Why are republicans downplaying covid and vaccinations for political gain?

Greene held a press conference after she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. In tweets on Sunday and Monday, she falsely claimed that COVID-19 is not dangerous for people unless they’re obese or over age 65 and said vaccines shouldn’t be required.
Reacting to =/= down playing it.

Yall are shoving this shit down everyone's throat yet the positive dumbfucks from Texas who are spreading it aren't being quarantined.

Bunch of two faced hypocrites. ALL OF YOU
Looks like Conservatives are reversing themselves on the opposition to vaccines with Fox and key Republicans urging people to get vaccinated

Come to Jesus moment or afraid they will be blamed for the COVID resurgence?

Speaking of resurgence, the super spreaders are still at large...

Trumpers are purposely trying to sabotage Biden's winning covid response and booming economy by not getting the vaccine.

Biden is crushing Trump on covid and therefore the economy and Trumpers care more about political party than our country. Party loyalty over America.

Biden looks great and is surging in polls, Trumpers will gladly "fall on the grenade" and risk covid death in order to hurt Biden. That is how fucked up Trumpers are, these people are traitors that attacked the Capitol.

Greene held a press conference after she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. In tweets on Sunday and Monday, she falsely claimed that COVID-19 is not dangerous for people unless they’re obese or over age 65 and said vaccines shouldn’t be required.
Vaccines should not be required, regardless.

The fact that Government is using social media to control speech should make everyone sick and/or pissed off.

Define "misinformation" and how does one decide what is and is NOT misinformation.
Vaccines should not be required, regardless.

The fact that Government is using social media to control speech should make everyone sick and/or pissed off.

Define "misinformation" and how does one decide what is and is NOT misinformation.
No one said vaccines should be mandatory. And you're merely distracting from Green's dangerous and intentionally misleading comments.
You almost gotta laugh when lefties lecture us about "disinformation" when they impeached Trump over a dossier that was laughable. It's obvious that they don't give a damn about Covid. It's all about political power. How much disinformation did it take to keep the democrat governor of NY from being indicted for the deaths of about 10,000 nursing home residents?
Great Point

The dossier turned out to be Russian Propaganda Barry & his team got from the Russian Intel Service (RIS), passed to them by a foreign ex-spy working both for the Russians and Barry' s FBI

During the 1st failed Impeachment D-Adam Schiff was busted illegally manufacturing fake evidence and attempting to submit it as real evidence. Schiff also made up a fake whistle blower

During the 2nd failed impeachment CCP Espionage facilitator D-Swalwell was caught illegally manufacturing fake evidence by using Photo-Shop

After getting both vaccines on live TV in front of the world, Joe Biden humiliated himself by publicly declaring vaccines did not even exist before he took the oath of office.

After scientists proved cloth masks do NOT protect people from contracting a virus, that prolonged mask wear is actually detrimental to our health, Dr. Fauci flip-flopped from declaring Masks DO prevent getting COVID-19 .... then declared masks were not needed....and is backto declaring children 2yo and older must wear masks.

And on and on and on and on.....

Democrats are ls famous for accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done and are still doing....

Biden and Democrats are the original and Masters of dis-information.
Why did more than a few Democrats in office and the media downplay and question the safety of the vaccines that were being developed when Trump was President? Do the words political gain ring a bell. These are the same vaccines they are now encouraging people to get for those who might have forgotten.
I don`t remember the Democrats downplaying the safety of the vaccine when Dear Leader was president. Let`s see some evidence of what you say.
Greene held a press conference after she was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. In tweets on Sunday and Monday, she falsely claimed that COVID-19 is not dangerous for people unless they’re obese or over age 65 and said vaccines shouldn’t be required.

5,000 threads on this weren't enough for you?
Why are Dems overplaying WuFlu and the vaccine for political gain?

Greene is 100% correct. The vast majority of deaths are elderly and obese. Zero reason for a young heathy person to take the jab.
Apart from spreading it to everyone else...

Also there is Long COVID... Try and look at underlying conditions it creates...

It is pretty simple... Ye are just selfish and you others to be selfish too..
Looks like Conservatives are reversing themselves on the opposition to vaccines with Fox and key Republicans urging people to get vaccinated

Come to Jesus moment or afraid they will be blamed for the COVID resurgence?

Just look at leadership in GOP, all vaccinated...
Those Fox News presenters are vaccinated or won't answer the question.

Why won't Tucker tell you he is proudly not vaccinated?

Rupert Murdoch was vaccinated out of hours in private

Trump is vaccinated...

Only the stupid are not getting vaccinated...
During the 1st failed Impeachment D-Adam Schiff was busted illegally manufacturing fake evidence and attempting to submit it as real evidence. Schiff also made up a fake whistle blower

He also got caught soliciting nude pictures of Trump for his jerkoff material collection. What a tool!

Only the stupid are not getting vaccinated...

^^^Typical treatment of blacks and hispanics by the left.

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.

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