Why Are The Mormons Having A War On Masturbation?


So, you're saying the mormon church does not preach against masturbation?

Please post links that support that.


You seem quite fascinated by the subject. Is this a childhood thing that has continued into adulthood or am I mis-guessing your age?

Are you pretending that you don't? LOL!

Beyond a certain age it's immature. Beyond another certain age it's futile. Conclude what you will.
Actually, you're the liar.

Yes, I posted a video and deliberately misrepresented the content. How shameful of me.

Oh wait, that was you...

You know darn good and well that the purpose of this thread is because Mormons can't keep their noses out of their members crotches. I've provided their literature and videos showing such.

Looks to me like it's you who can't keep your nose out of Mormon crotches.

Who appointed you lord high judge that you get to dictate to others what they beilieve?

They put that video out, and it deserves to be criticized.

Criticism requires integrity. What you are doing is demagoguery.

I'm not the one caring what they do with their crotches, nitwit.

If that was the case, you wouldn't have started this thread.

So, you're saying the mormon church does not preach against masturbation?

Please post links that support that.


There are no links stating that. Notice how he runs off when asked a serious question? He'd rather stick to word twisting and stupid arguments over who's nose is in who's crotch.

So, you're saying the mormon church does not preach against masturbation?

Please post links that support that.


You seem quite fascinated by the subject. Is this a childhood thing that has continued into adulthood or am I mis-guessing your age?

Are you pretending that you don't? LOL!

Beyond a certain age it's immature. Beyond another certain age it's futile. Conclude what you will.

I can tell you most healthy people do it, at least on occasion, whether they admit it or not, and there's nothing immature about it. I don't know why people are so hung up on it. And I suppose it's futile if you're bedridden, but even old folks do it.
I can tell you most healthy people do it, at least on occasion, whether they admit it or not, and there's nothing immature about it. I don't know why people are so hung up on it. And I suppose it's futile if you're bedridden, but even old folks do it.

I'd be wrong to disagree. However the vast majority do not brag of it as though it were their sole achievement. Nor do they exhibit such intense interest in the practices of others. Fascination, that.
I can tell you most healthy people do it, at least on occasion, whether they admit it or not, and there's nothing immature about it. I don't know why people are so hung up on it. And I suppose it's futile if you're bedridden, but even old folks do it.

I'd be wrong to disagree. However the vast majority do not brag of it as though it were their sole achievement. Nor do they exhibit such intense interest in the practices of others. Fascination, that.

I agree. Most people do not brag about it, or act like it's an achievement.

However, this thread isn't about which posters do it, and which posters do not.
I can tell you most healthy people do it, at least on occasion, whether they admit it or not, and there's nothing immature about it. I don't know why people are so hung up on it. And I suppose it's futile if you're bedridden, but even old folks do it.

I'd be wrong to disagree. However the vast majority do not brag of it as though it were their sole achievement. Nor do they exhibit such intense interest in the practices of others. Fascination, that.

I agree. Most people do not brag about it, or act like it's an achievement.

However, this thread isn't about which posters do it, and which posters do not.

I'll brag about it. :) I'd rather spend half an hour pleasuring myself then go do other things than have partner-sex. No one makes me feel as good as I do myself. Most relationships are for the promise or hope of having sex. Most of the intevening time though is spent resenting your partner's presence. If you would disagree, consider institutions like 'night out with the fellas' or 'ladies' night.' If you're so blissed out with your partner, why so much leisure time the hell away from them? :)
Again, if you are not a member of the church, why is it a problem?

What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business.

What a church decides to teach it's members is also of no concern to anyone else.

I understand not liking the decision, however, if you are not practicing that religion then noir deal.

Carla seems to think it is okay to teach her kids what she believes however other do not have the same right? Sounds high handed.

I'm find the topic interesting, and this is a discussion forum.

You just hit the nail on the head, didn't you? "What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business." Why is it the Church's business? And, why does the Church care that these college students are masturbating and watching porn? It's the safest sex there is, 100%.

The Church released this video, and it's certainly open for debate, even criticism.

The problem I have with the video, and the teachings of the Mormon Church, is that it is very manipulative, and used to shame young men and women. Do you think it's a good idea to teach children to feel icky about their bodies? The Church starts this process at an early age, and they are obsessed with it. The guy in the last video I posted made some good points. He said that if you can make them feel guilty enough, and harness their sexuality, it's much easier to control other aspects of their lives. The younger you start this process, the better.

To shame children in this way is abuse. When a Church is abusing children, it's everybody's business.

The average college student is not going to be addicted to porn, and you certainly can't get addicted the first time you watch it. Porn is not like smoking crack cocaine, although you wouldn't know that after viewing the video in the OP. And sure, in extreme cases, there are people who become addicted to sex and porn. But that's not who we're talking about, we are discussing the average college student.

It's not abuse, guilt is not always bad and being in control of one's body is not always bad. The teaching of the church is apparently not to masturbate, they ask those that choose to go to their church, not to masturbate. The followers then can chose what they want to do.

It is really easy, you are okay to grant everyone a choice on how to deal with the issue, except you. The church can have their teachings, just as you are allowed to have your feelings and encourage masturbation. Two extremes and to me neither seem to be tolerant of the other. You make want to open your mind to others ideas and not be so intolerant.
Again, if you are not a member of the church, why is it a problem?

What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business.

What a church decides to teach it's members is also of no concern to anyone else.

I understand not liking the decision, however, if you are not practicing that religion then noir deal.

Carla seems to think it is okay to teach her kids what she believes however other do not have the same right? Sounds high handed.

I'm find the topic interesting, and this is a discussion forum.

You just hit the nail on the head, didn't you? "What an individual chooses to do with his or her own body is no one else's business." Why is it the Church's business? And, why does the Church care that these college students are masturbating and watching porn? It's the safest sex there is, 100%.

The Church released this video, and it's certainly open for debate, even criticism.

The problem I have with the video, and the teachings of the Mormon Church, is that it is very manipulative, and used to shame young men and women. Do you think it's a good idea to teach children to feel icky about their bodies? The Church starts this process at an early age, and they are obsessed with it. The guy in the last video I posted made some good points. He said that if you can make them feel guilty enough, and harness their sexuality, it's much easier to control other aspects of their lives. The younger you start this process, the better.

To shame children in this way is abuse. When a Church is abusing children, it's everybody's business.

The average college student is not going to be addicted to porn, and you certainly can't get addicted the first time you watch it. Porn is not like smoking crack cocaine, although you wouldn't know that after viewing the video in the OP. And sure, in extreme cases, there are people who become addicted to sex and porn. But that's not who we're talking about, we are discussing the average college student.

It's not abuse, guilt is not always bad and being in control of one's body is not always bad. The teaching of the church is apparently not to masturbate, they ask those that choose to go to their church, not to masturbate. The followers then can chose what they want to do.

It is really easy, you are okay to grant everyone a choice on how to deal with the issue, except you. The church can have their teachings, just as you are allowed to have your feelings and encourage masturbation. Two extremes and to me neither seem to be tolerant of the other. You make want to open your mind to others ideas and not be so intolerant.

It's freakish how obsessed this church is with porn and masturbation. If what the woman is saying in the video is true, the bishop was acting inappropriately. She was 13 years old. Now, don't you think it's her parents place to deal with these issues? Obviously this is something very personal, and I'm sure there are other teens out there that do no want to discuss masturbation with their bishop, especially 13 yr old girls, with middle aged men.


here it is again...

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