Why are RW'ers so upset about paying for birth control....but not Viagra?

Well, thankfully I don't do "mixed martial arts".

Then you started blabbering about Legos and family and I kinda stopped paying attention.

So, if Hobby Lobby is so concerned about religion, why don't they close on Sundays, or remove all stores from states that allow abortion? Or gay marriage? Or divorce?

I'm not at all surprised you couldn't follow the analogy. It was expected.

Hobby Lobby is closed on Sundays. All states allow abortion it's federal law. All states allow divorce. Gay marriage is new to the scene but not what they are objecting to.

You really aren't a very smart person are you?

Well, I don't shop there, so being closed on Sunday is news to me.
States offer varying types of abortion. Is there a Hobby Lobby in Illinois?

So if a gay couple comes into hobby lobby to buy decorations for their gay wedding, is Hobby Lobby supporting gay marriage? Or worse, PROFITTING from gay marriage?

(Smart enough to know you couldn't jump through the computer and choke me, as you so stupidly suggested you would do haha)

Well there seems to be a lot of this case that is news to you. Not surprising since you are...well you.

I'm guessing there is a Hobby Lobby in Illinois. They currently aren't required by federal mandate that they pay for the abortions if they win this case.

Did abortions exist before Hobby Lobby was here? Who paid for those abortions previous to obiecare demanding the employers do? How is it that only today the limit to anyone getting an abortion is attached to their employers must pay for it?

Abortion laws haven't changed, you a free to get one. The question in the court today is if your employer has to pay for it or you. And whether your employer can ask not to be involved in the murder of your child.

And for future reference I already have used the internet to choke you. You're just too stupid to realize it.
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


I was upset when senior teachers' union members in Wisconsin chose to purchase medical plans which paid for Viagra even though that expense meant they would have to lay off beginning teachers.

Forgive me for trying to decipher your inane gibberish...are you saying there's separate unions for old vs. young teachers? Or that the cost of Viagra for a senior teacher equals a junior teacher's salary?

Or do you, in your own senile old way, just can't realize that no insurance provided to union members, or 99%of America for that matter, is ala carte?

There were more senior teachers than there were junior teachers. The older teachers voted for a more expensive medical plan, one which would include Viagra, instead of using their funds to keep the younger teachers on the payroll.
You forgot to mention penis pumps.

Yeah, they currently pay for penis pumps, and these radical RW fundies calling themselves Christians have absolutely no problem with it.

Lord help you if you get diabetes and one of the complications is ED.

No pump for you!
Ahhh...yes, of course, they ALL have diabetes and that SPECIFIC problem.


Why do you support government tyranny?
You people are fucking retarded.....i cant stand low information voters. I worked for a mail order pharmacy and guess what, people get viagra all the time, but not so they can gangbang a soroity, its for another reason. Guess why? It involves a part the tinman was looking for.

As for birth control, same thing, if its for a medical conditon like polysystic ovaries, its fine, if its to do porn, pay for that shit yourself

So, according to you, men get Viagara so they can "work" -

And, women get birth control so they can work.

And, employers get to decide why you want it and it you're worthy.

Jeeez but that is really really dumb.

Why do you support government tyranny?
CaféAuLait;8837821 said:
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.

Apples to Oranges isn't exactly correct here.

Conservatives want to spend less in taxation. The question was why is it ok to tax for Viagra but not ok to tax for Birth Control pills. Both pills, both taxation.

You are correct, they don't do the same thing. It just wasn't the topic. If it was apples to oranges it would be more like birth control vs condoms. They are both in the same class, but different in a way.

Further, I believe we should do everything necessary to make abortion obsolete. Until then, nothing will happen with abortion. And please don't say "abstinence" because everyone who says that has never gone through puberty or seen a preacher rape a kid.

Is Premarin Cream treated the same as Viagra under this tax? Yes or no. They are the same, enabling a sexual organ to function properly for older men and women for the most part.

Conjugated estrogens vaginal cream is used to manage vaginal and urinary menopausal symptoms. So unless Viagra helps with peeing and menopause, I don't think they are similar, no.
CaféAuLait;8837839 said:
Birth control enables women to have sex.

I love your comment and the turn it took here. Because it reminds me of, "It's not a choice, it's a child".

While men can have sex with women and ditch the woman and the baby as a CHOICE, women don't have that option (from an anti-abortion perspective that is). Birth control allows women to enjoy sex without the fear of being stuck as a single mother.

So yes, Birth control enables women to have sex is very accurate.

Not in the functional sense.

A woman can still have sex without the pill. Many men can't have sex without Viagra and many woman can't have sex without Premarin Cream.

There is a difference.

Here you are opening your mind. You are mixing taxation with unnecessary taxation. At least from my perspective.

Do I want people to have sex, yes. Do I want my tax dollars spent so they can have sex no. Am I willing to spend tax dollars to make abortion obsolete, yes. Condoms and birth control. Note where I posted above that Viagra has one purpose and Premarin Cream has multiple purposes.
I'm not at all surprised you couldn't follow the analogy. It was expected.

Hobby Lobby is closed on Sundays. All states allow abortion it's federal law. All states allow divorce. Gay marriage is new to the scene but not what they are objecting to.

You really aren't a very smart person are you?

Well, I don't shop there, so being closed on Sunday is news to me.
States offer varying types of abortion. Is there a Hobby Lobby in Illinois?

So if a gay couple comes into hobby lobby to buy decorations for their gay wedding, is Hobby Lobby supporting gay marriage? Or worse, PROFITTING from gay marriage?

(Smart enough to know you couldn't jump through the computer and choke me, as you so stupidly suggested you would do haha)

Well there seems to be a lot of this case that is news to you. Not surprising since you are...well you.

I'm guessing there is a Hobby Lobby in Illinois. They currently aren't required by federal mandate that they pay for the abortions if they win this case.

Did abortions exist before Hobby Lobby was here? Who paid for those abortions previous to obiecare demanding the employers do? How is it that only today the limit to anyone getting an abortion is attached to their employers must pay for it?

Abortion laws haven't changed, you a free to get one. The question in the court today is if your employer has to pay for it or you. And whether your employer can ask not to be involved in the murder of your child.

And for future reference I already have used the internet to choke you. You're just too stupid to realize it.

I know that Hobby Lobby is all of a sudden pissed that they may have to fund birth control through their insurance (although they always have, even the 4 they don't want to fund now, and said they just somehow overlooked that in the past).

I know Hobby Lobby somehow hasn't been as vocal or public about their outrage in knowing their government is making them also pay for penis pumps, which inevitably has led to some of the very abortions they want to prevent.

And I know you have some obsession with choking, as you keep bringing it up. Well.....maybe your partner has been using his penis pump a lot. But you don't have to make all of us aware of it.
CaféAuLait;8837821 said:
Apples to Oranges isn't exactly correct here.

Conservatives want to spend less in taxation. The question was why is it ok to tax for Viagra but not ok to tax for Birth Control pills. Both pills, both taxation.

You are correct, they don't do the same thing. It just wasn't the topic. If it was apples to oranges it would be more like birth control vs condoms. They are both in the same class, but different in a way.

Further, I believe we should do everything necessary to make abortion obsolete. Until then, nothing will happen with abortion. And please don't say "abstinence" because everyone who says that has never gone through puberty or seen a preacher rape a kid.

Is Premarin Cream treated the same as Viagra under this tax? Yes or no. They are the same, enabling a sexual organ to function properly for older men and women for the most part.

Conjugated estrogens vaginal cream is used to manage vaginal and urinary menopausal symptoms. So unless Viagra helps with peeing and menopause, I don't think they are similar, no.

What do you think vaginal menopause symptoms are? Premarin vaginal cream is used to thicken the walls of the vagina ( since at menopause it becomes thin and paperlike making sex very painful) and supply a lubricant as well as up libido and also increases blood flow to the vagina, much like Viagra to the penis.
Did a google search can't find anything that says they covered plan B and Ella that doesn't mean they didn't though I'm sure that will be brought out in the court proceedings.
It was admitted in their initial complaint


Page 15.

They say (though they had been covering it for years) they didn't mean to allow it in.

The "Court proceedings" are over, in case you haven't heard.

Now it up to the Justices to decide.

Such devotion to the pro-life cause, it just escaped their notice.

I guess.

Translated for Hobby Lobby:

"Your honor, we didn't really care when we had white presidents; And honestly, we thought the black one would only last 4 years. But after 2012, we realized we better get really really pissed off."
"Okay the war on women ploy wasn't working so let's try the race card. Yeah that's the ticket!"
CaféAuLait;8837839 said:
I love your comment and the turn it took here. Because it reminds me of, "It's not a choice, it's a child".

While men can have sex with women and ditch the woman and the baby as a CHOICE, women don't have that option (from an anti-abortion perspective that is). Birth control allows women to enjoy sex without the fear of being stuck as a single mother.

So yes, Birth control enables women to have sex is very accurate.

Not in the functional sense.

A woman can still have sex without the pill. Many men can't have sex without Viagra and many woman can't have sex without Premarin Cream.

There is a difference.

Here you are opening your mind. You are mixing taxation with unnecessary taxation. At least from my perspective.

Do I want people to have sex, yes. Do I want my tax dollars spent so they can have sex no. Am I willing to spend tax dollars to make abortion obsolete, yes. Condoms and birth control. Note where I posted above that Viagra has one purpose and Premarin Cream has multiple purposes.

Estrogen is supplied as the Vaginal Cream in the form of Premarin Cream for the purpose of sex. Estrogen can and is supplied as a pill only. The cream is to enable thicker vaginal walls for sex.

Additionally, Viagra is used to treat a heart disease found mostly in women, primary pulmonary hypertension.


And if you don't want to pay for people having sex then remove premarin cream for women, the soon to be approved drug called Sprout and Viagra. It helps both sexes to function as they did before age set it causing issues with the funtionality of sex, also remove the birth control pill since you are arguing the pill enables women to have sex.
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Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


"WHY" you ask.., are you playing with our minds or are just plain STUPID !!
Well, I don't shop there, so being closed on Sunday is news to me.
States offer varying types of abortion. Is there a Hobby Lobby in Illinois?

So if a gay couple comes into hobby lobby to buy decorations for their gay wedding, is Hobby Lobby supporting gay marriage? Or worse, PROFITTING from gay marriage?

(Smart enough to know you couldn't jump through the computer and choke me, as you so stupidly suggested you would do haha)

Well there seems to be a lot of this case that is news to you. Not surprising since you are...well you.

I'm guessing there is a Hobby Lobby in Illinois. They currently aren't required by federal mandate that they pay for the abortions if they win this case.

Did abortions exist before Hobby Lobby was here? Who paid for those abortions previous to obiecare demanding the employers do? How is it that only today the limit to anyone getting an abortion is attached to their employers must pay for it?

Abortion laws haven't changed, you a free to get one. The question in the court today is if your employer has to pay for it or you. And whether your employer can ask not to be involved in the murder of your child.

And for future reference I already have used the internet to choke you. You're just too stupid to realize it.

I know that Hobby Lobby is all of a sudden pissed that they may have to fund birth control through their insurance (although they always have, even the 4 they don't want to fund now, and said they just somehow overlooked that in the past).

I know Hobby Lobby somehow hasn't been as vocal or public about their outrage in knowing their government is making them also pay for penis pumps, which inevitably has led to some of the very abortions they want to prevent.

And I know you have some obsession with choking, as you keep bringing it up. Well.....maybe your partner has been using his penis pump a lot. But you don't have to make all of us aware of it.

See that's why you are a failure.

Hobby Lobby has never been against birth control. They are against abortion. Do you have any evidence at all that they paid for this before hand? It looks like they never had and never would have if they knew about it but now it's mandated by the government.

I don't get your fascination with penis pumps. Not one penis pump has ever caused an abortion. Do you not get the difference?

Buddy, you are not only choking but in the noose and getting close to a death rattle. Penis pump your way out of it if you can.
Insurance paid for my vasectomy but you whine if it pays for a woman's birth control

WOW you are a colossal idiot. Great for you.

First you're being dishonest, you never asked my position on vasectomies, did you?

Second, this is about what the company will pay for, which should be left up to the company?

Third, let me know if a vasectomy helps another medical condition.

So are those plain enough English for you?

This is what the ENTIRE argument is all about.

It SHOULDN'T be left up the the Death Panel that is the company....

It SHOULD be left up to the individual and/or their doctor what's best for them.

Period. End of story.

Fuck off Mark, everytime you post it's like reading a 5 year old.

I think insurance should be sold directly to people, like car insurance, but I guess you'd be against that, because people would be responsible for their own care, and because people like you need someone to tell them how to live their life you wouldn't be comfortable.

So as long as people want to work at a company, they have to follow company rules........or they can go somewhere else..

And by the way, don't you support forcing people to buy insurance? sop fuck off with your bullshit, people should be allowed to choose argument......so much ammo, so little time
you guys make this too easy
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Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


my ins co. wont pay for that unless i have a physical problem like Diabetes and the Doctor writes a Prescription and even then they dont pay the whole thing just a percentage of it....
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Why would a republican want to sit around with a hard on for four plus hours and noone to have sex with? Unless he goes toe tapping somewhere...:)

But your answer is they don't think. Get rid of all contraception, let the women have all the babies they want...then when they have the babies they'll toss them aside to their boarding schools and nannies to raise.

Or the republican's unwanted children end up unwanted in group homes waiting to be adopted by loving gay parents.

theres an intelligent reply.....
Well, most insurance pays for it, including the one Hobby Lobby provides.

So, if they AREN'T being forced to pay for it......then why are they doing so voluntarily, yet, have such a problem with women's birth control?

I'm sure if you think really hard (and don't hurt yourself in the process, which is about 50/50) you can come up with the answer all by yourself. I'm done suffering trolls like you.

Oh yeah, because the GOP is the party of old white men, who cant get "hard" without Viagra and a little gun cleaning oil. But they sure don't want their women taking birth control pills!!!! You know....for the interest of future voting demographic numbers and all.

You really can't bring yourself to do that thinking thingy, can you. I personally don't give a crap whether, or not, insurance companies pay for viagra or birth control. That is only the business of the insurance company and the people who buy the insurance.

However, I am not fond of government mandating what the insurance companies can pay for, and what they cannot pay for. Why, you ask? Because I don't believe the average bureaucrat is any smarter than you are, and I believe I, and the vast majority of other reasonably intelligent people, are fully capable of buying the insurance that best fits our needs at the time we buy it. The one size fits all mentality of liberal/socialists is stupidity in action.

If you mentally challenged, low information folks need help from the government to sustain your miserable lives, then limit your nonsense to the target group, and leave the rest of us alone. I, for one have managed to live a very productive and satisfactory life without a government nanny, for over 72 years, and I don't want one now.

BTW, I successfully raised my four kids, without turning them over to someone else, or sending them to boarding school. However, I have to admit that I was tempted at times.
I'm still reasonable and honorable. The Republican Party and right wing movement changed. Not me.

All of you who are still associated with it are either full of shit or too ignorant to know any better. Sorry, truth hurts.

Really, I don't seem to remember you as such a willing low life liar so eager to ignore the facts. I guess people do change, must really suck for the people who depend on you.

Republican voters are like some battered wives. They know they should leave, they just cant seem to find the courage to do it. And I don't mean that as a joke. Its literally the same dynamic. Being in a relationship that is long-term bad, does more harm than good for you, and makes you question your own judgement at times.........but sentiment and pride wont let you leave.

You will one day. They just haven't started attacking whats important to you yet.

Yeah, I know they are after your welfare check, and that is what is important to you. What is important to me, is the mundane life that my grandchildren and great grandchildren will get to lead, if you lowlife leeches get your way in this country.

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