned while they blame republicans for "disinformation".
Perhaps they were all already vaccinated?
Trumpers are purposely trying to sabotage Biden's winning covid response and booming economy by not getting the vaccine.

Biden is crushing Trump on covid and therefore the economy and Trumpers care more about political party than our country. Party loyalty over America.

Biden looks great and is surging in polls, Trumpers will gladly "fall on the grenade" and risk covid death in order to hurt Biden. That is how fucked up Trumpers are, these people are traitors that attacked the Capitol.
Hypocrite democrats like those crazies who fled Texas rather than doing their duty weren't wearing masks on the private plane. Apparently they spread Covid all over the place and even to the V.P. Nobody on the left seems concerned while they blame republicans for "disinformation".

They're bioterrorists.

Why did more than a few Democrats in office and the media downplay and question the safety of the vaccines that were being developed when Trump was President? Do the words political gain ring a bell. These are the same vaccines they are now encouraging people to get for those who might have forgotten.
Why is the Democrat filth making politics out of a virus?

Must be because it was Biden's Chicom buddies* that released it in order to undermine Trump and give the Democrats the opportunity to steal the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots counted in Democrat swing districts.

*Biden's Chicoms buddies. The shitheads that made the Biden family rich.
Idiot politicians, some of the dumbest morons in the country are using the CHINA flu as cover to run amok. Flailing in all directions with mandates and shut downs.

They have wrecked untold numbers of businesses and wiping out millions of jobs. While personally ignoring their own mandates because they personally don't want to be inconvenienced.

Now cover for massive inflationary borrowing and spending 80% of which has nothing to do with Covid. Bail outs for the debt these morons have wracked up on stupid shit over the past several decades. Again none of it having anything to do with Covid.

Remember, every new dollar they print to prop up this multi trillion dollar spending spree DEVALUES the money you have in savings. Every dollar you have saved is worth less. It's a backdoor tax on your wealth.
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Greene held a press conference after she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. In tweets on Sunday and Monday, she falsely claimed that COVID-19 is not dangerous for people unless they’re obese or over age 65 and said vaccines shouldn’t be required.

Why are republicans downplaying covid and vaccinations for political gain?​

Texas Democrats in DC is a 'super-spreader,' doctor says Psaki 'refusing to  acknowledge a medical reality' | Fox News 1626883081649.png

D-Tx Super-Spreaders:

6 Infected w/COVID-19
- Vaxed? Not likely based on 6 becoming infected

Violated Mask Mandate / Protocol For Air Travel

Violated Social Distancing Mandate / Protocol

Cowardice resulted in Super Spreader event

Infected both the Capitol and the WH


Nah, dumbass Democrats who believed the law / mandates did not apply to them, thought themselves incapable of contracting / spreading the virus, put American lives - especially those of our nation's leaders - in jeopardy...

Finally, to the OP who intended to demonize / mock the GOP...

You almost gotta laugh when lefties lecture us about "disinformation" when they impeached Trump over a dossier that was laughable. It's obvious that they don't give a damn about Covid. It's all about political power. How much disinformation did it take to keep the democrat governor of NY from being indicted for the deaths of about 10,000 nursing home residents?
Why did more than a few Democrats in office and the media downplay and question the safety of the vaccines that were being developed when Trump was President? Do the words political gain ring a bell. These are the same vaccines they are now encouraging people to get for those who might have forgotten.

Kamala Harris said she would refuse to take any vaccine approved while Trump was president.
Looks like Conservatives are reversing themselves on the opposition to vaccines with Fox and key Republicans urging people to get vaccinated

Come to Jesus moment or afraid they will be blamed for the COVID resurgence?

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