Why are we still in Afghanstan


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
We should have pulled out the night they got bin ladin .. Here we are 2 years later and yep we are still there. Were are all the war mongers. Oh it is only ok when you guy keeps us in war for 5years now
We are still there because the media doesn't report on it.
The ill-informed have no idea that there have been more enlisted deaths under Obama, than Bush.
There have been exponentially more drone attacks than under Bush.
Abu Ghraib is still open.
And not since Vietnam has there been U.S. soldiers in this many multiple combat theaters.

That is why. The media forgot about the wars as soon as Obama was elected, and so did all of these "we care about our military" bullshit protesters.
The complete withdrawal is still expected at the end of 2014.
right? he only finds shit out on the tv and the media dont give a shit
We should have pulled out the night they got bin ladin .. Here we are 2 years later and yep we are still there. Were are all the war mongers. Oh it is only ok when you guy keeps us in war for 5years now

Why would you expect Obama to have us out of Afghanistan when he still hasn't closed Gitmo despite signing a executive order on his first day on office to do so? Something else his supporters are no longer outraged about.
Obama has also started several real illegal wars and the far left is just as silent about them as they were about collateral damage.

Now see if the far left had kept their mouths shut then like they are now, less troops would have died.
Why are we still in Afghanstan
It’s a good faith effort to clean up yet another Bush Era mess, and provide the Afghan people with some measure of security.

That won’t happen, of course, regardless how long the American military remains.

Consequently it’s further confirmation of the failure of Bush Era foreign policy.

More the failure of the Obabble ROE and his pussy approach to war....
Why are we still in Afghanstan
It’s a good faith effort to clean up yet another Bush Era mess, and provide the Afghan people with some measure of security.

That won’t happen, of course, regardless how long the American military remains.

Consequently it’s further confirmation of the failure of Bush Era foreign policy.

I rest my case.
This is the real threat in America. People so divisive, so dug in to their ideology that they can say incredibly dumb shit like this.
Why are we still in Afghanistan?

Relevant segment at 4:30 thru 5:35 .

Substitute 'Afghanistan' for 'Vietnam' and 'Obama' for 'Nixon' and you may have the answer.

Wild animal, indeed.

How do YOU spell 'runaway Military-Industrial Complex'?
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I thought repugs were against "cut and run". They never saw a war they didn't like until Obama became president. Now they are peaceniks?

I do agree though. There is nothing to be gained by staying there. We should just GTFO.
I have a cousin who is a retired full colonel. He tells me that the military simply can not, and will not tolerate peace, during which time military budgets are cut and there are no promotions. He says that if they do not already have a war going on, they will do their level best to see that one is started somewhere.
Well, we DO have to keep the Legions busy, or the Praetorian Guard gets antsy...
Why are we still in Afghanstan
It’s a good faith effort to clean up yet another Bush Era mess, and provide the Afghan people with some measure of security.

That won’t happen, of course, regardless how long the American military remains.

Consequently it’s further confirmation of the failure of Bush Era foreign policy.

You are rocking.

Make sure you are proud of this. What goes up, must come down spinning wheel make it go round.

So are you sure you want to enter your name in the lottery yeah you bit and now you are on record.
I have a cousin who is a retired full colonel. He tells me that the military simply can not, and will not tolerate peace, during which time military budgets are cut and there are no promotions. He says that if they do not already have a war going on, they will do their level best to see that one is started somewhere.

Say what?

By all means continue.

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