Why are we spending billions on Ukraine when our banks are collapsing?

Sorry to ask the obvious question. I really want to know. Shouldn't we use that money to insure we don't crash into a Great Depression? Did they think we would just not notice the blatant disconnect?

If our banks started falling like dominoes, how many do you think we could save being $30+ trillion in debt?

It really is a moot point!
Sorry to ask the obvious question. I really want to know. Shouldn't we use that money to insure we don't crash into a Great Depression? Did they think we would just not notice the blatant disconnect?

It's part of their plans................

The Purge - Bidens term.jpg

Why are we spending billions on Ukraine when our banks are collapsing?​

Sorry to ask the obvious question. I really want to know. Shouldn't we use that money to insure we don't crash into a Great Depression?


So you really expect the incompents in Washington to make a competent action?
Sorry to ask the obvious question. I really want to know. Shouldn't we use that money to insure we don't crash into a Great Depression? Did they think we would just not notice the blatant disconnect?

We've spent enough $ trying to save failing banks; spend it on people who actually appreciate the $ they are receiving.
A proxy war in Ukraine is way better than if/when Putin takes a bite out of a NATO country.

He's stop-gapping Ukraine because he has no interest or in reality the wherewithal to take on a NATO country.
Reminder: Ukraine NOT a member of NATO.

Get your nose outta warpig ass!!

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