Why aren't monkeys evolving now?

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.
Wrong. Genetic mutations aren't always good. But for the polar bear turning white helped and whalah we have two different species.

A chawawa not being good for nature means nothing because we made them to be good for us.

If we can do that in thousands of years imagine what nature can do in millions.

You are lucky being a Muslim and having access to the internet. If you have an average to better brain you stand a good chance to remove that nonsense from your head and discover that you do not need a religion. The information to the actual birth of Islam and what kind of a foundation Islam is based on should make it easy to distance yourself from it. Muhommed and his older wife dreamt up Islam as a way to make peace amongst the murderous Arabs and establish safe zones at the oasis's along the Arabian trade routes. Islam is so extreme because it had to be. Those that didn't sign up and buy in were killed. The result was for the first time as long as time was kept in that part of the world the Arabs stopped butchering each other and the trade routes started getting busy and there was prosperity where before there was hopeless poverty. Islam is simply a nongovernmental way for people to guide themselves. There is nothing divine about it.

Since you reached out to the U S through the USMB I suggest you do a lot of research before commiting to making statements like the one above. You can have access to everything you need to know in seconds.

Yes it is true. We are definitely linked to apes. The genetic information is undisputable. The same forensics that can convict a rapist can easily prove we are 98% the same animal as a chimpanzee or a Gorilla. Your Koran and a thousand Mohammeds could not prove differently.

Good luck in your progression to the light of knowledge.

I speak as a Muslim.

If you have basic knowledge of Islam, you know about the Night Journey. You know about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). You also know about the holiness and the heavenliness of those who were with him (the Companions, may God be well pleased with them) and after them the Successors, and after them the Successors of the Successors (may God have mercy on them). With a basic knowledge of Islam, you know about these men and their holiness and their heavenliness. These were the men who led the expansion of the Islamic kingdom and the expansion of Islam. So Islam, to say the least is a divine message, from God to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Men did not come down from apes and monkeys. That is very simple common sense. The opposite belief is scandelous and shameful. Science is not always right. It did lead to industrialized economies but also to dangerous pollution and climate disturbances.

The existance of a soul is silly. That's taking self awareness to narcissism. This add-on feature only gives rise to the fraud of an afterlife which is where religion "evolves" into criminality.

How much are the frightend near death duped willing to bequeith the churches for a place in heaven?...

Let the bidding begin.. :lol:

I have witnessed this disgusting practice several times first hand.

How much treasure has been stolen from the rightful heirs of a families resources in this fashion?

Billions? Trillions? More?

The only way you will find a body without a soul is in the case of a dead body.
I agree. Scientific theories are complex things, not just in how they come to be scientific theories but also in how people associate with them cognitively. Most people, in my experience, don't seem to fully grasp scientific theories which is understandable given their complexity, and on top of that most people think that theories are either facts, beliefs, or in the other extreme: baseless speculation (as some in this thread do).

There seems to be, IMO, for human beings some psychological need to have certainty. Even some non-religious people think science is about Truth when really it's about truth. And the hard to grasp part of that is that for science there is no real certainty. All of it is open to doubt. And that is a feature of science and not a deficit. Based on current evidence I feel pretty certain that the current theories about evolution are for the most accurate (notice I didn't use the words true, or correct, etc.) but they could be completely off-base in a way that I can't imagine or foresee. That doubt is anathema to dogma and allows for learning, growth, and a continued seeking for truth. I think it would be defined as skepticism.

Many of the posters on this thread know very little regarding the theories about evolution, or cosmological theories and wouldn't take the time or make the effort to even read about them. Nor do they understand of what or for what these theories comprise, demonstrating that when they conflate common descent with the beginning of life on Earth or the Big Bang with the beginning of the Universe. Or when they think evolution is a fact and a theory. Even some atheists make that mistake.

I don't post often on these forums, but when I do, it's when people misunderstand, mischaracterize, misconstrue, or are not familiar with science. Atheists and the religious alike.

The evolution theory is simply unacceptable to people who reflect. Science is not always perfect. Every time a plane crashes you realize it.

I have more evidence backing me up than you do. The evidence I have is:

1) Everything in the Bible, which can't be discounted entirely as a source of information even if not all of it is literally true;

2) 2000 years of saints and miracles, many of them witnessed by thousands and well documented.

The story of Joan of Arc is just one example. Her story would not be possible were it not for the direct intervention of God. I invite you to read about her, keeping an open mind and realize you are reading historical fact, not myth.

Those miracles and those saints may not really be miracles and saints and should not be considered as such.

WOW !! Dude !!! You are one thoroughly brainwashed individual. All that stuff I said about the internet and freedom to think for yourself was a waste of my time. You have reinforced my contention that the only way to deal with the radicalized Muslims that threaten America is with drones. Thanks for playing.
Even Muslims are not raging asses like you materialists. Muslims are humble enough to acknowledge there is a God and a reality that goes beyond our five senses. They didn't murder 120 million people in the 20th century in a vain effort to kill God, you evil asshole materialists did that.

I'd take a Muslim over you wicked people anyday.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.
Wrong. Genetic mutations aren't always good. But for the polar bear turning white helped and whalah we have two different species.

A chawawa not being good for nature means nothing because we made them to be good for us.

If we can do that in thousands of years imagine what nature can do in millions.
Why do you materialists keep confusing adaptation with evolution?
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.

Proving yet again how 'inferior' is creationists' knowledge of science. Evolution isn't about survival of the superior. it is about survival of the fittest, fittest to survive in their environments, that is. A small short haired dog is perfectly fit to survive in a warm environment (think Mexico and Chihuahuas). And dude, there is only one species of dog (Canis domesticus), but many breeds. Moreover, many breeds of dogs have become feral, that is, reverted back into the wild, and have done so very successfully.

You are lucky being a Muslim and having access to the internet. If you have an average to better brain you stand a good chance to remove that nonsense from your head and discover that you do not need a religion. The information to the actual birth of Islam and what kind of a foundation Islam is based on should make it easy to distance yourself from it. Muhommed and his older wife dreamt up Islam as a way to make peace amongst the murderous Arabs and establish safe zones at the oasis's along the Arabian trade routes. Islam is so extreme because it had to be. Those that didn't sign up and buy in were killed. The result was for the first time as long as time was kept in that part of the world the Arabs stopped butchering each other and the trade routes started getting busy and there was prosperity where before there was hopeless poverty. Islam is simply a nongovernmental way for people to guide themselves. There is nothing divine about it.

Since you reached out to the U S through the USMB I suggest you do a lot of research before commiting to making statements like the one above. You can have access to everything you need to know in seconds.

Yes it is true. We are definitely linked to apes. The genetic information is undisputable. The same forensics that can convict a rapist can easily prove we are 98% the same animal as a chimpanzee or a Gorilla. Your Koran and a thousand Mohammeds could not prove differently.

Good luck in your progression to the light of knowledge.

I speak as a Muslim.

If you have basic knowledge of Islam, you know about the Night Journey. You know about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). You also know about the holiness and the heavenliness of those who were with him (the Companions, may God be well pleased with them) and after them the Successors, and after them the Successors of the Successors (may God have mercy on them). With a basic knowledge of Islam, you know about these men and their holiness and their heavenliness. These were the men who led the expansion of the Islamic kingdom and the expansion of Islam. So Islam, to say the least is a divine message, from God to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Men did not come down from apes and monkeys. That is very simple common sense. The opposite belief is scandelous and shameful. Science is not always right. It did lead to industrialized economies but also to dangerous pollution and climate disturbances.

The existance of a soul is silly. That's taking self awareness to narcissism. This add-on feature only gives rise to the fraud of an afterlife which is where religion "evolves" into criminality.

How much are the frightend near death duped willing to bequeith the churches for a place in heaven?...

Let the bidding begin.. :lol:

I have witnessed this disgusting practice several times first hand.

How much treasure has been stolen from the rightful heirs of a families resources in this fashion?

Billions? Trillions? More?

The only way you will find a body without a soul is in the case of a dead body.
I agree. Scientific theories are complex things, not just in how they come to be scientific theories but also in how people associate with them cognitively. Most people, in my experience, don't seem to fully grasp scientific theories which is understandable given their complexity, and on top of that most people think that theories are either facts, beliefs, or in the other extreme: baseless speculation (as some in this thread do).

There seems to be, IMO, for human beings some psychological need to have certainty. Even some non-religious people think science is about Truth when really it's about truth. And the hard to grasp part of that is that for science there is no real certainty. All of it is open to doubt. And that is a feature of science and not a deficit. Based on current evidence I feel pretty certain that the current theories about evolution are for the most accurate (notice I didn't use the words true, or correct, etc.) but they could be completely off-base in a way that I can't imagine or foresee. That doubt is anathema to dogma and allows for learning, growth, and a continued seeking for truth. I think it would be defined as skepticism.

Many of the posters on this thread know very little regarding the theories about evolution, or cosmological theories and wouldn't take the time or make the effort to even read about them. Nor do they understand of what or for what these theories comprise, demonstrating that when they conflate common descent with the beginning of life on Earth or the Big Bang with the beginning of the Universe. Or when they think evolution is a fact and a theory. Even some atheists make that mistake.

I don't post often on these forums, but when I do, it's when people misunderstand, mischaracterize, misconstrue, or are not familiar with science. Atheists and the religious alike.

The evolution theory is simply unacceptable to people who reflect. Science is not always perfect. Every time a plane crashes you realize it.

I have more evidence backing me up than you do. The evidence I have is:

1) Everything in the Bible, which can't be discounted entirely as a source of information even if not all of it is literally true;

2) 2000 years of saints and miracles, many of them witnessed by thousands and well documented.

The story of Joan of Arc is just one example. Her story would not be possible were it not for the direct intervention of God. I invite you to read about her, keeping an open mind and realize you are reading historical fact, not myth.

Those miracles and those saints may not really be miracles and saints and should not be considered as such.

WOW !! Dude !!! You are one thoroughly brainwashed individual. All that stuff I said about the internet and freedom to think for yourself was a waste of my time. You have reinforced my contention that the only way to deal with the radicalized Muslims that threaten America is with drones. Thanks for playing.
Even Muslims are not raging asses like you materialists. Muslims are humble enough to acknowledge there is a God and a reality that goes beyond our five senses. They didn't murder 120 million people in the 20th century in a vain effort to kill God, you evil asshole materialists did that.

I'd take a Muslim over you wicked people anyday.

If you truly feel that way, Iran, no doubt, will open its arms to you. Best of luck to ya.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.

Proving yet again how 'inferior' is creationists' knowledge of science. Evolution isn't about survival of the superior. it is about survival of the fittest, fittest to survive in their environments, that is. A small short haired dog is perfectly fit to survive in a warm environment (think Mexico and Chihuahuas). And dude, there is only one species of dog (Canis domesticus), but many breeds. Moreover, many breeds of dogs have become feral, that is, reverted back into the wild, and have done so very successfully.
No, no shih tzu has ever successfully survived in the wild. You watched Benji too many times and are confusing it with real life. Your fabricated bullshit is summarily dismissed.
I explained that
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.

Proving yet again how 'inferior' is creationists' knowledge of science. Evolution isn't about survival of the superior. it is about survival of the fittest, fittest to survive in their environments, that is. A small short haired dog is perfectly fit to survive in a warm environment (think Mexico and Chihuahuas). And dude, there is only one species of dog (Canis domesticus), but many breeds. Moreover, many breeds of dogs have become feral, that is, reverted back into the wild, and have done so very successfully.
No, no shih tzu has ever successfully survived in the wild. You watched Benji too many times and are confusing it with real life. Your fabricated bullshit is summarily dismissed.
I already explained that doesnt matter.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
You can't see it fool because it happens over thousands of years. And they are evolving. So are we. We're actually speeding up the dogs evolution having them live beside us. You are so uneducated about this. Better you not decide what you think until you know a lot more.

And some people are more evolved than others. Like some wild birds will land on your hand to eat most still have that fear gene. You still have the superstitious gene.

It's one of the many rocks against which the lies of evolution are dashed. Genetic manipulation never produces a superior species. Dogs that are bred for human convenience are even more helpless in the wild. From a natural standpoint, fruit that doesn't grow seeds and small dogs with short hair are regressive; an inferior species, less able to survive and procreate in natural settings.

You couldn't have picked an argument that militates against evolution than this one.

Proving yet again how 'inferior' is creationists' knowledge of science. Evolution isn't about survival of the superior. it is about survival of the fittest, fittest to survive in their environments, that is. A small short haired dog is perfectly fit to survive in a warm environment (think Mexico and Chihuahuas). And dude, there is only one species of dog (Canis domesticus), but many breeds. Moreover, many breeds of dogs have become feral, that is, reverted back into the wild, and have done so very successfully.
No, no shih tzu has ever successfully survived in the wild. You watched Benji too many times and are confusing it with real life. Your fabricated bullshit is summarily dismissed.

Really? None has done it? Ever? What about this guy?

After Two Years Elusive Stray Shih Tzu Is Captured Life With Dogs
The word "Evolution" does not actually occur in Darwins "On the Origin of Species", and so in reality Darwin was trying to explsin "speciation" WITHIN a "genus", which is now extended to imply evolution or creation of genera is as simple a DNA mod in a whole new genus as it is in a species variation. It is not.

So monkeys are "evolving" within their own genus according to Darwin. They never have "evolved" into a whole new genus more than likely now revealed more and more in bioinformatics models. If they did, we would have "trans-genus" examples, OTHER than those based on mythical interpretations of a few fossil remnants by men assessing not he DNA, but appearances.

And therein is the basic problem created by putting words in Darwin's mouth after the fact. We would have BILLIONS of LIVING "trans-genus" examples right now, had "evolution" of genus been as it is implied by most evolutionists who still fail to understand the magnitude of DNA alteration required to produce a new genus.

This is why the taxonomic tree is now being redesigned in various "branches" as the cross genome data is revealing real realtionships IN THE DNA DATA, that are not as easily seen in visual guesswork that originally created that human "classification" of all the genera, etc.

Modern evolution is based on visual assessment, bioinformatics is revealing hard DNA cross relational data, and at times they conflict.

And that is why there are no "trans-genera" "trans-monkies". Imo, they never have existed, had they we would have atleast on fossil of a "missing link" matrix that would have a gradation of "trans-genus" examples, millions of them, at least thousands, unless DNA was altered as easily as programming a computer, which apparently it is not, unless one is God, or god-like in understanding and in the art of energy manipulation in total control of altering the genomic design at will.

Imo, Darwin did not believe in "evolution" as taught today, he was talking about speciation.
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?

They were introduced to beer by the other primates, that pretty much stops evolutionary advancement cold.
( or cold filtered)
If man evolved from the monkey, then why are monkeys not still evolving?

Where's the monkey who is smarter than the other monkeys, who's trying to evolve into a man?

Why don't we see monkeys doing anything intelligent, like discovering fire, or inventing the wheel, or burying their dead with ceremonial ritual?

Has the evolutionary process stopped cold?
It bothers me when folks that know nothing about primatology make ignorant comments.

Do you even know what a bonobo is?

Want to Understand Mortality? Look to the Chimps

Bonzi, the most intelligent non-human ape, and his son Teco.

I've been watching Bonzi since I was at Uni, it's like a real life planet of the Apes. Seriously. What these primatoligists are learning about them and ourselves is astounding. Too bad they are nearly extinct in their native habitat.

Bonobo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to A. Zihlman, bonobo body proportions closely resemble those of Australopithecus,[9] leading evolutionary biologists like Jeremy Griffith to suggest that bonobos may be a living example of our distant human ancestors.[10]
Monkeys are evolving, as are other species. It takes a few millennia to notice. What do you want, Monkeys suddenly fly airplanes, do open heart surgery and post on this board?
Monkeys are evolving, as are other species. It takes a few millennia to notice. ....
If you want proof of evolution just look at houses and clothes... from the 17th century. They are all smaller, Meaning that humans are evolving and getting taller over time.
Monkeys are evolving, as are other species. It takes a few millennia to notice. ....
I listened to a story on NPR about these bonobos. They talk. Their handlers understand their language. The main monkey told the guy to go bite the guy who was bossing his boss around. He said I'm not going to bite him. The monkey said if you don't I'll bite you. He later bit three fingers off the guy. He wouldnt speak to the monkey until he apologized but for months the monkey refused. But the monkey wanted to make up, he just refused to apologize. Ultimately the monkey told the other handlers he wanted to apologize and he wept or screamed hysterically and hugged the man.

Now if we breed this smart monkey with another smart monkey and so on.

The bonobo is the most sexual animal in the world mary

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