Why are republicans so easily led?

GOP presidential frontrunners are swaying wildly back and forth in the polls.
Seems that Republican favorability towards a candidate depends on how good they spoke that day and not what their general beliefs are.
Could you imagine if your shot at the presidency depended on how eloquent of a speaker you were instead of how good your ideas are?

IF the electorate made emotional decisions rather than factual ones.

To be a republican in this environment is probably a signal that you're a bit of a masochist who doesn't really understand the world.

You're lost 5 of the last 6 popular votes, every poll at this early date says you're cruising to a 6 of the last 7 verdict and your response is to dig in on failed gimmicks that didn't work in those previous six elections....tax cuts for the wealthy, policies that will offend blacks, Hispanics, and women, an interventionist foreign policy--intervening in the areas we just left when the previous intervention clearly wasn't working or delivering stability.

Moreover, the bulldozer that is the clock and the calendar has rendered GOP ideals totally incongruent with 2015. Young republicans think that this entire religious freedom argument is nothing more than a license for some to discriminate, they are a few years away (perhaps a decade or so) from being a pro-choice caucus, and understand that more insured people is a good thing for the nation; not a bad thing.

Put another way, look at Hobby Lobby. Conservatives celebrated the Supreme Court decision that left Hobby Lobby having to cover over a dozen different types of contraception. This "victory" is symbolic of just how desperate they are for any type of victory...

The elections last year were a high point...no doubt. Until you recall that a 6 year President's party rarely does well. Reagan (without a doubt the most popular President in our lifetimes) took a trouncing in his sixth year.

Their coalition has become very unstable and partisan in and of themselves. Hopefully, the 2016 election will further strain the tenuous binds that hold it together and ultimately lead to dissolution.

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