Why are the 10 commandments so bad to display?

Originally posted by mattskramer
Well, no one is perfect. Do I still have to keep the Sabbath holy?
Just saying that you have to include all documents that were used to come up with our Bill of Rights and Constitution. Many want to forget how important a role the Bible played. Give credit where credit is due.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Well, no one is perfect. Do I still have to keep the Sabbath holy?

The claim is made that you are to try, yes.

Nice setup to bash Christians there, Matt.
Trademark: I apologize for my earlier, inappropriate response. Most who know in here no that I do not approve of name calling or ad hominem attacks.

I do however take serious issue with the idea that liberals are out to destroy freedom. Look at the current administration. Ashcroft ordered clothes put on a topless statue that's been outside the Justice building for years. Then you have John Poindexter's Total Information Awareness, a program that seeks to create a detailed dossier on the activities of EVERY American citizen. Then we have Bush trying to use federal money to help religious groups prosthelyze. We have Bush calling for a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage for religious reasons. That's the Right act work trying to undermine and destroy the Bill of Rights.

What I don't understand is that Liberals are so unwilling to accept that this nation is UNofficially a Judeo-Christian nation. If they don't believe, NO ONE IS FORCING THEM. Would they react the same way if someone wanted to put a phrase from the Qu'ran, or other religion other than Christian?

Honestly, I couldn't care less if someone wanted to do that. But if they took the 10 comandments out and REPLACED it with one of another religion, then that would be hypocritical.

no one answered my question before: Why are the anti-religion people NOW just getting all upset over something that has been there for nearly 50 years?

Why are people SO paranoid that a monument or another inanimate object will somehow penetrate their brain into thinking another way? They better join the tinfoil hat club.
The problem is the message that is sent when you have a massive display of the Ten Commandments including the one that says "Thou shalt have no other God before me" is that if you do not believe in my God you are not welcome in this courtroom. That's the problem.

Originally posted by acludem
The problem is the message that is sent when you have a massive display of the Ten Commandments including the one that says "Thou shalt have no other God before me" is that if you do not believe in my God you are not welcome in this courtroom. That's the problem.


I can't believe you just said that.

You obviously can only be saying that from one of 2 perspectives:

1. You are purposely speading lies

2. You don't even understand the 10 Commandments

"Having other Gods before me" is not meaning before the person displaying the 10 Commandments, it is BEFORE GOD .

-Meaning God is the only and supreme as dictated BY GOD.


Your point is the most assinine I have ever heard on this subject.
Originally posted by NewGuy
I can't believe you just said that.

You obviously can only be saying that from one of 2 perspectives:

1. You are purposely speading lies

2. You don't even understand the 10 Commandments

"Having other Gods before me" is not meaning before the person displaying the 10 Commandments, it is BEFORE GOD .

-Meaning God is the only and supreme as dictated BY GOD.


Your point is the most assinine I have ever heard on this subject.

What will happen to me if I make idols or swear or fail to keep the Sabbath holy? Will I go to jail?
Originally posted by mattskramer
What will happen to me if I make idols or swear or fail to keep the Sabbath holy? Will I go to jail?

Since we both know the answer, but it is your question, what are you fishing for?
Originally posted by NewGuy
Since we both know the answer, but it is your question, what are you fishing for?

Since the "10 Commandments" were put on display at the front of the courthouse, and the commandments include such instruction as keeping the Sabbath holy and not creating idols, isn't it reasonable to conclude that one would be in trouble with the court if here were found guilty of such behavior?
Originally posted by Zhukov
No, it isn't.

Then WHY were they placed at the courthouse?

And don't tell me that it was to inform visitors that the laws were based on the "10 Commandments" (1) if they were then why is it legal to create idols and ignore the Sabbath. (2) the courthouse is hot a history class. It is a place where cases are heard and where justice is supposedly carried out.
Originally posted by acludem
The problem is the message that is sent when you have a massive display of the Ten Commandments including the one that says "Thou shalt have no other God before me" is that if you do not believe in my God you are not welcome in this courtroom. That's the problem.


Yeah, I agree. Just a matter of church and state I think. Courts are for administering justice.

While our justice system reflects many of the same values recognized in the Ten Commandments, they should not be confused for one and the same.
Then WHY were they placed at the courthouse?

It's called symbolism.

The Ten Commandments are a pillar of Western Civilization. The United States is the pinnacle of Western Civilization. We pay homage to the Ten Commandments.
As a Christian I agree. As the ex-wife of a Jew, I'll acede, other than that it's up for grabs.

Aside, can't see how any 'religion' will disagree with the Commandments, if not polytheistic.
Aside, can't see how any 'religion' will disagree with the Commandments

I'm an atheist. I have no problem with them putting the ten commandments wherever they please. It doesn't have any negative impact on me whatsoever.

The majority of the people in this country are Christian, and I respect that.

If the minority don't like it, tough.
Originally posted by Zhukov
Generalizing is the mother of wisdom.

No, not at all. It is an important distinction. Liberals support the display of all things judaic, islamic, buddhist, et cetera. It's Christianity liberals have a problem with.

That's cause Christians are the majority, and the Liberals like minority rule.

I think many generalizations are quite true, actually. Comedians make a living off of generalizations.:D

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