Why are so many quitting from the United States National Security Council?

Sounds to me like a bunch of dead weight do nothing losers moving on before they get their ass handed to them.

Yup and the Fed Govt. is loaded with dead weight. People who do absolutely nothing and get paid our tax dollars to do that nothing.
Report: National Security Council Facing Staff Exodus Over Michael Flynn

Trump’s choice for national security advisor mishandled classified info, documents confirm

An unusually high number of junior-level civil servants in the U.S. National Security Council are looking for other jobs over concerns about President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, according to current and former officials who spoke with The Guardian.

“Career people are looking to get out and go back to their agencies and pressure is being put on them to get them to stay. There is concern there will be a half-empty NSC by the time the new administration arrives, which no one wants.” In addition, many of these positions would be difficult to fill, a process that could take months, potentially leading to a talent shortage within a crucial part of the country’s national-security apparatus.


Seems the military and Trump's National Security Advisor had different takes:

“The investigation on me was for sharing intelligence with the Brits and Australians in combat, and I’m proud of that one,” Flynn told the Post. “I did it with the right permissions when you dig into the investigation. I’m proud of that one.

The Army investigation, however, found that Flynn was not allowed to share the information, and an independent inquiry by the Department of Defense came to the same conclusion.


Clearly, receiving an email someone sent you that possibly contains classified info should mean jail time and simply giving known classified info away is easily overlooked by the GOP.

During a time of assassinations, bombings, terrorists and cyber hacking, lifelong, career security specialists are simply walking away. I'm guessing Republicans see this as a good thing. And remember, this was the guy who believed Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. And HIS advisor says Obama is not really black. That's it's a con on the American people.

When I was a kid, a famous play debuted and won all kinds of awards. It was called;

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

Will this be the Trump administration?

More than likely they are lazy incompetent fuckers with something to hide and don't want to get fired...

They understand the gravy train is over with the end of Obama

Back to their other cushy job playing on the phone all day

Report: National Security Council Facing Staff Exodus Over Michael Flynn

Trump’s choice for national security advisor mishandled classified info, documents confirm

An unusually high number of junior-level civil servants in the U.S. National Security Council are looking for other jobs over concerns about President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, according to current and former officials who spoke with The Guardian.

“Career people are looking to get out and go back to their agencies and pressure is being put on them to get them to stay. There is concern there will be a half-empty NSC by the time the new administration arrives, which no one wants.” In addition, many of these positions would be difficult to fill, a process that could take months, potentially leading to a talent shortage within a crucial part of the country’s national-security apparatus.


Seems the military and Trump's National Security Advisor had different takes:

“The investigation on me was for sharing intelligence with the Brits and Australians in combat, and I’m proud of that one,” Flynn told the Post. “I did it with the right permissions when you dig into the investigation. I’m proud of that one.

The Army investigation, however, found that Flynn was not allowed to share the information, and an independent inquiry by the Department of Defense came to the same conclusion.


Clearly, receiving an email someone sent you that possibly contains classified info should mean jail time and simply giving known classified info away is easily overlooked by the GOP.

During a time of assassinations, bombings, terrorists and cyber hacking, lifelong, career security specialists are simply walking away. I'm guessing Republicans see this as a good thing. And remember, this was the guy who believed Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. And HIS advisor says Obama is not really black. That's it's a con on the American people.

When I was a kid, a famous play debuted and won all kinds of awards. It was called;

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

Will this be the Trump administration?

More than likely they are lazy incompetent fuckers with something to hide and don't want to get fired...

They understand the gravy train is over with the end of Obama

Back to their other cushy job playing on the phone all day


At least they have a job.
Report: National Security Council Facing Staff Exodus Over Michael Flynn

Trump’s choice for national security advisor mishandled classified info, documents confirm

An unusually high number of junior-level civil servants in the U.S. National Security Council are looking for other jobs over concerns about President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, according to current and former officials who spoke with The Guardian.

“Career people are looking to get out and go back to their agencies and pressure is being put on them to get them to stay. There is concern there will be a half-empty NSC by the time the new administration arrives, which no one wants.” In addition, many of these positions would be difficult to fill, a process that could take months, potentially leading to a talent shortage within a crucial part of the country’s national-security apparatus.


Seems the military and Trump's National Security Advisor had different takes:

“The investigation on me was for sharing intelligence with the Brits and Australians in combat, and I’m proud of that one,” Flynn told the Post. “I did it with the right permissions when you dig into the investigation. I’m proud of that one.

The Army investigation, however, found that Flynn was not allowed to share the information, and an independent inquiry by the Department of Defense came to the same conclusion.


Clearly, receiving an email someone sent you that possibly contains classified info should mean jail time and simply giving known classified info away is easily overlooked by the GOP.

During a time of assassinations, bombings, terrorists and cyber hacking, lifelong, career security specialists are simply walking away. I'm guessing Republicans see this as a good thing. And remember, this was the guy who believed Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. And HIS advisor says Obama is not really black. That's it's a con on the American people.

When I was a kid, a famous play debuted and won all kinds of awards. It was called;

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

Will this be the Trump administration?

More than likely they are lazy incompetent fuckers with something to hide and don't want to get fired...

They understand the gravy train is over with the end of Obama

Back to their other cushy job playing on the phone all day


At least they have a job.

Yeah we are still so sorry that your Oreo cookie job left for Mexico..

Report: National Security Council Facing Staff Exodus Over Michael Flynn

Trump’s choice for national security advisor mishandled classified info, documents confirm

An unusually high number of junior-level civil servants in the U.S. National Security Council are looking for other jobs over concerns about President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, according to current and former officials who spoke with The Guardian.

“Career people are looking to get out and go back to their agencies and pressure is being put on them to get them to stay. There is concern there will be a half-empty NSC by the time the new administration arrives, which no one wants.” In addition, many of these positions would be difficult to fill, a process that could take months, potentially leading to a talent shortage within a crucial part of the country’s national-security apparatus.


Seems the military and Trump's National Security Advisor had different takes:

“The investigation on me was for sharing intelligence with the Brits and Australians in combat, and I’m proud of that one,” Flynn told the Post. “I did it with the right permissions when you dig into the investigation. I’m proud of that one.

The Army investigation, however, found that Flynn was not allowed to share the information, and an independent inquiry by the Department of Defense came to the same conclusion.


Clearly, receiving an email someone sent you that possibly contains classified info should mean jail time and simply giving known classified info away is easily overlooked by the GOP.

During a time of assassinations, bombings, terrorists and cyber hacking, lifelong, career security specialists are simply walking away. I'm guessing Republicans see this as a good thing. And remember, this was the guy who believed Hillary ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. And HIS advisor says Obama is not really black. That's it's a con on the American people.

When I was a kid, a famous play debuted and won all kinds of awards. It was called;

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade

Will this be the Trump administration?

And how is this bad?

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