Why are the biggest US scandals always Republican?



Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Looking at your list, that seems to be the only one that resulted in impeachment proceedings.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Looking at your list, that seems to be the only one that resulted in impeachment proceedings.

In fairness one did kinda end in a President being forced to resign. :dunno:
well it boils down to the republican electorate today. i mean look who they've elected as president of the united states: a complete moron. and some say it's because "he's one of them." well, in that regard, you may be correct.
well it boils down to the republican electorate today. i mean look who they've elected as president of the united states: a complete moron. and some say it's because "he's one of them." well, in that regard, you may be correct.
i mean look who they've elected as president of the united states: a complete moron.

IMO, it was a choice between 2 morons.

Neither worth my vote
How many people know what the hell Iran Contra was all about? Not many Millennials I expect. The Reagan administration was accused of violating an amendment inserted to a military appropriations bill by a far left wing democrat senator named Boland when democrats controlled the senate. The amendment in effect prevented the president from doing anything about communist (and terrorist?) infiltration into Central America. When you consider the fact that Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless (former ally) country in Europe when he was literally caught with his pants down it makes the democrat (and media) outrage over Iran Contra look ludicrous.
well it boils down to the republican electorate today. i mean look who they've elected as president of the united states: a complete moron. and some say it's because "he's one of them." well, in that regard, you may be correct.
You a Fascist?

yeah, i'm a fascist.

this is why education is so important. smh.
Quoted for posterity.....

LOL. sad.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.

Well really, they're not. In this distorted perceptual reality we have all been indoctrinated to by the power structure, we have forgotten that we are all connected, that was always the plan. United, “the people” represent real power, and as such, a threat to the system. We have been taught to compete, abuse, and blame each other while we’re all being used. And a good many of us still buy into the self destructive illusion.
well it boils down to the republican electorate today. i mean look who they've elected as president of the united states: a complete moron. and some say it's because "he's one of them." well, in that regard, you may be correct.
You a Fascist?

yeah, i'm a fascist.

this is why education is so important. smh.
Quoted for posterity.....

LOL. sad.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
The biggest U.S. scandal in memory is the American people re-electing Barack Obama.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.

I don't know about that...I'd say there's no bigger "scandal" than Democrats continuing to justify stealing from successful, hard working real American's to better fund bottom feeders and illegals.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
The biggest U.S. scandal in memory is the American people re-electing Barack Obama.
look who they had running against him....
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
Looking at your list, that seems to be the only one that resulted in impeachment proceedings.
I know. By Republicans.

The GOP costs thousands of American lives but they try to take down a Democratic President for a BJ. Now they have a Pu$$y grabber, but that's OK.
Watergate taking down Richard Nixon

Iran Contra and Reagan's involvement

Bush invading Iraq

Russia working to elect Trump

Those are from US Presidents. Of course, you have all the scandals during the 8 years under Bush that brought down the economy and let Bin Laden go.

Clinton's Monica BJ doesn't come anywhere near these HUGE scandals.
The biggest U.S. scandal in memory is the American people re-electing Barack Obama.
Only for right wingers. Because their goal is failure and they are incredibly angry a black man saved the economy while Republicans only fail.

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