Why are the Ukrainian troops fighting inside residential areas?


VIP Member
Jan 21, 2020

In this article I want to consider the question: Who is to blame for destruction of Ukrainian cities?

This question can be partially answered by finding out who is to blame for the Ukrainian crisis in general; see the thread Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?
But it is also necessary to note the following.

In Western media you can often see photographs of destroyed residential areas of Ukrainian cities, but these media do not tell you that it was the Ukrainian government that made the decision to fight exactly in the residential areas.

For example, it was decided to fight this way in Mariupol, Bakhmut, and now in Chasiv Yar.

And on the contrary, in March 2022, the Ukrainian army left the Ukrainian Oblast Capital Kherson without a fight - an Oblast is the largest administrative unit of Ukraine. Probably, the decision not to fight inside the residential areas of Kherson was made exactly because the Ukrainian authorities decided not to destroy the Oblast Capital.

Later in November 2022, when Ukrainian troops approached Kherson during their counteroffensive, the Russian army too did not fight in residential areas and just left the city. Therefore, Kherson was not destroyed.

If you search “destroyed Kherson” on Google Images, you will see only pictures of destroyed individual houses, photographed in close-up to make it difficult to see that the surrounding houses are intact.

During World War II, the French capital Paris had a similar story. French troops had left the city without a fight in June 1940 even before France surrendered.

Now let's return to the destruction of Ukrainian cities.

A search for “destroyed Mariupol” or “destroyed Bakhmut” will return images of entire residential areas destroyed. They are destroyed because the Ukrainian army fought inside these areas until Russian troops knocked Ukrainians out. To do this, the Russian army had to storm every house, suffering heavy losses.

Of course, hiding behind residential houses is much easier for the Ukrainian military than fighting in a field. And for Western media, a picture of destroyed entire streets is much more impressive than photographs of destroyed individual houses.

But how legal is it to use civilian objects for defense of troops?

Please read below paragraphs (b) and (c) of Article 58 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions – this Protocol was adopted in 1977.
Article 58 - Precautions against the effects of attacks
The Parties to the conflict shall, to the maximum extent feasible:
(b) avoid locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas;
(c) take the other necessary precautions to protect the civilian population, individual civilians and civilian objects under their control against the dangers resulting from military operations.
see the official website of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Therefore, we can conclude that the use of residential areas by the Ukrainian troops as their shelter is a violation of the Geneva Conventions, since these areas are civilian objects.

However, the Western media never reports this to the Western public. Instead, Western media reports constantly tell about destroyed residential houses in Ukraine and about civilian casualties there.

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Who is to blame for destruction of Ukrainian cities?
ivan, its a very simple question:


Because they are cowards and residential areas are soft targets.

Why are the Ukrainian troops fighting inside residential areas?​

Ukrainian forces have put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas, which is similar to tactics used by Hamas. It is based on an awareness of Russia’s desire to minimize civilian casualties.

Such cowardly tactics turn civilians into military targets and Ukraine can accuse Russia of committing war crimes, which could result in a wide array of sanctions. As Russia limits its use of military force in Ukraine to avoid collateral damage, Ukrainian forces will be able to protect their assets while continuing to fight.

In Bakhmut, several residents told Amnesty International that the Ukrainian military had been using a building barely 20 metres across the street from a residential high-rise building. On 18 May, a Russian missile struck the front of the building, partly destroying five apartments and damaging nearby buildings. Kateryna, a resident who survived the strike, said: “I didn’t understand what happened. [There were] broken windows and a lot of dust in my home… I stayed here because my mother didn’t want to leave. She has health problems.”

Three residents told Amnesty International that before the strike, Ukrainian forces had been using a building across the street from the bombed building, and that two military trucks were parked in front of another house that was damaged when the missile hit. Amnesty International researchers found signs of military presence in and outside the building, including sandbags and black plastic sheeting covering the windows, as well as new US-made trauma first aid equipment.

“We have no say in what the military does, but we pay the price,” a resident whose home was also damaged in the strike told Amnesty International.


Why are the Ukrainian troops fighting inside residential areas?​

Because that’s where cover and concealment are.
Napoleonic tactics of long lines of men, shoulder to shoulder, in open country, ended in 1865.

Why are the Ukrainian troops fighting inside residential areas?​

Because that’s where cover and concealment are.
Napoleonic tactics of long lines of men, shoulder to shoulder, in open country, ended in 1865.

Pitkäranta. Old Finnish town. English translation would be Long Beach or Long Shore. Sad sight nowadays. Even more sad with a Mongol - Muscovite 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 war criminal walking on the streets.

In this article I want to consider the question: Who is to blame for destruction of Ukrainian cities?

This question can be partially answered by finding out who is to blame for the Ukrainian crisis in general; see the thread Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?
But it is also necessary to note the following.

In Western media you can often see photographs of destroyed residential areas of Ukrainian cities, but these media do not tell you that it was the Ukrainian government that made the decision to fight exactly in the residential areas.

For example, it was decided to fight this way in Mariupol, Bakhmut, and now in Chasiv Yar.

And on the contrary, in March 2022, the Ukrainian army left the Ukrainian Oblast Capital Kherson without a fight - an Oblast is the largest administrative unit of Ukraine. Probably, the decision not to fight inside the residential areas of Kherson was made exactly because the Ukrainian authorities decided not to destroy the Oblast Capital.

Later in November 2022, when Ukrainian troops approached Kherson during their counteroffensive, the Russian army too did not fight in residential areas and just left the city. Therefore, Kherson was not destroyed.

If you search “destroyed Kherson” on Google Images, you will see only pictures of destroyed individual houses, photographed in close-up to make it difficult to see that the surrounding houses are intact.

During World War II, the French capital Paris had a similar story. French troops had left the city without a fight in June 1940 even before France surrendered.

Now let's return to the destruction of Ukrainian cities.

A search for “destroyed Mariupol” or “destroyed Bakhmut” will return images of entire residential areas destroyed. They are destroyed because the Ukrainian army fought inside these areas until Russian troops knocked Ukrainians out. To do this, the Russian army had to storm every house, suffering heavy losses.

Of course, hiding behind residential houses is much easier for the Ukrainian military than fighting in a field. And for Western media, a picture of destroyed entire streets is much more impressive than photographs of destroyed individual houses.

But how legal is it to use civilian objects for defense of troops?

Please read below paragraphs (b) and (c) of Article 58 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions – this Protocol was adopted in 1977.

see the official website of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Therefore, we can conclude that the use of residential areas by the Ukrainian troops as their shelter is a violation of the Geneva Conventions, since these areas are civilian objects.

However, the Western media never reports this to the Western public. Instead, Western media reports constantly tell about destroyed residential houses in Ukraine and about civilian casualties there.

Because the Western scumbags want to pretend the Russians are destroying Cities and it has nothing to do with the Ukrainian army, look at Mariupol the Azov Nazis and Ukrainians turned it into Stalingrad, Russians had to fight street by street and building by building, that's why it was badly damaged.
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In this article I want to consider the question: Who is to blame for destruction of Ukrainian cities?

This question can be partially answered by finding out who is to blame for the Ukrainian crisis in general; see the thread Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?
But it is also necessary to note the following.

In Western media you can often see photographs of destroyed residential areas of Ukrainian cities, but these media do not tell you that it was the Ukrainian government that made the decision to fight exactly in the residential areas.

For example, it was decided to fight this way in Mariupol, Bakhmut, and now in Chasiv Yar.

And on the contrary, in March 2022, the Ukrainian army left the Ukrainian Oblast Capital Kherson without a fight - an Oblast is the largest administrative unit of Ukraine. Probably, the decision not to fight inside the residential areas of Kherson was made exactly because the Ukrainian authorities decided not to destroy the Oblast Capital.

Later in November 2022, when Ukrainian troops approached Kherson during their counteroffensive, the Russian army too did not fight in residential areas and just left the city. Therefore, Kherson was not destroyed.

If you search “destroyed Kherson” on Google Images, you will see only pictures of destroyed individual houses, photographed in close-up to make it difficult to see that the surrounding houses are intact.

During World War II, the French capital Paris had a similar story. French troops had left the city without a fight in June 1940 even before France surrendered.

Now let's return to the destruction of Ukrainian cities.

A search for “destroyed Mariupol” or “destroyed Bakhmut” will return images of entire residential areas destroyed. They are destroyed because the Ukrainian army fought inside these areas until Russian troops knocked Ukrainians out. To do this, the Russian army had to storm every house, suffering heavy losses.

Of course, hiding behind residential houses is much easier for the Ukrainian military than fighting in a field. And for Western media, a picture of destroyed entire streets is much more impressive than photographs of destroyed individual houses.

But how legal is it to use civilian objects for defense of troops?

Please read below paragraphs (b) and (c) of Article 58 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions – this Protocol was adopted in 1977.

see the official website of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Therefore, we can conclude that the use of residential areas by the Ukrainian troops as their shelter is a violation of the Geneva Conventions, since these areas are civilian objects.

However, the Western media never reports this to the Western public. Instead, Western media reports constantly tell about destroyed residential houses in Ukraine and about civilian casualties there.

The true goal of disgusting Zelensky and Putin is murder of as much as possible goyim, who doesn't understand it until now is an idiot

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