Why arent more African Americans calling Biden a racist ?

Because compared to the White Supremacist in the White House who can’t even say the names of the people murdered by police, and is actively harming blacks by trying to force them back to work in the pandemic, Biden is the epitome of tolerance.

It’s all a matter of perspective.
Because compared to the White Supremacist in the White House

List one thing that he has done that qualifies him as a "White Supremacist", you lying sack of Canuck horseshit.
Biden is forgiven for his past sins, because he's a really nice guy... a good soul.... not a divider, but a uniter.... he's been that way his whole life.... he's made plenty of mistakes, he's fumbled left and right..... but it was never with malice.... And that counts.

He has a long history of racist statements. You ain't black is as racist as they come. You don't say that by accident.

On the other hand, every one of Trump's so called racist statements is a misquote by the Democrats. Misquote = lie.

And Biden is a uniter?????

Listen to any of his hate filled vitriolic speeches. OMG, you're completely brainless
Y'all on the right, couldn't have a better person, taking the presidential seat.... he's not like Trump, vengeful or vindictive.... He won't go out of his way, to hurt you, demean you, lie about you every single minute of every day like Trump....

You should count your blessings!

Democrats are the liars. Most of Trumps "lies" are you people lying about what he said. You take lying to an entire new level
Gee, reading the comments and attacks on then Senator Joe Biden as the author of the Crime Bill of 1994 is one more example of ignorant character assassins who are in full panic knowing Donald Trump is toast.

The OP's lie that Biden wrote the bill is ludicrous and clear evidence he and others above do not understand how bills in Congress are written and by whom.

Of course those in the circle jerk will not read anything which proves how dishonest they are, but once again I will offer a link to prove Joe Biden didn't write the Bill:


The OP's lie that Biden wrote the bill is ludicrous

Really, cuz Biden claims he did write it.....but after years of calling it "The Biden Bill", he is now trying to distance himself from it. The innerweb won't let that lie fly.

Biden: 'I Got Stuck' Writing the Crime Bill Because I Was Judiciary Chair

Biden in 1993 speech pushing crime bill warned of 'predators on our streets' who were 'beyond the pale'

"We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created," said Biden, then a fourth-term senator from Delaware so committed to the bill that he has referred to it over the years as "the Biden bill."

The Crime-Bill Debate Shows How Short Americans’ Memories Are

Through the years, Biden didn’t just promote the crime bill occasionally—he made its passage a centerpiece of his decades of legislative accomplishment in Washington. Tough-on-crime rhetoric and policy proposals became a signature part of his political persona, not just in Delaware but on the national stage. He long supported civil-asset seizures of drug proceeds, mandatory sentences for drug possession, and harsh differences in penalties for the possession of crack and powder cocaine.

Biden portrayed the 1994 bill as an unalloyed political asset for a Democratic Party that had been at pains since the late 1960s to prove its bona fides on crime. “The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is now for 60 new death penalties,” he said on the Senate floor at the time. “The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is for 100,000 cops. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is for 125,000 new state prison cells.” And, he added, “I’d like to see the conservative wing of the Democratic Party.”

Joe Biden bragged about a harsh 1992 crime bill that did 'everything but hang people for jaywalking'

Biden, then a senator from Delaware, characterized his bill during a May 14, 1992, speech on the Senate floor as legislation that would "do everything but hang people for jaywalking."

The resurfaced comments come at a time when Biden is facing backlash for his past positions and has even hinted at reversing his stance on supporting capital punishment.

"Let me tell you what is in the bill, and I'll let you all decide whether or not this is weak," he said. "Let me get down here a compendium of the things that are in the bill. One, the death penalty. It provides 53 death-penalty offenses. Weak as can be, you know?"

"We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill," Biden added. "That's weak stuff," he said.

Gee, reading the comments and attacks on then Senator Joe Biden as the author of the Crime Bill of 1994 is one more example of ignorant character assassins who are in full panic knowing Donald Trump is toast.

The OP's lie that Biden wrote the bill is ludicrous and clear evidence he and others above do not understand how bills in Congress are written and by whom.

Of course those in the circle jerk will not read anything which proves how dishonest they are, but once again I will offer a link to prove Joe Biden didn't write the Bill:


Speaking of ignorant...

Here below is a fact check on Biden's part in the crime bill of 1994:

Some of the circle jerkers will cherry pick from links facts to support their biases. I need not remind informed readers that passing a comprehensive bill will never get what every Senator or House Member want, and compromise is required. Sadly compromise is a bad word in the right wing lexicon.
Here below is a fact check on Biden's part in the crime bill of 1994:

Some of the circle jerkers will cherry pick from links facts to support their biases. I need not remind informed readers that passing a comprehensive bill will never get what every Senator or House Members want, and compromise is required. Sadly compromise is a bad word in the right wing lexicon.

Everything Democrats want restricts our freedom. So to compromise with that is to agree to restricted freedom, just less than you wanted. No one should compromise with that.

Though for a Democrat to claim you support compromise is just a flat out load of cow extrement. Please. Democrats give nothing, ever
Here below is a fact check on Biden's part in the crime bill of 1994:

Some of the circle jerkers will cherry pick from links facts to support their biases. I need not remind informed readers that passing a comprehensive bill will never get what every Senator or House Member want, and compromise is required. Sadly compromise is a bad word in the right wing lexicon.

Biden says you and factcheck are full of shit.
the majority of African Americans will probably vote for biden [but at a lower % than clinton got in the last election ]..... the question is why ? what has biden done to earn the black vote ? was it the crime bill he wrote that put millions of blacks in prison for decades ? was it his friendship with segregationist and kkk leaders like robert bird ? what has biden done for the back community ?

He will get about the same percentage but there will be a larger number. Republicans have done nothing for blacks. If the Ten Commandments had been written in the way Republicans had written their police reform bill it would have been called the 10 suggestions.
Biden says you and factcheck are full of shit.

Well, in fairness Biden also says that children like to feel the hair on his legs and he doesn't know what year it is. He thinks 1994 was a book by George Orwell
the crime bill biden wrote was just a little over 20 yrs ago ..... and once again what has he done to help blacks in the past 50 yrs ?

The Crime Bill was passed in 1994, 25 years ago. Biden spent 8 of those years as VP, and the last three as a private citizen. Do you understand how many bills are not passed and passed in 50 years by The Congress?

Here's another link you won't read, but might cherry pick a phrase of two to support your deplorable narrative.

The Crime Bill was passed in 1994, 25 years ago. Biden spent 8 of those years as VP, and the last three as a private citizen. Do you understand how many bills are not passed and passed in 50 years by The Congress?

Here's another link you won't read, but might cherry pick a phrase of two to support your deplorable narrative.

Joe Biden on Civil rights: If you don't vote for me, you ain't black
Everything Democrats want restricts our freedom. So to compromise with that is to agree to restricted freedom, just less than you wanted. No one should compromise with that.

Though for a Democrat to claim you support compromise is just a flat out load of cow extrement. Please. Democrats give nothing, ever

Post some evidence to support this claim: "Everything Democrats want restricts our freedom"

Your first paragraph's premise is absurd, thus your conclusion is not sound (in short, it's BS). You second paragraph also is BS. The only current roadblock to compromise is Moscow Mitch, he doesn't support his constituency, he supports Donald Trump less Trump fires Moscow's Wife.

Basic principles are not debatable. The Problem is people like you don't have any.
Post some evidence to support this claim: "Everything Democrats want restricts our freedom"

I'll go that you couldn't think of any counter examples. Check and mate

Your first paragraph's premise is absurd, thus your conclusion is not sound (in short, it's BS). You second paragraph also is BS. The only current roadblock to compromise is Moscow Mitch, he doesn't support his constituency, he supports Donald Trump less Trump fires Moscow's Wife

Basic principles are not debatable. The Problem is people like you don't have any.

You're parroting DNC talking points fabulously! You go girl! There's an extra cookie in it for dessert for you
The Crime Bill was passed in 1994, 25 years ago. Biden spent 8 of those years as VP, and the last three as a private citizen. Do you understand how many bills are not passed and passed in 50 years by The Congress?

Here's another link you won't read, but might cherry pick a phrase of two to support your deplorable narrative.

Your spin really sux.

Biden bragged about this being the "Biden Bill" for years.
Y'all on the right, couldn't have a better person, taking the presidential seat.... he's not like Trump, vengeful or vindictive.... He won't go out of his way, to hurt you, demean you, lie about you every single minute of every day like Trump....

You should count your blessings!
Democrats are the liars. Most of Trumps "lies" are you people lying about what he said. You take lying to an entire new level
its their truth ....their or my truth is a way for dems to distort facts and reality with lies and emotion .....democrats are sick.

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