Why are RW'ers so upset about paying for birth control....but not Viagra?

Hobby Lobby up until 2012 covered Plan B and Ella for years.

Up until 2012 anyway.

Did a google search can't find anything that says they covered plan B and Ella that doesn't mean they didn't though I'm sure that will be brought out in the court proceedings.
It was admitted in their initial complaint


Page 15.

They say (though they had been covering it for years) they didn't mean to allow it in.

The "Court proceedings" are over, in case you haven't heard.

Now it up to the Justices to decide.

Such devotion to the pro-life cause, it just escaped their notice.

I guess.

Translated for Hobby Lobby:

"Your honor, we didn't really care when we had white presidents; And honestly, we thought the black one would only last 4 years. But after 2012, we realized we better get really really pissed off."
Hobby Lobby up until 2012 covered Plan B and Ella for years.

Up until 2012 anyway.

Did a google search can't find anything that says they covered plan B and Ella that doesn't mean they didn't though I'm sure that will be brought out in the court proceedings.
It was admitted in their initial complaint


Page 15.

They say (though they had been covering it for years) they didn't mean to allow it in.

The "Court proceedings" are over, in case you haven't heard.

Now it up to the Justices to decide.

Such devotion to the pro-life cause, it just escaped their notice.

I guess.

Escaped their notice I can't say it's possible I suppose we have seen many things in Obamacare that escaped it's supporters notice.
That's the long and short of it.

See what I did there?


Yep, he lied and you swore to it. Good job commie, good job!
No stupit...you totally missed it.

I used the term "the long and short of it"

Previously, I brought up the argument about penis pumps.

Get it?

I got it, you like bringing irrelevant shit into a thread and then pat your dumb ass self on the back for it. Keep it up, I enjoy the laughs.
You people are fucking retarded.....i cant stand low information voters. I worked for a mail order pharmacy and guess what, people get viagra all the time, but not so they can gangbang a soroity, its for another reason. Guess why? It involves a part the tinman was looking for.

As for birth control, same thing, if its for a medical conditon like polysystic ovaries, its fine, if its to do porn, pay for that shit yourself
Nice try buckeye! While Viagra may be used for some heart problems its primary functions is to give men hard on's. And that is exactly the way it is marketed. However, if it is being used for heart problems it may do more damage than one would expect and may actually be dangerous for men with heart conditions.

"Viagra 'a danger to heart risk victims'
The impotence drug Viagra could lead to blood clots and may be dangerous in those already at risk of a heart attack and stroke, it has emerged.

A study suggests that Viagra can encourage blood platelets to clump together and clot in some circumstances.

Medicine Control Agency figures show 86 men taking Viagra have died since 1998, the vast majority from heart-related problems.
But manufacturer Pfizer insists that the drug is not to blame.

The latest research published in the journal Cell suggests the drug's effect could increase the risk of a cardiac arrest for men who already have heart disease."
Viagra 'a danger to heart risk victims' | Mail Online

Read more: Viagra 'a danger to heart risk victims' | Mail Online
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Hey fucktard right wingers.......I was partly wrong. But party right.

WE ALL pay for damn penis pumps: http://www.politifact.com/punditfac...edicares-grossly-excessive-spending-penis-pu/

Medicare spent $172 million on penis pumps. WE ALL had to pay for them.

Yet, I haven't seen one Republican crusade against the "tyranny" of having to help old men get their dicks hard. But plenty about their outrage that Hobby Lobby may have to pay for birth control pills.

SO I was partly wrong. Its not just us being forced to pay for Viagra. But I was partly right: As in we ALL are in fact being forced to help get old Republican voters dicks hard (as if the NRA wasn't enough of a penis pump for them).
Do you realize you're going to be an old man some day? Dare I ask if you're white too?
It's a damned shame you have gone from a reasonably honorable person to a lying left wing propaganda pimp. Your momma must be so proud.

I'm still reasonable and honorable. The Republican Party and right wing movement changed. Not me.

All of you who are still associated with it are either full of shit or too ignorant to know any better. Sorry, truth hurts.

Really, I don't seem to remember you as such a willing low life liar so eager to ignore the facts. I guess people do change, must really suck for the people who depend on you.
I agree with bucs90. There is a reason why fewer and fewer people identify with the republican party. Read my signature. I am not along on this. What I have noticed is that when a ship sinks it is the rats who leave first. As the republican party has been sinking it is the people who left first and it is the rats who have stayed behind. Don't believe me? Spend an hour or two reading the right wing comments on this board.
I'm still reasonable and honorable. The Republican Party and right wing movement changed. Not me.

All of you who are still associated with it are either full of shit or too ignorant to know any better. Sorry, truth hurts.

Really, I don't seem to remember you as such a willing low life liar so eager to ignore the facts. I guess people do change, must really suck for the people who depend on you.

Republican voters are like some battered wives. They know they should leave, they just cant seem to find the courage to do it. And I don't mean that as a joke. Its literally the same dynamic. Being in a relationship that is long-term bad, does more harm than good for you, and makes you question your own judgement at times.........but sentiment and pride wont let you leave.

You will one day. They just haven't started attacking whats important to you yet.

So you have given up on our country and figure you will just join the folks that have proven themselves bent on the destruction of the republic. Honestly I'd rather shoot myself in the head than vote for anyone who is willing to support the commies we have in this regime or many in congress. If you can look at people like the mulatto messiah, Prince Harry Reid, Nazi Palousey, Shelia jackass Lee, Maxine Waterless and so many others in the commiecrat party, then swell you chest with pride and honestly say these people represent the America I want for my family, you sir are a fool and not worth another minute of my time.
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


I was upset when senior teachers' union members in Wisconsin chose to purchase medical plans which paid for Viagra even though that expense meant they would have to lay off beginning teachers.
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Why is the left so determined to lie their fucking asses off about what Hobby Lobby is asking for? That's right, the left just likes to lie.

Now lets look at the truth. Hobby Lobby has asked to exclude 4 drugs and apparatus that are considered abortion inducing out of 20 available birth control drugs and apparatus. Leaving 16 items they are willing to pay for. This means they are willing to pay for 80% of available birth control on the market, they are not denying anyone birth control that is not used to abort a child.

Also most insurance prior to the ACA did not include E.D. medications. So the OP is just too ignorant to breath or just a typical dishonest commie lib.
Do you realize that Liberals can't read words in blue font?

Or black.
Or red.
Or green.
Etc. etc. etc.
Well, thankfully I don't do "mixed martial arts".

Then you started blabbering about Legos and family and I kinda stopped paying attention.

So, if Hobby Lobby is so concerned about religion, why don't they close on Sundays, or remove all stores from states that allow abortion? Or gay marriage? Or divorce?

I'm not at all surprised you couldn't follow the analogy. It was expected.

Hobby Lobby is closed on Sundays. All states allow abortion it's federal law. All states allow divorce. Gay marriage is new to the scene but not what they are objecting to.

You really aren't a very smart person are you?

Well, I don't shop there, so being closed on Sunday is news to me.
States offer varying types of abortion. Is there a Hobby Lobby in Illinois?

So if a gay couple comes into hobby lobby to buy decorations for their gay wedding, is Hobby Lobby supporting gay marriage? Or worse, PROFITTING from gay marriage?

(Smart enough to know you couldn't jump through the computer and choke me, as you so stupidly suggested you would do haha)
BUCS90, let me add a comment to your remarks on the hobby lobby. They claim it is against their religious beliefs to support birth control and abortion and yet, the majority of products in their stores come from China.
The problem with this is that China recognized it was heading toward over population problems and they took steps to restrict family size. Those steps included issuing BIRTH CONTROL meds and providing for ABORTIONS. Somehow they are able to avoid seeing the hypocracy of doing business with a country where abortion and birth control are in common usage while objecting to those same things in this country.
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


I was upset when senior teachers' union members in Wisconsin chose to purchase medical plans which paid for Viagra even though that expense meant they would have to lay off beginning teachers.

Forgive me for trying to decipher your inane gibberish...are you saying there's separate unions for old vs. young teachers? Or that the cost of Viagra for a senior teacher equals a junior teacher's salary?

Or do you, in your own senile old way, just can't realize that no insurance provided to union members, or 99%of America for that matter, is ala carte?
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
Birth control enables women to have sex.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
Birth control enables women to have sex.

Um, you may want to discuss this with a health professional. You clearly have some misconceptions.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
Birth control enables women to have sex.

I am speaking about function. Compare two drugs which allow sexual function in men and women. The pill, when speaking about sex is used to prevent pregnancy, not enable an organ to function properly. I am not speaking about any other use, as I know there are many. I am speaking about comapring Viagra to the pill. Compare Viagra to Premrin Cream, as they are like drugs.

Viagra allows a males penis to function due to a medical condition or change related to age for the most part.

Premarin Cream allows a womans vagina to function due to a medical condition or change related to aging for the most part.

Addtionally, there is also a new drug waiting approval from the FDA for womens sexual function called "Sprout".
Last edited:
Yep, he lied and you swore to it. Good job commie, good job!
No stupit...you totally missed it.

I used the term "the long and short of it"

Previously, I brought up the argument about penis pumps.

Get it?

I got it, you like bringing irrelevant shit into a thread and then pat your dumb ass self on the back for it. Keep it up, I enjoy the laughs.

CaféAuLait;8837760 said:
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
Birth control enables women to have sex.

I am speaking about function. Compare two drugs which allow sexual function in men and women. The pill, when speaking about sex is used to prevent pregnancy, not enable an organ to function properly. I am not speaking about any other use, as I know there are many. I am speaking about comapring Viagra to the pill. Compare Viagra to Premrin Cream, as they are like drugs.

Viagra allows a males penis to function due to a medical condition or change related to age for the most part.

Premarin Cream allows a womans vagina to function due to a medical condition or change related to aging for the most part.

Addtionally, there is also a new drug waiting approval from the FDA for womens sexual function called "Sprout".
At least you present a SENSIBLE argument, unlike the rest of your RW ilk who've been spewing gibberish from page one.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.

Apples to Oranges isn't exactly correct here.

Conservatives want to spend less in taxation. The question was why is it ok to tax for Viagra but not ok to tax for Birth Control pills. Both pills, both taxation.

You are correct, they don't do the same thing. It just wasn't the topic. If it was apples to oranges it would be more like birth control vs condoms. They are both in the same class, but different in a way.

Further, I believe we should do everything necessary to make abortion obsolete. Until then, nothing will happen with abortion. And please don't say "abstinence" because everyone who says that has never gone through puberty or seen a preacher rape a kid.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
Birth control enables women to have sex.

I love your comment and the turn it took here. Because it reminds me of, "It's not a choice, it's a child".

While men can have sex with women and ditch the woman and the baby as a CHOICE, women don't have that option (from an anti-abortion perspective that is). Birth control allows women to enjoy sex without the fear of being stuck as a single mother.

So yes, Birth control enables women to have sex is very accurate.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Just a thought....but why are RW'ers and corporations so outraged about having to possibly pay for women's birth control, but yet, they aren't angry at all about those same health plans paying for Viagra?

Seriously. All the men out there who get their boner pills paid for through health insurance......and it doesn't get mentioned by the GOP or corporations.

But women dare ask for birth control, and all of a sudden Hobby Lobby and the entire GOP goes ape shit over it.


Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.

Apples to Oranges isn't exactly correct here.

Conservatives want to spend less in taxation. The question was why is it ok to tax for Viagra but not ok to tax for Birth Control pills. Both pills, both taxation.

You are correct, they don't do the same thing. It just wasn't the topic. If it was apples to oranges it would be more like birth control vs condoms. They are both in the same class, but different in a way.

Further, I believe we should do everything necessary to make abortion obsolete. Until then, nothing will happen with abortion. And please don't say "abstinence" because everyone who says that has never gone through puberty or seen a preacher rape a kid.

Is Premarin Cream treated the same as Viagra under this tax? Yes or no. They are the same, enabling a sexual organ to function properly for older men and women for the most part.
CaféAuLait;8837717 said:
Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Why compare viagra to birth control. Two totally different things. One enables one to have sex while the other does not.

Compare Premarin cream with viagra for honesty's sake.

Premarin cream enables women to have sex by thickening the walls of the vagina due to aging, thusly making sex enjoyable instead of painful. It also provides some hormones which help a woman's sexual drive or libido. The same way viagra helps a man have sex. Both are needed in about the same age bracket as well.
Birth control enables women to have sex.

I love your comment and the turn it took here. Because it reminds me of, "It's not a choice, it's a child".

While men can have sex with women and ditch the woman and the baby as a CHOICE, women don't have that option (from an anti-abortion perspective that is). Birth control allows women to enjoy sex without the fear of being stuck as a single mother.

So yes, Birth control enables women to have sex is very accurate.

Not in the functional sense.

A woman can still have sex without the pill. Many men can't have sex without Viagra and many woman can't have sex without Premarin Cream.

There is a difference.

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