Why are there 146,000 US troops in Europe/Asia 70 years after WWII?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.
It's strange to be labeled a 'Islamaphobe" when it's our own government that doesn't feel any obligation to maintain a supporting presence in the region
Sacrificial fodder. Stick American assets on foreign soil so if an aggressor attacks and kills them you have justification to go to war.
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.
Why? Because the European white populations over there became liberalized and susceptible to communism and diversity.
It's strange to be labeled a 'Islamaphobe" when it's our own government that doesn't feel any obligation to maintain a supporting presence in the region
Somehow Kuwait and the Persian Gulf are not in the "region". Either that or some folks don't know or never have known about the forces only a few miles over the Iraq border and ready to roll in Kuwait and the Persian Gulf forces are just ignored for some reason.
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.
what the f...k does that have to do with it?? YOU aren't answering the question!
Why did we leave 146,000 when Germany surrendered! Japan surrendered. Dumb f...k you don't know obviously YOUR history!
Sacrificial fodder. Stick American assets on foreign soil so if an aggressor attacks and kills them you have justification to go to war.
OK... so an aggressor as you described can go on and kill anyone right? Are you really this f...king naive????
We should tell every country that has a US base that in one year we are closing those bases unless the host country agrees to: 1, pay all expenses related to the bases, including military pay and benefits, 2. charge no rent or utility expense to the US for those bases. 3. dedicate an equal number of host country military personnel to the defense of that country.
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.

Um, late last year if I recall. Was some warning to US servicemen about not going off base in uniform and to don civilian attire.
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.
what the f...k does that have to do with it?? YOU aren't answering the question!
Why did we leave 146,000 when Germany surrendered! Japan surrendered. Dumb f...k you don't know obviously YOUR history!

You asked why the urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan. It's clearly because our troops were dying and being wounded. You ever see a wounded warrior commercial? Those guys weren't in Europe/Asia. So you are this dumb?
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.

Um, late last year if I recall. Was some warning to US servicemen about not going off base in uniform and to don civilian attire.

You are comparing a warning to all the troops killed and wounded in Iraq/Afghanistan?
We should tell every country that has a US base that in one year we are closing those bases unless the host country agrees to: 1, pay all expenses related to the bases, including military pay and benefits, 2. charge no rent or utility expense to the US for those bases. 3. dedicate an equal number of host country military personnel to the defense of that country.
We pay like a penny for rental on the bases in Germany.

We should remove our bases from allies who should be fielding their own armies. We don't host their soldiers in America, Americans shouldn't field our forces in their countries either.

I used to be based in Germany. We never carried loaded weapons. Our base, of 13 people at an undisclosed location, carried 80 rounds of ammo locked in a safe, which we weren't allowed to open without expressed permission. What is the point of having troops there if they can't carry loaded weapons?
We should tell every country that has a US base that in one year we are closing those bases unless the host country agrees to: 1, pay all expenses related to the bases, including military pay and benefits, 2. charge no rent or utility expense to the US for those bases. 3. dedicate an equal number of host country military personnel to the defense of that country.
We pay like a penny for rental on the bases in Germany.

We should remove our bases from allies who should be fielding their own armies. We don't host their soldiers in America, Americans shouldn't field our forces in their countries either.

I used to be based in Germany. We never carried loaded weapons. Our base, of 13 people at an undisclosed location, carried 80 rounds of ammo locked in a safe, which we weren't allowed to open without expressed permission. What is the point of having troops there if they can't carry loaded weapons?

We agree. My point was that if we are going to be paid mercenaries to defend other countries, then the host country should foot the entire bill.
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.
what the f...k does that have to do with it?? YOU aren't answering the question!
Why did we leave 146,000 when Germany surrendered! Japan surrendered. Dumb f...k you don't know obviously YOUR history!

You asked why the urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan. It's clearly because our troops were dying and being wounded. You ever see a wounded warrior commercial? Those guys weren't in Europe/Asia. So you are this dumb?

OH geez.... are you that f...king NAIVE?????
Why are there troops still after 70 years in Germany/Japan? WWII was over in 1945... but why did we have troops there after the war??
Why can't you answer that question???
BUT in Iraq? Why was it so necessary for the MSM/Democrats to push removal of US troops? WHY?? Political gain with total disregard for our troops SAFETY!
Now the ME is on fire because WE didn't keep the fire out! Any dummy knows that you don't leave a burning building until you are sure ALL the embers are out!
Same with a war. You don't ever leave country you conquered...dummy!
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.
what the f...k does that have to do with it?? YOU aren't answering the question!
Why did we leave 146,000 when Germany surrendered! Japan surrendered. Dumb f...k you don't know obviously YOUR history!

You asked why the urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan. It's clearly because our troops were dying and being wounded. You ever see a wounded warrior commercial? Those guys weren't in Europe/Asia. So you are this dumb?

OH geez.... are you that f...king NAIVE?????
Why are there troops still after 70 years in Germany/Japan? WWII was over in 1945... but why did we have troops there after the war??
Why can't you answer that question???
BUT in Iraq? Why was it so necessary for the MSM/Democrats to push removal of US troops? WHY?? Political gain with total disregard for our troops SAFETY!
Now the ME is on fire because WE didn't keep the fire out! Any dummy knows that you don't leave a burning building until you are sure ALL the embers are out!
Same with a war. You don't ever leave country you conquered...dummy!

True, but at some point we either need to annex the country or make it pay the bill for our defense of it.
Sacrificial fodder. Stick American assets on foreign soil so if an aggressor attacks and kills them you have justification to go to war.
Nonsense. If you try to render humanitarian aid to a Muslim country they eventually start killing you. It's a historical fact.
Why? Why not? When you had two nations that started a world war, plus we like the scenery...
US troops are spread across the globe: approximately 66,000 are stationed in Europe; approximately 80,000 in East Asia and the Pacific region; over 5,000 in North Africa, Southwestern and South Asia;
United States military deployments - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why then was there such an urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan ?

ONE major reason... the US mainstream media and democrats working together totally mislead the general public as usual in how these wars are won.
Just as the MSM and the democrats did with Vietnam, constant criticism of the military as was done in Vietnam was the major reason for the reduction in forces. Our military knew from experience we couldn't leave Iraq undefended.
But bowing to the MSM/Democrats that did this for political gain, the military withdrew.
And now we are paying the consequences.

When was the last time troops were killed in Europe or Asia? You can't be this dumb.
what the f...k does that have to do with it?? YOU aren't answering the question!
Why did we leave 146,000 when Germany surrendered! Japan surrendered. Dumb f...k you don't know obviously YOUR history!

You asked why the urgency to leave Iraq/Afghanistan. It's clearly because our troops were dying and being wounded. You ever see a wounded warrior commercial? Those guys weren't in Europe/Asia. So you are this dumb?

OH geez.... are you that f...king NAIVE?????
Why are there troops still after 70 years in Germany/Japan? WWII was over in 1945... but why did we have troops there after the war??
Why can't you answer that question???
BUT in Iraq? Why was it so necessary for the MSM/Democrats to push removal of US troops? WHY?? Political gain with total disregard for our troops SAFETY!
Now the ME is on fire because WE didn't keep the fire out! Any dummy knows that you don't leave a burning building until you are sure ALL the embers are out!
Same with a war. You don't ever leave country you conquered...dummy!

Yes you really are that dumb. Again troops were dying in iran/Afghanistan. Nobody is dying in Europe/Asia. That is the obvious answer. Iran/Afghanistan was costing us a whole lot more $$$$ too. Can't believe anyone is dumb enough to compare them. You are amazing.
Those Countries are paying a lot of money for our Troops stationed there.

Japan balks at 2 billion to host U.S. troops Marine Corps Times marinecorpstimes.com

After their defeat, we wrote their Constitutions and forbade both from having any offensive Military capability so to keep them from being overrun by dimocrap scum (we used to call them 'communists') we keep troops there and they pay for them.

Pretty good deal if you ask me

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