Why are y'all still wearing masks?

Not as hot and uncomfortable as being in an ICU bed on a ventilator.
After 3 months of not wearing a mask when should I schedule my icu stay?
You realize that most of the people in ICU, thought they wouldn't get infected.
you know this how? cause you see, many of the people that did end up in an icu ended up there because of some preexisting issue. you know this right? pick a hospital and lets see their icu trends over the last seven months.
they are as uncomfortable as hell and fking useless. why does one have to keep social distancing if one is wearing a mask? explain it.
Because it also prevents contaminating surfaces. A sneeze covers objects within 6 feet, whether indoor or outdoors, with enough virus that somebody touching them can infect themselves.

The idea is to minimize the spread, both by surface contact, and by airborne transmission.

Its not rocket science, and if you look at the videos, you'll see everybody around the astronauts is wearing a mask.
You realize that most of the people in ICU, thought they wouldn't get infected.
you know this how? cause you see, many of the people that did end up in an icu ended up there because of some preexisting issue. you know this right? pick a hospital and lets see their icu trends over the last seven months.
How do I know those in ICU didn't expect to be there? The same way of those in the emergency room with a severed toe from a lawnmower, or a broken leg from falling off a ladder didn't intend to be there either.
Unless you have some other health issue, you likely won't be in ICU. But how much do you know about the health conditions of every person you come in contact with? And the health conditions of the people they come in contact with. I have a good friend who has some immunity issue due to having MS and the meds he take. You can't tell it to look at him. Or the healthy teenager at the grocery store, who has a parent at home with serious issues.

I simply choose not to risk other people's health (and even their life) to try and show I am such a badass.

Exactly the point. The idea is to protect others by making a small sacrifice. I gave up leaded gasoline, and asbestos brakes. And now the air that everybody breathes is cleaner.
no it makes you feel better, not me. you aren't me, you have no idea how anyone else feels. you don't get to speak for me asshat.

Funny thing, you don't seem to have a problem with people demeaning those of us who choose to wear a mask.
A friend of mine is sharing this story all over. Thought it might get a laugh here (and maybe make a point).

In the latest episode of my surreal life, I stopped by Kroger yesterday to pick up a few things, and ended up in a line where I was the only mask wearer. The mullet sportin' guy behind me insisted upon being not only too close, but wanted to have a conversation. I avoided discussing looters in Atlanta, the glock he was "carring concealed", and Antifa coming in from "up north". When the line moved forward he stepped even closer and said "hey, fear is no way to run your life buddy, you don't have to wear that mask." Still trying to be polite, I told him that it was really my choice, and I was wearing it for his protection. He told me to take a look around... the quicker we all returned to normal, the better off we'd all be. "You should take off that mask and free yourself!"
So, I pulled my mask down, leaned into him, and told him that I wasn't kidding... I was actually trying to protect him. "I tested positive a couple of days ago, and I had to pick up a couple of things with my prescription", pointing to my prescription bag.
He looked very confused, blurted out that he had forgotten to get bread, and darted off toward the bread aisle. I avoided the urge to follow him and continue our conversation....

I know the guy who did this. He doesn't have the Covid-19 virus. But I think it is hilarious the way the "mullet sportin guy" took off to get bread.
Oregon will start to require masks in stores beginning the 24th. Will I have to start wearing a mask after all this time? That remains to be seen and it seems asinine.

Kathleen Brown is determined to fuck up Oregon the way big brother Jerry did in California.
Full court farce press now in as the Covid hoax is slipping away. Frantic attempts to reference higher positives while completely ignoring that there is proportionately far more testing
Full court farce press now in as the Covid hoax is slipping away. Frantic attempts to reference higher positives while completely ignoring that there is proportionately far more testing

That talking point is completely contradicted by the corresponding increase in hospital admissions, ICU admissions and use of ventilators.

Testing gives forewarning. Hospital admissions are what testing warns of. Both are going up.
Full court farce press now in as the Covid hoax is slipping away. Frantic attempts to reference higher positives while completely ignoring that there is proportionately far more testing

That talking point is completely contradicted by the corresponding increase in hospital admissions, ICU admissions and use of ventilators.

Testing gives forewarning. Hospital admissions are what testing warns of. Both are going up.
We know you rely on anticipations of disaster and worst case scenarios but thinking people don’t
Because the sheep under the control of governors and mayors demand it? What about the riots/lootings/marchings/funeral masses for Floyd? Most are bumper to bumper with shoulders, and no masks as if a piddly mask would stop a virus in those conditions. So I ask...if you wear a mask..WHY do you wear it to go to the grocery store or while driving in your car? Unless of course you enjoy looking like a bandit.
For somebody calling himself "weather" you want us to ignore the forecast.
We don’t consider worst case as most likely
The problem with that position is that the worst case is often mitigated by it's knowledge.

The 4th hijacked plane on 9-11 was headed to Washington DC, to either the white house or the capital. The passengers found out about a worse case scenario, so they attacked the hijackers, causing the plane crash, and the death of 44 passengers.
If they did not heed the worse case scenario, they would have allowed the hijackers to kill hundreds or thousands.
For somebody calling himself "weather" you want us to ignore the forecast.
We don’t consider worst case as most likely
The problem with that position is that the worst case is often mitigated by it's knowledge.

The 4th hijacked plane on 9-11 was headed to Washington DC, to either the white house or the capital. The passengers found out about a worse case scenario, so they attacked the hijackers, causing the plane crash, and the death of 44 passengers.
If they did not heed the worse case scenario, they would have allowed the hijackers to kill hundreds or thousands.
Big ass “what if” failed comparisons
Full court farce press now in as the Covid hoax is slipping away. Frantic attempts to reference higher positives while completely ignoring that there is proportionately far more testing
That does not explain the jump in hospital admissions.

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