Why are wingnuts so rampant on this site


Jul 26, 2011
Just wondering. If I had a nickel for every thread which had little if anything to do with politics that some wingnut tried to get off on a political disgression or cat right or piss and moan about the left or right or whatever aI'd be rich. The left sucks! The right sucks! Bush! Obama! Our side is so wise, yours blows! (rinse and repeat)

Damn people, give it a rest or at least take it to the political area(s). There is more to life than politics. I know that sounds shocking but it's true, honest!
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in the past they had control of everything here
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Just wondering. If I had a nickel for every thread which had little if anything to do with politics that some wingnut tried to get off on a political disgression or cat right or piss and moan about the left or right or whatever aI'd be rich. The left sucks! The right sucks! Bush! Obama! Our side is so wise, yours blows! (rinse and repeat)

Damn people, give it a rest or at least take it to the political area(s). There is more to life than politics:(. I know that sounds shocking but it's true, honest!

It's not shocking and yes it's true. It is also what makes posting here fun. There is no better place to understand the political views of extreme partisans than right here on the USMB.

There exists here an echo chamber of ignorance, one far right wingnut will post a thread, such as, "Obama is a Socialist and hates America"; half a dozen or more will thank (crusaderfrank, daveman, willow treee, or another wacko for the thread) and another half dozen or so will post similar idiotgrams claiming the president is the (worst, dumbest) president in our history.
Yeah and that's SO much better than the left wingnuts posting their dribblings. Right.

Just wondering. If I had a nickel for every thread which had little if anything to do with politics that some wingnut tried to get off on a political disgression or cat right or piss and moan about the left or right or whatever aI'd be rich. The left sucks! The right sucks! Bush! Obama! Our side is so wise, yours blows! (rinse and repeat)

Damn people, give it a rest or at least take it to the political area(s). There is more to life than politics:(. I know that sounds shocking but it's true, honest!

It's not shocking and yes it's true. It is also what makes posting here fun. There is no better place to understand the political views of extreme partisans than right here on the USMB.

There exists here an echo chamber of ignorance, one far right wingnut will post a thread, such as, "Obama is a Socialist and hates America"; half a dozen or more will thank (crusaderfrank, daveman, willow treee, or another wacko for the thread) and another half dozen or so will post similar idiotgrams claiming the president is the (worst, dumbest) president in our history.

it is funny how you did not mention all the lunacy from some of the far left posters here.......i wonder why?......or need i wonder being that this is coming from the Frisco Kid.....
Yeah and that's SO much better than the left wingnuts posting their dribblings. Right.


when you belong to that Echo Chamber......you dont look at it as Dribblings....the Lefts Ignorance is somewhat Different than the Rights....
It's important to understand the policies, ideas, and concepts BEHIND the mainstream news.

Those are driven by the philosophical diffs between folks. And they NEVER really get sufficiently aired in the "common" media. The driving force in US politics is NOT DEM/REP skirmishes and circuses. The important story isn't which horse is ahead today in the election.

The DRIVING force is the political "wings" represented by libertarian, conservative, liberal, socialist, leftist principles.

And my experience is (over 10 years of board discussions) that the BASIC DIFFERENCE between all these philosophies is how one views the ability of individuals to cope and survive in the presence/absence of law and government. All the yelling really boils down to this.

Some (they remain nameless) have a very dim view of human ability and potential.. Others (also nameless) believe in a more naturally equal distribution of ability and potential. The former tend to favor ditching individual sovereignty and freedom for the protection of the state. (The herd/shepard model) And the latter wants to maximize individual performance by restraining the state. (The pioneer/sheriff model)

Yes -- MOST of it is one-line partisian sniping. But you CAN learn more on USMB in an hour than you will from ABC/NBC/CBS news in a month.. Particularly from YOUR KIND of "innocent observer" position.

If you refrain from the partisian sniping and refuse to identify with a single side in the DEM/REP circus --I think you CAN avoid becoming road-kill on USMB. But I think you'll also find that to have a consistent PERSONAL political philosophy and principles -- you're gonna end up in ONE of the 5 camps that I mentioned above.

Happy Hunting..
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Just wondering. If I had a nickel for every thread which had little if anything to do with politics that some wingnut tried to get off on a political disgression or cat right or piss and moan about the left or right or whatever aI'd be rich. The left sucks! The right sucks! Bush! Obama! Our side is so wise, yours blows! (rinse and repeat)

Damn people, give it a rest or at least take it to the political area(s). There is more to life than politics. I know that sounds shocking but it's true, honest!

NOTHING IS AS IMPORTANT AS POLITICS - if grown men stopped acting like kids with all these stupid sports - and watched what was being done to amerika - - WE WOULD NOT BE IN THIS MESS !
It's why it's important to stick to the facts.



yea yea we know Dean......you have made those two numbers immortal.....they will be here long after we are gone.....used by posters who wont even know who you are....

I didn't make those numbers immortal. Republicans did.

Only 6% of scientists are republican.

The Republican Party is 90% white.

It's just the way it is.
It's why it's important to stick to the facts.



yea yea we know Dean......you have made those two numbers immortal.....they will be here long after we are gone.....used by posters who wont even know who you are....

I didn't make those numbers immortal. Republicans did.

Only 6% of scientists are republican.

The Republican Party is 90% white.

It's just the way it is.
are you sure you want to talk about stats ??:eusa_angel:
Just wondering. If I had a nickel for every thread which had little if anything to do with politics that some wingnut tried to get off on a political disgression or cat right or piss and moan about the left or right or whatever aI'd be rich. The left sucks! The right sucks! Bush! Obama! Our side is so wise, yours blows! (rinse and repeat)

Damn people, give it a rest or at least take it to the political area(s). There is more to life than politics:(. I know that sounds shocking but it's true, honest!

It's not shocking and yes it's true. It is also what makes posting here fun. There is no better place to understand the political views of extreme partisans than right here on the USMB.

There exists here an echo chamber of ignorance, one far right wingnut will post a thread, such as, "Obama is a Socialist and hates America"; half a dozen or more will thank (crusaderfrank, daveman, willow treee, or another wacko for the thread) and another half dozen or so will post similar idiotgrams claiming the president is the (worst, dumbest) president in our history.

I guess you retards can't read, he included the left. That would be you also.
It's why it's important to stick to the facts.



yea yea we know Dean......you have made those two numbers immortal.....they will be here long after we are gone.....used by posters who wont even know who you are....

I didn't make those numbers immortal. Republicans did.

Only 6% of scientists are republican.

The Republican Party is 90% white.

It's just the way it is.

You have failed numerous times to prove either claim. In fact your 6 percent claim comes from a single very small group of specific scientists. As I recall something like a field with 78 scientists in it.

As for the 90 percent, you have not proven that either.
Just wondering. If I had a nickel for every thread which had little if anything to do with politics that some wingnut tried to get off on a political disgression or cat right or piss and moan about the left or right or whatever aI'd be rich. The left sucks! The right sucks! Bush! Obama! Our side is so wise, yours blows! (rinse and repeat)

Damn people, give it a rest or at least take it to the political area(s). There is more to life than politics:(. I know that sounds shocking but it's true, honest!

It's not shocking and yes it's true. It is also what makes posting here fun. There is no better place to understand the political views of extreme partisans than right here on the USMB.

There exists here an echo chamber of ignorance, one far right wingnut will post a thread, such as, "Obama is a Socialist and hates America"; half a dozen or more will thank (crusaderfrank, daveman, willow treee, or another wacko for the thread) and another half dozen or so will post similar idiotgrams claiming the president is the (worst, dumbest) president in our history.

it is funny how you did not mention all the lunacy from some of the far left posters here.......i wonder why?......or need i wonder being that this is coming from the Frisco Kid.....

Harry, who is that scary broad in your avi??? I'm going to have nightmares!!! :lol:

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