Why are younger generations of Americans still so patroitic and religious? ?

Why does the right, have more of a problem with human sexuality in modern times, than with a timeless abomination of hypocrisy and that form of endorsement of Lord Satan's reign on Earth?
Who? Do you really believe there is a character name Satan that actually exists? Tell yourself the story and ask yourself if that is real or a made up story to teach right and wrong also to put fear in people in case they dont believe. So stupid. How about Thor? Zeus?
It has to do with morals; sorry you don't really have a clue or a Cause.
Why does the right, have more of a problem with human sexuality in modern times, than with a timeless abomination of hypocrisy and that form of endorsement of Lord Satan's reign on Earth?
Who? Do you really believe there is a character name Satan that actually exists? Tell yourself the story and ask yourself if that is real or a made up story to teach right and wrong also to put fear in people in case they dont believe. So stupid. How about Thor? Zeus?
There is a being named Satan.. Yes the "story" is far fetched but when you have a higher state of consciousness you simply know there are greater powers that surround us. I mean take a look around. People worship Satan just as they do God. There is pure good and pure evil.. We are all human yet have different morals and codes. Where do they come from? I mean really how do YOU think we came to be on the planet? You really think we evolved from a single celled organism? Even if that were true how did that single cell organism come to BE?

As for Thor and Zeus, they were greek "mythology" as in stories. God and Satan were never considered to be mythology.
Ok, dear; here it is, for your ease and convenience; it has to do with False Christians wanting to be taken as seriously as True Christians.
Why does the right, have more of a problem with human sexuality in modern times, than with a timeless abomination of hypocrisy and that form of endorsement of Lord Satan's reign on Earth?
Who? Do you really believe there is a character name Satan that actually exists? Tell yourself the story and ask yourself if that is real or a made up story to teach right and wrong also to put fear in people in case they dont believe. So stupid. How about Thor? Zeus?
There is a being named Satan.. Yes the "story" is far fetched but when you have a higher state of consciousness you simply know there are greater powers that surround us. I mean take a look around. People worship Satan just as they do God. There is pure good and pure evil.. We are all human yet have different morals and codes. Where do they come from? I mean really how do YOU think we came to be on the planet? You really think we evolved from a single celled organism? Even if that were true how did that single cell organism come to BE?

As for Thor and Zeus, they were greek "mythology" as in stories. God and Satan were never considered to be mythology.
I dont know how we came to be. You think you know but the truth is no one knows. Theists believe god visited. He didn't.

It dawned on me earlier tonight god is completely irrelavent. Doesnt matter if you believe or I dont. I still know not to murder and you know not to lie with or without him. Every invention and cure and discovery had nothing to do with looking for god or having faith. You want to invent something or find a cure? Stop praying and get to work.
Why does the right, have more of a problem with human sexuality in modern times, than with a timeless abomination of hypocrisy and that form of endorsement of Lord Satan's reign on Earth?
Who? Do you really believe there is a character name Satan that actually exists? Tell yourself the story and ask yourself if that is real or a made up story to teach right and wrong also to put fear in people in case they dont believe. So stupid. How about Thor? Zeus?
There is a being named Satan.. Yes the "story" is far fetched but when you have a higher state of consciousness you simply know there are greater powers that surround us. I mean take a look around. People worship Satan just as they do God. There is pure good and pure evil.. We are all human yet have different morals and codes. Where do they come from? I mean really how do YOU think we came to be on the planet? You really think we evolved from a single celled organism? Even if that were true how did that single cell organism come to BE?

As for Thor and Zeus, they were greek "mythology" as in stories. God and Satan were never considered to be mythology.
I dont know how we came to be. You think you know but the truth is no one knows. Theists believe god visited. He didn't.

It dawned on me earlier tonight god is completely irrelavent. Doesnt matter if you believe or I dont. I still know not to murder and you know not to lie with or without him. Every invention and cure and discovery had nothing to do with looking for god or having faith. You want to invent something or find a cure? Stop praying and get to work.
So you are saying you know the truth? The absolute truth? You are correct it doesn't matter in a way. It does however matter to the people who pray for you and to God. Do they want you to see something more? Of course, but in the end you have your free will to choose what you want.
What does faith have to do with inventing? And what does taking time to pray for others have to do with working? I am currently studying, physics, electromagnetics, computer science, and electrical engineering while working a 10 hour day job, while keeping God and all others in mind. If I am to invent something it will be because of the skills and knowledge he provided us with. I found this interesting.
Are you joking? Today's generation is stupid! Many of them don't know simplest things about history and maths, their hobbies is playing computer\iphone or and sometimes smoking pot and drinking beer... And their visits to churches on Sundays is just a habit.
Are you joking? Today's generation is stupid! Many of them don't know simplest things about history and maths, their hobbies is playing computer\iphone or and sometimes smoking pot and drinking beer... And their visits to churches on Sundays is just a habit.
Couldn't agree more but I wouldn't call it stupid, cause I was there.... I would call it a lack of proper direction... So what do we do about it? Stand by and watch my generation go to shit and have it continue to spread and cast down to future generations? Oooor stand up and voice what we need to, to get them to stop wasting their brains away on video games and stupid stuff? If we don't do anything it will only get worse.
Are you joking? Today's generation is stupid! Many of them don't know simplest things about history and maths, their hobbies is playing computer\iphone or and sometimes smoking pot and drinking beer... And their visits to churches on Sundays is just a habit.

I just want to add that nowadays teenagers don't care about anything except their own problems. They just want to take more more from society and share nothing.
... I just want to add that nowadays teenagers don't care about anything except their own problems. They just want to take more more from society and share nothing.

The other side: It's more easy to break single persons who don't believe in anything else except themselve. Poor girls and guys.

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... Every christian thinks they are true. Perception is reality I guess.

Everyone believes he's true - some believe this even if they are wrong. They live in fear of truth by believing "truth hurts". Christians believe that truth is much more than our personal perception of the reality. So we are not astonished if we are wrong from time to time. That's normal for everyone who is on his way and has to learn something. In our religion truth is the fullfillment of love. God is true.

... I dont know how we came to be. You think you know but the truth is no one knows. Theists believe god visited. He didn't. ...

You believe he didn't. The structure of the beliefs of other people is much more complex.

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