Why are S.F. Police releasing what the attacker said he "wanted to do"?

So now the police know the attackers intentions yet cannot even answer simple, basic questions? Mike, nothing about this even smells right, as I just listed in another thread, there are at least ten things very wrong with it which if given as testimony by any suspect would be taken highly suspiciously by the investigators!

Indeed, everything about this story doesn't make sense, almost like another one of these cases where the CIA program some goofball and send him on some mission to effect a desired outcome. When will we see the 911 recording, the police video and when will independent psychologists get to question this guy?
It's an absolute disgrace which we now expect of the media, but now the police are complicit. I was so pissed when I saw that mealy mouthed "Fair and Balanced" Shepherd Smith" pushing the breaking Pelosi's knees narrative. He is an avowed Trump hater and in my opinion CNBC and Shepherd Smith are worse than Joy Reid. At least she doesn't try to hide who she is when she spews her crap.
I think you're right, W6! Schizophrenic, moody, impulsive, suggestible-- -- -- gotta be "Trump's people," we certainly have not seen any signs of any of that from the left these past several years, from BLM, antifa, CHAZ, CHOP, Operation Wallstreet, or any of the leftwing psychos shooting congressmen in ballparks, harassing WH staff in restaurants, or threatening Supreme Court Justices in their homes, shooting up grade-schools, running over boys with their car killing them for being conservative, trying to set federal buildings on fire with people inside, blocking highways, tying up intersections, tracking people down to post their identity and address on social media to doxx them, hoping that anyone not getting an ineffective vaccine dies just for not wearing a dust mask, throwing eggs at rally-goers or beating them up at Trump rallies, throwing molotov cocktails at police or burning down whole city blocks robbing billions while rioting in 570 cities!

No, no, gotta be "Trump people."

View attachment 719188
Did I need this litany of the bullshit of the left? NO. Here is the part you should have keyed on.
"a Trump supporter, as much as a schizophrenic personality could be a Trump supporter"

I hate to see people not get prison sentences, just because they play "mental", but this guy, is a mentally sick Fk, in my relatively untrained opinion. I have only met one schizophrenic, and she was in full bloom, so to speak, after an attack one state away, being missing, and being dropped off by a civilian, looking like hell, no car, no gear, no baggage, showing two states, crying shaking unresponsive and scared frenetic rambling. It didn't take much to know this one was way beyond my skill level. I and a female E7 delivered her for mental evaluation and treatment.
I didn't catch whatever he said, but I will say, Presidents have a lessor chance of being wrong, keeping their mouth shut.
So true. But since Biden is a puppet President with his mouth being operated by the extremist wing of the Democratic Party, he never keeps his mouth shut.
the real question is if this had been anyone else's husband would he be back out on the street already?
No, he's deranged, it was a brutal attack! No way for anyone be released such as he....no matter who he attacked, he's nutzoid! :eek:
Did I need this litany of the bullshit of the left?
This forum is not about what you "need," but it seems you did, lest you forget that the left is a 100X worse than the right ever are.

I hate to see people not get prison sentences, just because they play "mental", but this guy, is a mentally sick Fk, in my relatively untrained opinion.
Well, fortunate for you, I am trained, and from the looks of it right now, this Pelosi attacker is one of the following:
  1. A psychotic individual of liberal persuasion or severely retarded. If he can ever be found competent, meaning fully cognizant of his crimes, he will be prosecuted. Putting people totally out of it in prison defeates the whole purpose of prosecution as he isn't cognizant of his wrongdoing let alone to grasp his punishment, so there is no hope of rehabilitation.
  2. A person under the influence of drugs. They will wear off then his ass is grass.
  3. One of the above possibly preconditioned by the CIA or some other ABC agency for the intentions of effecting some bizarre agenda as they have a history of doing, much as Ray Epps tried his best to turn J6 from a simple protest into a full blown riot.
Since there are obvious gaps, holes and inconsistencies in the stories so far, such as why a home like that with the #3 person living there worth hundreds of millions of dollars yet has no security system, no alarm, no cameras and not even a gun, why the fight apparently didn't start until the cops showed up, why the glass was on the outside breaking in, why an attacker would let someone leave the room going to the bathroom, and why the police aren't even sure who opened the door for them, not to mention won't release the 911 tape or the police video, it looks like we will never really know the whole truth.
No, he's deranged, it was a brutal attack! No way for anyone be released such as he....no matter who he attacked, he's nutzoid! :eek:

Yeah, no nutzoids are being released in blue cities after things like this.......
That doesn't mean he's MAGA.....it just means he's not as crazy as the corrupt media is trying to make him out to be.
Nobody likes that bitch. :iagree:

All fraud

His baby momma says he loves Dykey Nancy

Makes sense. A lot of strident MAGA followers are simply nut-ball extremists, easily led, very susceptible to unproven conspiracy theories and some unbalanced enough to be provoked to violence to support their political agenda or one they adopt, after falling prey, to the rhetoric of some of the MAGA leaders. Look at Jan 6. Look at the nut-ball MAGA kid junkies on here.
I miss real conservatives.
This forum is not about what you "need," but it seems you did, lest you forget that the left is a 100X worse than the right ever are.

Well, fortunate for you, I am trained, and from the looks of it right now, this Pelosi attacker is one of the following:
  1. A psychotic individual of liberal persuasion or severely retarded. If he can ever be found competent, meaning fully cognizant of his crimes, he will be prosecuted. Putting people totally out of it in prison defeates the whole purpose of prosecution as he isn't cognizant of his wrongdoing let alone to grasp his punishment, so there is no hope of rehabilitation.
  2. A person under the influence of drugs. They will wear off then his ass is grass.
  3. One of the above possibly preconditioned by the CIA or some other ABC agency for the intentions of effecting some bizarre agenda as they have a history of doing, much as Ray Epps tried his best to turn J6 from a simple protest into a full blown riot.
Since there are obvious gaps, holes and inconsistencies in the stories so far, such as why a home like that with the #3 person living there worth hundreds of millions of dollars yet has no security system, no alarm, no cameras and not even a gun, why the fight apparently didn't start until the cops showed up, why the glass was on the outside breaking in, why an attacker would let someone leave the room going to the bathroom, and why the police aren't even sure who opened the door for them, not to mention won't release the 911 tape or the police video, it looks like we will never really know the whole truth.
Aw, another political fanatic heard from. Have a nice day. Try to stay calm.
Why is Nancy Lugosi saying Security Camera footage will not be released to Cops ?
This is the San Fransicko police department throwing fuel on the fire. And of course "fair and balanced national news networks like CNBC and Shephard Smith pick up the "WANTED TO BREAK PELOSI'S KNEES" as a lead story. Everyone in this country should be disgusted at what American news reporting and even some of our law enforcement agencies have become. This serves no purpose except for the Democrat's media to say "SEE THIS GUY IS JUST LIKE MAGA!!!!"

Keep in mind the SF "police" have presided over one of the fastest increases in violent crimes of any city in history.
After linkys are given they always change subject or deflect

Somehow these won't be the same, or not as bad.

The thing is we have gotten very few actual details on how hurt he was, or what his actual injuries were, or how and when he exactly got them.
Aw, another political fanatic heard from.

It's a forum FOR politics, numbnut and show me one fanatical thing I said.

All you've proven is that you have no legitimate retort against a single thing I said so must attack the messenger.

Just give the word and I will gladly take my business somewhere else.
Ok, you got a couple....

However, were either charged with attempted murder via a hammer to a skull of a stranger?

I do not have a problem with a perp paying bail to walk the streets, or borrowing the money, or any other way....

To me, fair is fair.... If a rich man committing the same crime can be bailed out before trial then the poorest person doing the same alleged crimes should be able to be bailed out and walk the streets until trial too.

MY PROBLEM is with the judge determinations on who to allow bail, and who not to.... And do not understand how anyone committing a violent savage act like hitting an 82 year old violently on their skull with a hammer, after breaking and entry, for no reason at all... should be given any opportunity for bail before trial....!

And I have doubt that the judges in the two cases you linked to, would either!!! Well, I would HOPE and pray they wouldn't!

I think most judges, throughout the USA would not give bail to a Perp like that...!!
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Ok, you got a couple....

However, were either charged with attempted murder via a hammer to a skull of a stranger?

I do not have a problem with a perp paying bail to walk the streets, or borrowing the money, or any other way....

To me, fair is fair.... If a rich man committing the same crime can be bailed out before trial then the poorest person doing the same alleged crimes should be able to be bailed out and walk the streets until trial too.

MY PROBLEM is with the judge determinations on who to allow bail, and who not to.... And do not understand how anyone committing a violent savage act like hitting an 82 year old violently on their skull with a hammer, after breaking and entry, for no reason at all... should be given any opportunity for bail before trial....!

And I have doubt that the judges in the two cases you linked to, would either!!! Well, I would HOPE and pray they wouldn't!

I think most judges, throughout the USA would not give bail to a Perp like that...!!

The rich man has more to lose, and usually doesn't have to go back out to support himself/herself with more crime.

In NY their hands are tied, soon to be in Illinois as well.

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