Why are the Democrats Acting So Guilty?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
Claiming that Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit is false.

There have been many recounts and audits. Few have been challenged. What has been challenged is Trump and his surrogates attempt to trash hundreds of thousands of ballots from legal voters.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.

A. They're not; and

B. It's the American Stinker:


Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
Claiming that Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit is false.

There have been many recounts and audits. Few have been challenged. What has been challenged is Trump and his surrogates attempt to trash hundreds of thousands of ballots from legal voters.
Those recounts mean nothing. The officials just recounted illegal votes. If you are so sure write your Congressman and ask for complete transparency.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
500 thousand dollars was spend investigating so called election fraud and you claim that every request for an audit was ignored. Trump campaign paid three million for a recount in Pennsylvania and the only thing they found was more votes for Biden. Your attempts to create a situation which never existed is just another bit of misinformation from the Trumpettes trying to convince people of the lie they continue to live.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
Claiming that Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit is false.

There have been many recounts and audits. Few have been challenged. What has been challenged is Trump and his surrogates attempt to trash hundreds of thousands of ballots from legal voters.
Those recounts mean nothing. The officials just recounted illegal votes. If you are so sure write your Congressman and ask for complete transparency.
Those ones you just know exist because a bird on a window ledge told you so.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.

A. They're not; and

B. It's the American Stinker:

The Hell they are not. They support the censorship and call people traitors for using their Constitutional rights. One right is challenging an election. It has nothing to with treason and everything to do with covering up massive fraud.

Fact checkers mean less than you do.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
Claiming that Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit is false.

There have been many recounts and audits. Few have been challenged. What has been challenged is Trump and his surrogates attempt to trash hundreds of thousands of ballots from legal voters.
Those recounts mean nothing. The officials just recounted illegal votes. If you are so sure write your Congressman and ask for complete transparency.
Those ones you just know exist because a bird on a window ledge told you so.
Those recounts mean nothing. The officials just recounted illegal votes. If you are so sure write your Congressman and ask for complete transparency
The point is that the Dems were accused of fighting everything. That’s just a lie.

You don’t want transparency. You want Trump to have won.

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
500 thousand dollars was spend investigating so called election fraud and you claim that every request for an audit was ignored. Trump campaign paid three million for a recount in Pennsylvania and the only thing they found was more votes for Biden. Your attempts to create a situation which never existed is just another bit of misinformation from the Trumpettes trying to convince people of the lie they continue to live.
So all the whistle blowers do not exist? Those videos showing the fraud do not exist? The cardboard over the windows did not happen? Voters were not told they already voted? Really?
Those recounts mean nothing. The officials just recounted illegal votes. If you are so sure write your Congressman and ask for complete transparency
The point is that the Dems were accused of fighting everything. That’s just a lie.

You don’t want transparency. You want Trump to have won.
Transparency will do. Release the ballots and machines for audit. If they show no fraud I will stop. Start with Arizona the county board is still stalling.
"You better fix this shit. If that bastard wins, we're all gonna hang from nooses!" - Hillary Crooked Clinton email to her pawns

Now WHY would she say such a thing? After all, she's an attorney. Theoretically, anyway.
what does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything? Why should I care about an email from Crooked Hillary in 2016?

Any answers?

The odd behavior continued during the election challenges. The Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit. Election records were hidden, destroyed, or lost. They’ve even been implying that election challenges are tantamount to insurrection -- asking that anyone questioning the election be disciplined. Wouldn’t the winning party welcome an audit and debate to prove it actually won?

And finally, post-inauguration, we see the biggest “tell” of all. Why are they impeaching a president who has left office? The Democrats say they’re doing it because Donald Trump must be prevented from running again in four years. But if Joe Biden really received more votes than any candidate in history, wouldn’t they relish the chance to do it again? In 2020 we were certainly hoping they’d nominate Hillary again, so Trump could beat her again.

Could it be that the Democrats don’t know if they can beat Trump in four years, because they don’t really know if they beat him this time? That would explain a lot. Under that scenario it would make perfect sense that we’re going through another impeachment proceeding. It would also explain why we have 25,000 troops guarding the capital and why it’s so important to quash any discussion of election fraud.
Claiming that Democrats fought every request for a recount or an audit is false.

There have been many recounts and audits. Few have been challenged. What has been challenged is Trump and his surrogates attempt to trash hundreds of thousands of ballots from legal voters.
"However, I want to talk about something other than the hard evidence. If the election was legit, why are the Democrats acting so darned guilty? When my kids were little, I always knew if they broke something -- by their behavior. If a window had been broken, the offending ball would be mysteriously missing. The broken glass would be picked up and taped back in place -- in hope that I wouldn’t notice. When confronted, not a soul in the house would know anything about the accident or the coverup. So again, I ask -- If the election was truly “free and fair,” why are the Democrats acting like it wasn’t?"
Hiding behind fences and troops says a lot....and watching Joe begin with under 47% approval does too....

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