Why arent more African Americans calling Biden a racist ?

At a time when well known stats showed ~90% of the people busted for crack cocaine were black, Joe Biden drafted the legislation that created a 100:1 sentencing disparity for crack cocaine vs powder cocaine, which is what white people preferred at the time. Blacks preferred to smoke their cocaine and whites preferred to snort it.

That meant that a person (black person 90% of the time) who got busted for 5 grams of crack (a little over an 8-ball) got the same mandatory 5 year minimum prison sentence as a person who got busted with half a fucking kilo of powder cocaine.

That meant that black users where getting the same mandatory minimum sentence as white dealers. Biden's law was clearly designed to target blacks. There is no other credible explanation.

Trump signed the First Step Act, which retroactively applied the repeal of Biden's racist law, thus reducing the sentences of thousands of non-violent drug offenders, 91% of whom were black, by an average of 6 years.

Who's the racist candidate?

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Whatever racism Biden has, its 0.1 percent of Trump's virulent racism, according to Mary Trump.

Or perhaps better to say, its racism today, instead of racism 40 years ago.
Mary Trump is not credible. She's mentally disturbed and pissed off because her grandfather didn't put her in his will. She's a Democrat with such an inflated false sense of entitlement that she actually sued Donald Trump and his siblings in an attempt to nullify her grandfather's will.
It's just that the party of slavery, I mean white Democrats are keeping things on the low-down. You know how they are.
the majority of African Americans will probably vote for biden [but at a lower % than clinton got in the last election ]..... the question is why ? what has biden done to earn the black vote ? was it the crime bill he wrote that put millions of blacks in prison for decades ? was it his friendship with segregationist and kkk leaders like robert bird ? what has biden done for the back community ?
because they know biden they know he is not a racist and they know what party is full of racists duh

The democrat party is the home of racism......every aspect of the democrat party is racist....as are it's allied institutions, like hollywood and academia......it is the democrat party in California that wants to keep Asians from getting into the top colleges and universities....

Biden is a racist, as is his party.
The democrat party is the home of racism......every aspect of the democrat party is racist....as are it's allied institutions, like hollywood and academia......it is the democrat party in California that wants to keep Asians from getting into the top colleges and universities....

Biden is a racist, as is his party.
If they really were, you and yidnar etc would be a Democrat....
Biden is forgiven for his past sins, because he's a really nice guy... a good soul.... not a divider, but a uniter.... he's been that way his whole life.... he's made plenty of mistakes, he's fumbled left and right..... but it was never with malice.... And that counts.
You guys keep calling me a racist......when you support the actual party that is racist. You really are a stupid human being.
I don't really think y'all are racist, I was just responding to you calling me one.....
Y'all on the right, couldn't have a better person, taking the presidential seat.... he's not like Trump, vengeful or vindictive.... He won't go out of his way, to hurt you, demean you, lie about you every single minute of every day like Trump....

You should count your blessings!

As opposed to all of the other African-Americans, who are inarticulate and dull and dirty and ugly guys.

I mean, that's racist, man.
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Why arent more African Americans calling Biden a racist ?
Here's my guess...

1. some Blacks don't realize that Biden is a racist
2. some Blacks delude themselves that Biden isn't a racist
3. some Blacks realize that Biden is a racist and will not vote for Biden on Election Day
4. some Blacks realize that Biden is a racist but realize that behind-the-scenes Rump is a worse one and know that Rump will do very little for them
5. some Blacks realize that Biden is a racist but are willing to let-it-slide because Democrats are willing to make a show of accommodating Blacks

I am guessing that most Black Folk fall under (4) and (5); in their place, I'd probably cite both (4) and (5) as the rationale for my own Democratic vote.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe may be a bit of an old-school Democratic Racist but that's just the residual echoes of a bygone era and he tries to compensate for it.

Rump - the Orange Baboon-God - on the other hand - is a barely-disguised (in public) type of Serious Racist whose actions belie his true motivations.

The Democratic Party is morphing into the National Colored Folks and Wiggers Party.

The Republic Party is morphing into the National White Folks and Uncle Toms Party.

Neither transformation is desirable but such evolution is already well underway, exacerbated and accelerated by the nationwide race-riots of 2020.
the majority of African Americans will probably vote for biden [but at a lower % than clinton got in the last election ]..... the question is why ? what has biden done to earn the black vote ? was it the crime bill he wrote that put millions of blacks in prison for decades ? was it his friendship with segregationist and kkk leaders like robert bird ? what has biden done for the back community ?

Because he will turn them white.
the majority of African Americans will probably vote for biden [but at a lower % than clinton got in the last election ]..... the question is why ? what has biden done to earn the black vote ? was it the crime bill he wrote that put millions of blacks in prison for decades ? was it his friendship with segregationist and kkk leaders like robert bird ? what has biden done for the back community ?

People like you are living in the past and blind to today's reality. Your side of the issue is attacking BLM and you point a finger at Biden. Your made up statistic is absurd, African American's understand that this time in history is their time to achieve equal opportunities, equal rights and equal justice for themselves and their children.

Get you head out of the sand and see how corporate America is behind their cause, products are being taken off the shelves and professional and college sports teams are changing their name. Biden and the Democrats are in full support of their cause, and you and other trump ass kissers along with Moscow Mitch will try and fail roadblock everything that is just, and written in our most important documents and principles.
Crazy Joe: "I've been fighting racism for over 40 years"

Crazy Joe: "We have systemic racism in America".

I call that 40 years of fail.
Biden is forgiven for his past sins, because he's a really nice guy... a good soul.... not a divider, but a uniter.... he's been that way his whole life.... he's made plenty of mistakes, he's fumbled left and right..... but it was never with malice.... And that counts.
the majority of African Americans will probably vote for biden [but at a lower % than clinton got in the last election ]..... the question is why ? what has biden done to earn the black vote ? was it the crime bill he wrote that put millions of blacks in prison for decades ? was it his friendship with segregationist and kkk leaders like robert bird ? what has biden done for the back community ?
This really isn't that complicated.

They're looking at the alternative, and the people who vote for him.

the majority of African Americans will probably vote for biden [but at a lower % than clinton got in the last election ]..... the question is why ? what has biden done to earn the black vote ? was it the crime bill he wrote that put millions of blacks in prison for decades ? was it his friendship with segregationist and kkk leaders like robert bird ? what has biden done for the back community ?

Because compared to the White Supremacist in the White House who can’t even say the names of the people murdered by police, and is actively harming blacks by trying to force them back to work in the pandemic, Biden is the epitome of tolerance.

It’s all a matter of perspective.
Gee, reading the comments and attacks on then Senator Joe Biden as the author of the Crime Bill of 1994 is one more example of ignorant character assassins who are in full panic knowing Donald Trump is toast.

The OP's lie that Biden wrote the bill is ludicrous and clear evidence he and others above do not understand how bills in Congress are written and by whom.

Of course those in the circle jerk will not read anything which proves how dishonest they are, but once again I will offer a link to prove Joe Biden didn't write the Bill:


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