Why Are They Pushing The LGBT Woke Agenda So Hard On Kids?

I've been wondering this myself for a LONG time now.

Because the sitting president is a pedophile and his family are all sexual deviants, including Dr Jill, further the entire media of the western world is dominated by homosexuals, indeed the entire apparatus of media/entertainment is dominated by homosexual pedophiles and a hodgepodge of various other sexual deviants. Balenciaga clearly demonstrated that pedophilia and the naked sexualization of children is the order of the day, not a one off!

One other thing, remember that pizzagate brouhaha from several years back, involving the Clintons, they're foundation, international sex trafficking of children including murdering the children, you know where an AR15 toting guy was gonna liberate the kids, after bursting in on that pizza juke, remember that? Just as I did, you probably laughed that off as a lunatic fringe kook marauding about with an Alex Jones IV drip inserted in arm and toting an AR15, I certainly did, not anymore, after Balenciaga, and the Biden daughter diary, I believe every fucking word of it, every single word of that pizzagate story!
People devoted to old ideas not being able to understand new ones is a common thing
Yes, people unwilling to learn and/or determined to believe whatever dogma they are taught no matter what have always been with us and always will be. But because most people aren't like that, they aren't a problem and each generation overall learns some things the former generation didn't know.

But those who would tear down all the norms, traditional values, pleasant customs of a people and attempt to tell them they are evil if they don't adopt some new 'woke' theology almost never have honorable motives for doing so.

And I think good, honorable people do retain what is 'normal' and beneficial to society as a whole and most prefer to practice pleasant customs with traditional values. And they expect those who are 'different' to adapt to the rest of society instead of the other way around. Billions of children have been reared in such societies and, whether straight or gay, grew up to be well adjusted, responsible adults who were a credit to their communities.

Children should be allowed to be children, blissfully innocent and protected until they are old enough to understand and process many things of adulthood. They should not be sexualized, exposed to concepts they are not ready to understand, exposed to vulgar transvestite entertainment or literature, forced to see and hear or think about what should be off limits to kids.
Why Are They Pushing The LGBT Woke Agenda So Hard On Kids?

As long as there have been faggots, there has always been a significant subset of them who like their “partners” very young.

See: Pederasty, Catamites, bacha bāzī, etc.

Of course, the use of puberty blockers and other aspects of “transgenderism” on young boys will keep them young and childlike longer.

So, is it not at all obvious why faggots would be so interested in pushing this shit on young boys?

It seems that young, masculinized girls might have similar appeal to such types, as young, feminized boys.

What they want, it seems, is young, sexualized, androgynous kids, who don't mature into adults, or at least are significantly delayed in such maturation.
Btw, disclaimer: Not all gay people are fags as I've met some perfectly nice ones. Like Baron Von Murderpaws for instance who don't believe in the woke agenda they're trying to push towards children. So not dissing gays even though I don't agree with their lifestyle. Just dissing the woke ones.
I've been wondering this myself for a LONG time now.

Gay and trans are a miniscule part (5%) Blacks, (14%) Straight White Chistian males (56 %) Europeans made this country, what would you expect? It goes without saying, kids. And when the only thing minorities bring to the table (no actual accomplishments or positive constructive things) is this constant refrain: "we are being left out and oppressed, give us attention and money". Sorry, not buying your sexual/racial sob stories anymore.
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What does China have to do with it?
Chinacrat/Democrat both finance and collude on the undermining of American patriotism, morality, spirituality and economic well being..
I've been wondering this myself for a LONG time now.
_Project Chaos .

It has been public knowledge for years if you read WEF pronouncements .

See Agenda 21 and Agenda30 for starters .
Btw, disclaimer: Not all gay people are fags as I've met some perfectly nice ones. Like Baron Von Murderpaws for instance who don't believe in the woke agenda they're trying to push towards children. So not dissing gays even though I don't agree with their lifestyle. Just dissing the woke ones.

As I've stated in other such types of threads..................not ALL people can be lumped into one group.
Not ALL blacks are n*****s. Not ALL Mexicans are illegals. Not ALL Democrats are self-serving, evil, traitorous bringers of destruction. Not ALL Republicans are wishywashy cowards. And the list goes on...............

BUT.......ONCE AGAIN..........the PROBLEM here is the MEDIA!
They ONLY propagandize what they think will make them the most money at any given time period!
They don't care WHO they hurt, WHO they kill, WHO they destroy, WHO they slander, and HOW MANY LIES they have to tell in order to get that money......just like the Demonicreeps in power right now. As long as THEY get what THEY want, they don't give a rats ass about the TRUTH.

And the TRUTH is, that the filth, garbage, and lunacy they spew in the media sources in this country is only less that 10% of the entire national population!

The TRUTH is, most people in this country still want a decent country to live in.......but we've allowed ourselves to be brainwashed BY the corrupt media and government for SO LONG, that we've forgotten that according to the Constitution, WE HAVE THE POWER TO EVICT THESE PEOPLE FORCIBLY FROM GOVERNMENT.......and how to DO IT!!

I just advise, be careful of who you come across. Don't lump everybody in together as a single entity, you might be missing out on a friend, a "brother", a "sister" in arms, or someone you just love to talk to.

What we NEED to do is UNbrainwash ourselves from a lifetime of lies, treachery, corruption, and narcissistic personal agendas of the politicians, CEOs, and oligarcy. Find the truth. Research, research, research.

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