Why aren’t Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci telling the rioters to practice social distancing and stay in lockdown?

We don’t troll Vegas because they have the balls to do the right thing and end the hoax.
AC reopening 7/4 and I’ll be there 7/15-17 and you health obsessed can rail and cuss me for not being totalally consumed about Your health

I hope the ventilator you need is in Russia, where Trump sent them to appease his handler.


The fatality rate of COVID-19 “would probably be 0.13 percent for people outside nursing homes”

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/tell-me-what-to-do-please-even-experts-struggle-with-coronavirus-unknowns/2020/05/25/e11f9870-9d08-11ea-ad09-8da7ec214672_story.html
So... you're trying to draw a comparison between people wanting to survive because they're going broke attempting to follow unconstitutional power trips by leftist gov to rioters, looters and anarchists burning businesses to the ground and shooting cops?

What kind of an absolute RETARD are you? Do you think that shit is really going to fly with ANYONE that has a BRAIN?

Good God... what kind of serious BRAIN WASHING have you jack offs had... I mean really?
So you are not complaining that people are protesting too close together?
I love how liberal municipalities set up hotlines and websites where you could rat out your neighbors who were not wearing masks, social distancing, and observing the lockdowns

You obviously don’t have a clue what the definition of Fascism is.

View attachment 346789
I don’t know what this meme is trying to say. As for Antifa, I haven’t seen any at the protests. Are they wearing a uniform? How are you identifying them?
Ya know... all anyone has to do is do a quick search for ANTIFA at the riots and PLENTY of shit comes up. I know it, you know it, the fucking man in the moon knows it. So do you honestly think you're being CUTE playing this YOU DON'T KNOW BULL SHIT GAME?

You are absolutely a worthless sack of lying DOG PISS.
How are they being identified as antifa? Simple question.
Seems odd we have not seen them lately.
Rioting is already wrong and so if those who are guilty of it are going to be guilty of one wrong move, why not be guilty of other rule/law breaking activities?

God bless you always!!!

Why should they have to do what very few are now doing? Didn't Fauci say that we could start opening up?
Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?
Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Google is your friend.

The hyper-Right-Wing dumb$hit mindset at-work in this thread is almost beyond belief...

The COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax? Hardly. You idiots will look pretty silly on a ventilator.
Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Google is your friend.

Fair enough. Thanks. Obama did a lot of damage with that.
Scared solid Americans to the inside with the Covid hoax and useless looters to the outside with the Floyd hoax.
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The hyper-Right-Wing dumb$hit mindset at-work in this thread is almost beyond belief...

The COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax? Hardly. You idiots will look pretty silly on a ventilator.
It can't be real because who is making the thousands of protesters put on masks and keep their social distance?
Either the virus is a real thing or it is not. Officials are acting like it is not, unless it is a 77 year old barber they
want to go after and persecute selectively.

This is the sort of shit they did in the Soviet Union. Rules were enforced depending on who you were in the hierarchy. You know what that makes you, comrade.
Remember leftists yapping: "If you're not social distancing you're killing people", If you're not wearing masks, you're killing people!"

Fucking hypocrites. PA Health Secretary won't allow state to reopen, or people to gather, and their Governor who is calling businesses that disobey his orders - cowards. marching in protests, and actually trying to legitimize limitless protests in the street while standing by his opening businesses restrictions. WTF?
You can't make this shit up!

Curfews violates 1st Amendment rights. Only if you're rioter. If you protest the economic shutdown, than it's OK.

Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Google is your friend.

For a much more detailed and thorough documentation of Obama's IRS scandal, with links to sources to verify each and every claim, go to this link, and read item 170

The hyper-Right-Wing dumb$hit mindset at-work in this thread is almost beyond belief...

The COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax? Hardly. You idiots will look pretty silly on a ventilator.

COVID-19 is real.

The lockdown is a hoax.

Here are 140 reasons why the lockdown is a hoax:

The hyper-Right-Wing dumb$hit mindset at-work in this thread is almost beyond belief...

The COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax? Hardly. You idiots will look pretty silly on a ventilator.
It can't be real because who is making the thousands of protesters put on masks and keep their social distance?
Either the virus is a real thing or it is not. Officials are acting like it is not, unless it is a 77 year old barber they
want to go after and persecute selectively.

This is the sort of shit they did in the Soviet Union. Rules were enforced depending on who you were in the hierarchy. You know what that makes you, comrade.

The virus is real.

But there have been a lot of other viruses that were more dangerous and more deadly, without there being any kind of a lockdown.

The lockdown is a test to see how many people blindly obey ridiculous orders from the government, based on bogus computer models, bogus science, and bogus statistics.

Please see the link in my previous post for 140 reasons why the lockdown is a scam.
Remember leftists yapping: "If you're not social distancing you're killing people", If you're not wearing masks, you're killing people!"

Fucking hypocrites. PA Health Secretary won't allow state to reopen, or people to gather, and their Governor who is calling businesses that disobey his orders - cowards. marching in protests, and actually trying to legitimize limitless protests in the street while standing by his opening businesses restrictions. WTF?

The link that I posted two posts ago has a huge number of examples of lockdown supporters violating their own lockdown. The lockdown a total scam. The virus is real. The lockdown is a scam.

Funerals for Jews are dangerous, but the funeral for George Floyd is not?

In New York, a group of Jewish students put up a "Justice for George Floyd" sign, because it was the only way they could prevent de Blasio from shutting their gathering down.

Getting your hair or nail done is dangerous, unless it's being done by the very same politician who created the lockdown?

People who commit suicide are classified as having died from COVID-19?

Forcing nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19?

Forcing the health care industry to lay of 1.4 million health care workers?

Canceling cancer treatments, organ transplants, hip surgeries, dental treatments, and childhood vaccinations for measles and polio?

Sweden, which avoided a lockdown, only had 7% as many deaths as what the experts had predicted.

Police officers arresting a lone paddle boarder in the middle of the empty ocean because he's being "dangerous" to other people?

Time and time and time again, the lockdown has been proven to be a total scam.

All of these things are in that list, with links to verify each and every claim.

Here's the link again:

Here are 140 reasons why I’m against the COVID-19 lockdowns
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Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Suppose the Tea party attacked the White House and burned St Johns church and did all this other shit while Obama was President when it turned out they were being treated unfairly by the Obama admin.

What would the reaction be from the media and the left?

Just curious........how were they treated unfairly?

Google is your friend.

For a much more detailed and thorough documentation of Obama's IRS scandal, with links to sources to verify each and every claim, go to this link, and read item 170

Hell yes. My man. Thanks.

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