Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

A thread called "why aren't monkeys evolving now?" is up to 32 pages on this forum. How embarrassing. I hope our children forgive our generation for our blind ignorance.
I don't know about that. Learning, it seems, is actually optional these days. Children regularly walk out classes when their parents disagree with what is being taught, most particularly verifiable science. Apparently 70% of the people contributing to this thread have never heard of Genetics or the research being done within this particular discipline of science which verifies the Theory of Evolution. Frankly, they aren't worthy of the knowledge so why waste your time trying to enlighten them.
A thread called "why aren't monkeys evolving now?" is up to 32 pages on this forum. How embarrassing. I hope our children forgive our generation for our blind ignorance.
I don't know about that. Learning, it seems, is actually optional these days. Children regularly walk out classes when their parents disagree with what is being taught, most particularly verifiable science. Apparently 70% of the people contributing to this thread have never heard of Genetics or the research being done within this particular discipline of science which verifies the Theory of Evolution. Frankly, they aren't worthy of the knowledge so why waste your time trying to enlighten them.

A good question.

I think that when someone tries to reason with 'them' their inability to be honest enough to accept proven facts about the nature of reality, be done with superstition, search for deeper meaning in scripture and life and become enlightened at the very least refutes their false claim to moral authority.

I don't think that's a waste of time and can be quite entertaining watching those who claim moral authority incapable of accepting truth effectively discrediting themselves opening the door to freedom from the bondage of their lies to even the most completely deceived who has enough faith to believe what they can see with their own eyes. .

After that is just a matter of monkey see monkey do.
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They are. Evolution takes a long time, so you ADD people might want to give it up. It's gonna take a while. Scientists look at rocks and fossils and things that took millions of years to create. So a few minutes or weeks posting here isn't going to prove anything.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
Certain animals do not evolve. Horseshoe crab for instance, it is perfect for its environment so what is the point to evolve anymore after over 450 million years? Same with monkeys, usually evolution take place when a slow change to the environment happens and the need to compete for different food sources or mating. I saw a documentary on changing patterns of a certain monkey to feed at night to compete for food. It is not a nocturnal monkey due to its eyes are small. Maybe in a few thousand years it will evolve more of a nocturnal eyes. Birds have infact evolved quicker then other animals. But something needs to happen to evolution to take place and breeding to pass on certain traits. For instance look at the human race, certain ethnicities evolved for their environment. Alaskan natives have smaller legs and arms to avoid unnecessary heat loss. Each race has an environment that they are built for.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
Humans aren't evolved from monkeys. You are showing a basic ignorance as to what Evolution is.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.
The best way for us to see evolution in action is to watch creatures that have very very short generational spans....like virus...they are evolving all the time....bacteria...evolving all the time. And it is something we can actually see in a human lifetime or two.
Humans are evolving now. Monkeys are probably also evolving. Evolution takes places over thousands of years. For example, humans are larger than they used to be. Go to an ancient site and see the size of doorways, beds, clothing, etc. Humans are getting larger, physically.
Humans are getting larger because there's more meat in their diet. Go to a country where they still eat mostly corn and beans (Mexico) and you will see how small the people are, especially the Indian women.
That doesn't change the fact of evolution. You are denying a reality. Humans are changing, evolving. This change takes places over thousands of years, so we don't see it on a superficial level. Intellectually, humans are also changing. It's happening. The fact that it may be more protein in the diet that causes people to be larger does not negate the fact that we are evolving. That's only one way we are evolving.
The best way for us to see evolution in action is to watch creatures that have very very short generational spans....like virus...they are evolving all the time....bacteria...evolving all the time. And it is something we can actually see in a human lifetime or two.
sounds like you know more about biology than Rand Paul :p CrusaderFrank

As to the OP, teaching an alternative to intelligent design (which has no underlying factual basis) seems only logical until its disproven
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You asked this same shit at another forum.

I remember you.

What a fuckin' dumbass.

How do you know monkeys aren't evolving anyway?
No scientist says we evolved from monkeys, but that we had a common ancestor.
Dolphins and whales evolved from land mammals.
Where are these common ancestors now? All buried and in the ground. Why did none of these half-monkey, half-men survive to the modern age? It seems awful convenient that none of them are around.
Watch some science shows or read scientific magazines.
People don't seem to be educated about or understand the theory of evolution.
Well, where in hell did the monkeys come from in the first place?

They are evolving. One even became President.

Sorry. Couldn't resist. I don't actually think that way. I'm just a joke-writer. :)
They are evolving. One even became President.

Sorry. Couldn't resist. I don't actually think that way. I'm just a joke-writer. :)
Don't bother to apologize. We know that's how white liberals feel about black people.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.
He has the stupid gene.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
How come a fish isn't as smart as a dolphin?

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