I am tired of seeing people wearing masks. Time to get serious about making that madness stop.

Oh, you think I am still wearing a mask? Pity you don't pay attention.

It doesn't have anything to do with a mask.

It is an exercise in showing how self-consumed and vain people are,
and how far they will go in attempts to support their own beliefs.

Read what was written, don't be defensive, and listen to what is said, not where you are being led.
Or ... Keep jumping through hoops ... :auiqs.jpg:

I would like to some governors of states ran by REAL AMERICANS to put their foot down. Make it a crime to wear a mask in public without a good reason to be doing so. It's time to bring back common sense and freedom to America. I don't understand why stores continue to allow people to wear masks inside them. In fact, they will actively defend people who wear masks. I was kicked out of a Walmart by some libtards because some snowflake complained when I was following him around the store telling him to remove his mask and to stop living in fear of catching a cold. The security and manager told me to leave, but let him continue to shop while wearing a mask. Which is weird. I have every right to be in fear of these mask wearers, because they could be wearing those masks to hide their faces as the mug me in the produce department. The country has gone weak. I'm afraid to defend it from these people, because I know if I start pulling their masks off they will call the police me, and the cowardly police would arrest me instead of the actual mask wearers who could very likely be wearing a mask to assault innocent people.

If you see people wearing a mask in public, then make their lives a living hell. It's time to stand up for our freedom and rights to not have to worry about being mugged by masked criminals.
I wouldnt call the police on you but I would fuck you up if you tried taking my mask off.
But you're black. That means you'll sneak up behind him and smack him in the back of the head.
I'm sure you really believe that too.

Oh, you think I am still wearing a mask? Pity you don't pay attention.

It doesn't have anything to do with a mask.

It is an exercise in showing how self-consumed and vain people are,
and how far they will go in attempts to support their own beliefs.

Read what was written, don't be defensive, and listen to what is said, not where you are being led.
Or ... Keep jumping through hoops ... :auiqs.jpg:


Listen to what? The claims that covid-19 is just the flu?
That wearing the M95 mask caused a buildup of CO2 so that the wearer would pass out in less than 30 mins?
That the entire pandemic was fake?
That the vaccine causes our DNA to mutate?
That the vaccine is actually a plan by Bill Gates to put tracking devices in us?

I have heard lunacy from plenty of sources.

And what I read in the OP is just another example.
I would like to some governors of states ran by REAL AMERICANS to put their foot down. Make it a crime to wear a mask in public without a good reason to be doing so. It's time to bring back common sense and freedom to America. I don't understand why stores continue to allow people to wear masks inside them. In fact, they will actively defend people who wear masks. I was kicked out of a Walmart by some libtards because some snowflake complained when I was following him around the store telling him to remove his mask and to stop living in fear of catching a cold. The security and manager told me to leave, but let him continue to shop while wearing a mask. Which is weird. I have every right to be in fear of these mask wearers, because they could be wearing those masks to hide their faces as the mug me in the produce department. The country has gone weak. I'm afraid to defend it from these people, because I know if I start pulling their masks off they will call the police me, and the cowardly police would arrest me instead of the actual mask wearers who could very likely be wearing a mask to assault innocent people.

If you see people wearing a mask in public, then make their lives a living hell. It's time to stand up for our freedom and rights to not have to worry about being mugged by masked criminals.
"Assault people with masks on because you are afraid they will assault you."..............Ladies & Gentlemen....what we have here is today's American con-servative logic.

Listen to what? The claims that covid-19 is just the flu?
That wearing the M95 mask caused a buildup of CO2 so that the wearer would pass out in less than 30 mins?
That the entire pandemic was fake?
That the vaccine causes our DNA to mutate?
That the vaccine is actually a plan by Bill Gates to put tracking devices in us?

I have heard lunacy from plenty of sources.

And what I read in the OP is just another example.

Read what is written, stop being defensive ... It has nothing to do with any of the stuff you listed.
It has everything to do with your inability to recognize things for what they are, in attempts to support your beliefs.

It's about you and your foolishness, vanity, and determination to set rules to a game you don't even know you are playing,
because you are blind to your own insanity ... :thup:


Listen to what? The claims that covid-19 is just the flu?
That wearing the M95 mask caused a buildup of CO2 so that the wearer would pass out in less than 30 mins?
That the entire pandemic was fake?
That the vaccine causes our DNA to mutate?
That the vaccine is actually a plan by Bill Gates to put tracking devices in us?

I have heard lunacy from plenty of sources.

And what I read in the OP is just another example.

Read what is written, stop being defensive ... It has nothing to do with any of the stuff you listed.
It has everything to do with your inability to recognize things for what they are, in attempts to support your beliefs.

It's about you and your foolishness, vanity, and determination to set rules to a game you don't even know you are playing,
because you are blind to your own insanity ... :thup:


My insanity? The OP posts about following someone around Walmart and harassing them because they are wearing a mask. Something has no effect on him at all. And my comments about what happened due to the information available is what you single out as insanity? lol Okey dokey

My insanity? The OP posts about following someone around Walmart and harassing them because they are wearing a mask. Something has no effect on him at all. And my comments about what happened due to the information available is what you single out as insanity? lol Okey dokey

Stop being defensive and listen to what I am saying, or you will never get it.
I said the OP wasn't trying to convince you of anything, and was playing a game you have yet to recognize.

You keep doing exactly what he wanted you to do, and keep expressing exactly the point I have been making.
It doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Covid-19, masks or whatever.

It's all about you arguing with me, and the lengths you will go to in order to stop me, or someone else. from doing something you don't like,
because your sensibilities are so fragile you absolutely have to.
And ... You keep doing that ... Jumping through hoops.

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I would like to some governors of states ran by REAL AMERICANS to put their foot down. Make it a crime to wear a mask in public without a good reason to be doing so. It's time to bring back common sense and freedom to America. I don't understand why stores continue to allow people to wear masks inside them. In fact, they will actively defend people who wear masks. I was kicked out of a Walmart by some libtards because some snowflake complained when I was following him around the store telling him to remove his mask and to stop living in fear of catching a cold. The security and manager told me to leave, but let him continue to shop while wearing a mask. Which is weird. I have every right to be in fear of these mask wearers, because they could be wearing those masks to hide their faces as the mug me in the produce department. The country has gone weak. I'm afraid to defend it from these people, because I know if I start pulling their masks off they will call the police me, and the cowardly police would arrest me instead of the actual mask wearers who could very likely be wearing a mask to assault innocent people.

If you see people wearing a mask in public, then make their lives a living hell. It's time to stand up for our freedom and rights to not have to worry about being mugged by masked criminals.
A pandemic is not a Good reason?
Not a good reason unless a mask would actually do something to lessen the pandemic which it does not.
I would like to some governors of states ran by REAL AMERICANS to put their foot down. Make it a crime to wear a mask in public without a good reason to be doing so. It's time to bring back common sense and freedom to America. I don't understand why stores continue to allow people to wear masks inside them. In fact, they will actively defend people who wear masks. I was kicked out of a Walmart by some libtards because some snowflake complained when I was following him around the store telling him to remove his mask and to stop living in fear of catching a cold. The security and manager told me to leave, but let him continue to shop while wearing a mask. Which is weird. I have every right to be in fear of these mask wearers, because they could be wearing those masks to hide their faces as the mug me in the produce department. The country has gone weak. I'm afraid to defend it from these people, because I know if I start pulling their masks off they will call the police me, and the cowardly police would arrest me instead of the actual mask wearers who could very likely be wearing a mask to assault innocent people.

If you see people wearing a mask in public, then make their lives a living hell. It's time to stand up for our freedom and rights to not have to worry about being mugged by masked criminals.
A pandemic is not a Good reason?
Not a good reason unless a mask would actually do something to lessen the pandemic which it does not.
Why do healthcare professionals wear masks during health stressful procedures if they are useless? I can't imagine for-profit healthcare providers wanting to reduce profits without Good Cause.

My insanity? The OP posts about following someone around Walmart and harassing them because they are wearing a mask. Something has no effect on him at all. And my comments about what happened due to the information available is what you single out as insanity? lol Okey dokey

Stop being defensive and listen to what I am saying, or you will never get it.
I said the OP wasn't trying to convince you of anything, and was playing a game you have yet to recognize.

You keep doing exactly what he wanted you to do, and keep expressing exactly the point I have been making.
It doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Covid-19, masks or whatever.

It's all about you arguing with me, and the lengths you will go to in order to stop me, or someone else. from doing something you don't like,
because your sensibilities are so fragile you absolutely have to.
And ... You keep doing that ... Jumping through hoops.


If the OP is playing a game by looking like an asshole, I will happily play along and help him look like an asshole.

And it is not about someone doing something I don't like. It is about harassment of ordinary people for no valid reason.

If the OP is playing a game by looking like an asshole, I will happily play along and help him look like an asshole.

And it is not about someone doing something I don't like. It is about harassment of ordinary people for no valid reason.

He only looked like an asshole to people like you ... Which was the key to his success in the exercise.
But then again, don't bitch about being harassed, because your pathetically insecure ass volunteered for the dog and pony show ... :auiqs.jpg:


If the OP is playing a game by looking like an asshole, I will happily play along and help him look like an asshole.

And it is not about someone doing something I don't like. It is about harassment of ordinary people for no valid reason.

He only looked like an asshole to people like you ... Which was the key to his success in the exercise.
But then again, don't bitch about being harassed, because your pathetically insecure ass volunteered for the dog and pony show ... :auiqs.jpg:


I didn't volunteer for any sort of show.

I did, however, in the face of conflicting reports, choose to play the safest route.

I didn't volunteer for any sort of show.

I did, however, in the face of conflicting reports, choose to play the safest route.

Your desperate need to volunteer what you thought was pertinent, was the point of the exercise.
Something you still haven't figured out as you continue to attempt to satisfy your insecurities, and avoid the reality.

Man ... If you keep doing this, I'm going to have to start charging you for the advice.
Otherwise ... It's just a waste of time, and I have no desire to be in your dog and pony show ... :auiqs.jpg:

Wear a mask or don't.

Get the vaccine or don't.

Just mind your own damn business and leave me alone.

Oh come on now ... The part about chasing the guy wearing a mask around the store, and getting kicked out by security, was funny.

Where I have never actually seen that happen ...
I have seen the exact opposite happen, in regards to who was wearing a mask chasing people around a store, calling security, and who got kicked out.

Go away to a place where you can get what you want and leave us alone.
or we can make America a better country making laws that prevent deviants from wearing masks in public, and make it illegal for people to injected with experimental vaccines (or any vaccines for that matter). I am tired of my freedoms being infringed upon because some freaks think it's okay to wear a mask in public or to get DNA mutating serums shot into their arm.
You can't make laws since you are nobody and your rule doesn't override anyone's freedom to wear if a damn mask if they wish to do as such.

Your rights end where my freedom to not be around people wearing masks or vaccinated vaxholes begins. I have legitimate concerns of being mugged by a masker or being turned into a mindless mutant from a vaxhole who sheds vaccines particles. I thought America was about freedom? Why is my freedom not valued?

"Sheds vaccine particles"????



You need to call
Go away to a place where you can get what you want and leave us alone.
or we can make America a better country making laws that prevent deviants from wearing masks in public, and make it illegal for people to injected with experimental vaccines (or any vaccines for that matter). I am tired of my freedoms being infringed upon because some freaks think it's okay to wear a mask in public or to get DNA mutating serums shot into their arm.
You can't make laws since you are nobody and your rule doesn't override anyone's freedom to wear if a damn mask if they wish to do as such.

Your rights end where my freedom to not be around people wearing masks or vaccinated vaxholes begins. I have legitimate concerns of being mugged by a masker or being turned into a mindless mutant from a vaxhole who sheds vaccines particles. I thought America was about freedom? Why is my freedom not valued?
You do have the right to finger yourself you do not have the right to control who fingers whom.
Go away to a place where you can get what you want and leave us alone.
or we can make America a better country making laws that prevent deviants from wearing masks in public, and make it illegal for people to injected with experimental vaccines (or any vaccines for that matter). I am tired of my freedoms being infringed upon because some freaks think it's okay to wear a mask in public or to get DNA mutating serums shot into their arm.
You can't make laws since you are nobody and your rule doesn't override anyone's freedom to wear if a damn mask if they wish to do as such.

Your rights end where my freedom to not be around people wearing masks or vaccinated vaxholes begins. I have legitimate concerns of being mugged by a masker or being turned into a mindless mutant from a vaxhole who sheds vaccines particles. I thought America was about freedom? Why is my freedom not valued?

"Sheds vaccine particles"????



You need to call
Hey! The person shedding vaccine particles may be experiencing terminal flatulence, be nice..
I would like to some governors of states ran by REAL AMERICANS to put their foot down. Make it a crime to wear a mask in public without a good reason to be doing so. It's time to bring back common sense and freedom to America. I don't understand why stores continue to allow people to wear masks inside them. In fact, they will actively defend people who wear masks. I was kicked out of a Walmart by some libtards because some snowflake complained when I was following him around the store telling him to remove his mask and to stop living in fear of catching a cold. The security and manager told me to leave, but let him continue to shop while wearing a mask. Which is weird. I have every right to be in fear of these mask wearers, because they could be wearing those masks to hide their faces as the mug me in the produce department. The country has gone weak. I'm afraid to defend it from these people, because I know if I start pulling their masks off they will call the police me, and the cowardly police would arrest me instead of the actual mask wearers who could very likely be wearing a mask to assault innocent people.

If you see people wearing a mask in public, then make their lives a living hell. It's time to stand up for our freedom and rights to not have to worry about being mugged by masked criminals.
Look kids! ^^ Fascism!
Go away to a place where you can get what you want and leave us alone.
or we can make America a better country making laws that prevent deviants from wearing masks in public, and make it illegal for people to injected with experimental vaccines (or any vaccines for that matter). I am tired of my freedoms being infringed upon because some freaks think it's okay to wear a mask in public or to get DNA mutating serums shot into their arm.
You can't make laws since you are nobody and your rule doesn't override anyone's freedom to wear if a damn mask if they wish to do as such.

Your rights end where my freedom to not be around people wearing masks or vaccinated vaxholes begins. I have legitimate concerns of being mugged by a masker or being turned into a mindless mutant from a vaxhole who sheds vaccines particles. I thought America was about freedom? Why is my freedom not valued?
Vaccine particles?

Just how stupid are you, anyway?

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