Why are westerners think hey are superior by acting racist especially towards African?


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
When they are actually less evolved? Compared to Asians, westerners are :
1. Less smarter.
2. Unattaractive
3. Look much older than their real age.
4. More smelly.
5. More hairy.
6. Etc much closer to ape evolution.

Facts about westerners are less evolved compared to Asians so this not just an opinion, claim or anything else like that. And they are racist even in sport which supposedly the only thing in this world that can unite the world.

You don't see Asians acting the same as them even when Asians are the most evolved race, so what do you think about the reason for this, is this because of genetics stuff thing where westerners naturally think they are superior, because of wrong education, western parents doctrine or any other reasons? Finding the cause may solve the racism of western police in america against African.
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You see a few stories recycled endlessly in the media and you think that makes you an expert? Since you are so evolved, why not bring your English up to fifth grader standards? It won't make your point any more valid, especially since you're a racist attacking racism, but it would help make you look a little less stupid.
You see a few stories recycled endlessly in the media and you think that makes you an expert? Since you are so evolved, why not bring your English up to fifth grader standards? It won't make your point any more valid, especially since you're a racist attacking racism, but it would help make you look a little less stupid.

Stating facts is not racism even if you or all the peoples who are mentioned by the facts are angry, insulted, etc by the facts.

About language, someone language does not reflect their IQ, and in fact many genious have language and acts which "normal" peoples think as weird. You probably can't even speak 1 full sentence in any Asian language just like when westerners attend non western forum including in the United Nations when they always have to use bilingual headphone when non westerners speak while the non westerners can understand their english.
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You see a few stories recycled endlessly in the media and you think that makes you an expert? Since you are so evolved, why not bring your English up to fifth grader standards? It won't make your point any more valid, especially since you're a racist attacking racism, but it would help make you look a little less stupid.

Saved me some typing.
You see a few stories recycled endlessly in the media and you think that makes you an expert? Since you are so evolved, why not bring your English up to fifth grader standards? It won't make your point any more valid, especially since you're a racist attacking racism, but it would help make you look a little less stupid.

Stating facts is not racism even if you or all the peoples who are mentioned by the facts are angry, insulted, etc by the facts.

Maybe you should stick with anime threads and leave the real discussions to the adults.
When they are actually less evolved? Compared to Asians, westerners are :
1. Less smarter.
2. Unattaractive
3. Look much older than their real age.
4. More smelly.
5. More hairy.
6. Etc much closer to ape evolution.

Facts about westerners are less evolved compared to Asians so this not just an opinion, claim or anything else like that. And they are racist even in sport which supposedly the only thing in this world that can unite the world.

You don't see Asians acting the same as them even when Asians are the most evolved race, so what do you think about the reason for this, is this because of genetics stuff thing where westerners naturally think they are superior, because of of wrong education or any other reasons? Finding the cause may solve the racism of western police in america against African.

Where do you live?

The reason I ask is that English appears to be your second language.
"Westerners" are "not think hey are superior". That's a blanket generalization fallacy and not even English.

There are a few racists around, who seem to gravitate to boards like this, because no one else will listen to them.
And judging by your OP -- you're one of 'em.

Even though "westerner" is not a race.
When they are actually less evolved? Compared to Asians, westerners are :
1. Less smarter.
2. Unattaractive
3. Look much older than their real age.
4. More smelly.
5. More hairy.
6. Etc much closer to ape evolution.

Facts about westerners are less evolved compared to Asians so this not just an opinion, claim or anything else like that. And they are racist even in sport which supposedly the only thing in this world that can unite the world.

You don't see Asians acting the same as them even when Asians are the most evolved race, so what do you think about the reason for this, is this because of genetics stuff thing where westerners naturally think they are superior, because of of wrong education or any other reasons? Finding the cause may solve the racism of western police in america against African.

Meh, Asians have tiny penises.
When they are actually less evolved? Compared to Asians, westerners are :
1. Less smarter.
2. Unattaractive
3. Look much older than their real age.
4. More smelly.
5. More hairy.
6. Etc much closer to ape evolution.

Facts about westerners are less evolved compared to Asians so this not just an opinion, claim or anything else like that. And they are racist even in sport which supposedly the only thing in this world that can unite the world.

You don't see Asians acting the same as them even when Asians are the most evolved race, so what do you think about the reason for this, is this because of genetics stuff thing where westerners naturally think they are superior, because of of wrong education or any other reasons? Finding the cause may solve the racism of western police in america against African.

Meh, Asians have tiny penises.

There is no good benefits of having big penis, having big penis only make the owner to think more about sexual things compared to someone who have smaller penis who will think more about creative things. Bigger penis produce more hormone [ forgot the name ] which raise the owner libido and the fact of this can be seen at african who commit the biggest numbers of rape and other sexual crimes in the world while being the most less advanced race in the world.

And evolution lead into a more smaller form so big penis is actually the sign of being less evolved.
"Westerners" are "not think hey are superior". That's a blanket generalization fallacy and not even English.

There are a few racists around, who seem to gravitate to boards like this, because no one else will listen to them.
And judging by your OP -- you're one of 'em.

Even though "westerner" is not a race.

Go tell that to the kkk, no other race who form kkk or similar racist group like that who think westerners are superior. That racist group still exist to this day such as who form the stormfront and vanguard whatever name they use.
When they are actually less evolved? Compared to Asians, westerners are :
1. Less smarter.
2. Unattaractive
3. Look much older than their real age.
4. More smelly.
5. More hairy.
6. Etc much closer to ape evolution.

Facts about westerners are less evolved compared to Asians so this not just an opinion, claim or anything else like that. And they are racist even in sport which supposedly the only thing in this world that can unite the world.

You don't see Asians acting the same as them even when Asians are the most evolved race, so what do you think about the reason for this, is this because of genetics stuff thing where westerners naturally think they are superior, because of of wrong education or any other reasons? Finding the cause may solve the racism of western police in america against African.

Meh, Asians have tiny penises.

There is no good benefits of having big penis, having big penis only make the owner to think more about sexual things compared to someone who have smaller penis who will think more about creative things. Bigger penis produce more hormone [ forgot the name ] which raise the owner libido and the fact of this can be seen at african who commit the biggest numbers of rape and other sexual crimes in the world while being the most less advanced race in the world.

And evolution lead into a more smaller form so big penis is actually the sign of being less evolved.

Nah, that's just what people with small penises say to make themselves feel better.
"Westerners" are "not think hey are superior". That's a blanket generalization fallacy and not even English.

There are a few racists around, who seem to gravitate to boards like this, because no one else will listen to them.
And judging by your OP -- you're one of 'em.

Even though "westerner" is not a race.

Go tell that to the kkk, no other race who form kkk or similar racist group like that who think westerners are superior. That racist group still exist to this day such as who form the stormfront and vanguard whatever name they use.

Generally in English you need what we call a "verb" to make a sentence. Really makes the whole thing come alive.
Work on it.
You see a few stories recycled endlessly in the media and you think that makes you an expert? Since you are so evolved, why not bring your English up to fifth grader standards? It won't make your point any more valid, especially since you're a racist attacking racism, but it would help make you look a little less stupid.

Stating facts is not racism even if you or all the peoples who are mentioned by the facts are angry, insulted, etc by the facts.

About language, someone language does not reflect their IQ, and in fact many genious have language and acts which "normal" peoples think as weird. You probably can't even speak 1 full sentence in any Asian language just like when westerners attend non western forum including in the United Nations when they always have to use bilingual headphone when non westerners speak while the non westerners can understand their english.
True, I don't speak any Asian languages, but I also don't join Asian speaking boards and try to lecture them. So go ahead and support your "facts" i.e., "Asians are the most evolved race".

It doesn't make me angry, you're a retard, I was actually making fun of you. Sorry I had to explain it.
Yeah, Asians are so smart that they can get the fuck beat out of them whenever they face us.

I can sense that you are very angry at seeing more and more western youth turn themselves as wannabe Asians this days, especially when you see them imitate Anime/Asian characters and try to speak in some random Asian languages.
I threat anyone the same they treat me.

They want respect they will have to show some.

they don't like it, though shit
Yeah, Asians are so smart that they can get the fuck beat out of them whenever they face us.

I can sense that you are very angry at seeing more and more western youth turn themselves as wannabe Asians this days, especially when you see them imitate Anime/Asian characters and try to speak in some random Asian languages.
That's the nerd culture that is so absorbed in gaming they have no common sense and can't cope with normal life issues. If you think that is a great part of the community than good for you.

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