Why Aren't Schoolkids Protesting About Lax School SECURITY ?

It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

School security starts with removing violent kids from the schools long before an incident and placing them in institutions.
Ya, like that's going to happen... or work. :rolleyes:

It would work just fine.

For example, if YOU were institutionalized, you would not be posting here.
Wow, you support Trump who supports the Nazi fucks from NC. Wow you Trumpettes really like to play the "I know you are but what am I game". Personally, I quit that in the second grade. Maybe you did not make it that far.

I vote. Your party has the worst record on voting rights. First you gerrymandered to cheat. Then you asswipes even suppressed the vote with you photo ID bullshit. Then you reduced voting hours. You reduced the number of voting stations.

I love the way you pretend patriots piss on voting rights.

You don't need an AR-15 to protect yourself.

Hey Dip Shit…

Explain how voter id’s suppress the vote,

you can’t because you are full of shit.

Your ignorant liberal bullshit doesn’t fly..

We all know you liberals have to cheat to win…

PENNSYLVANIA OFFICIALS IN HOT WATER: 100,000 Illegal Voters Suspected in Hidden Data * 100PercentFedUp.com

Face it Nazi, you will never get our guns....

You are quite the fucking moron.

Your party even admitted it.

After PA Republican legislature passed a photo voter ID law, its leader claimed that they just won the State for Romney.

'Now, assfuck, why would he say that?

To demand that 10-12% of the eligible voters get a special ID in order to vote will reduce the number of people voting. This by definition is voter suppression.
'My God, why don't you just STFU until you get better informed.

You are either stupid or you're a Zealot...

I think you tip the scales on the stupid side.
If you thought what I posted wax wrong, you are an ignorant fool. But hey, you voted for the pussy grabber.

"wax wrong"

You are the ignorant fool.......

Mine is a typo. Yours is your inbred stupidity about everything including elected a POS like Donald Trump.
Why are you so so fucking stupid that you see no problem with people having easy access to assault type weapons?

Those kids are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you & your right wing dumbasses.

Go fuck yourselves & your fake giving a shit about the kids, ll you care about is being about to tote around a semi-aitomatic assault type weapon because it is the only way you can get it up.

Why are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that of course I see a problem with SOME people having easy access to assault type weapons ? Those particular people who, by their violent history have shown they are unqualified to possess ANY weapon.

And Why are you so so fucking stupid that you don't know that banning guns from law-abiding people, merely gives added advantage to criminal shooters, who will get their guns on the criminal grapevine ? ..completely apart from govt gun control.

No, the kids are NOT smarter, Thy are being manipulated like puppets by gun-control adults. The same liberal idiots who set up gun-free zones, responsible for hundreds of deaths. If the kids were smarter than they are, they would be Protesting About Lax School SECURITY, instead of being programmed to rant only about gun control.

You will NEVER EVER keep people with mental issues from getting these guns.

What action did Cruz take that the NRA would agree to ban gun ownership?

1) Getting expelled from hogh school for fighting? Does that men a lifetime ban?
2) Saying you want to kill people?
3) Cutting yourself online
4) Grieving the loss of a parent? Turn in your guns?

We can take lots of actions to help make schools mote secure.

If they fail, how about we don't hand them such a killing machine?

Just because you dipsticks get your jollies playing tough guy with an AR-15
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Why are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that of course I see a problem with SOME people having easy access to assault type weapons ? Those particular people who, by their violent history have shown they are unqualified to possess ANY weapon.

And Why are you so so fucking stupid that you don't know that banning guns from law-abiding people, merely gives added advantage to criminal shooters, who will get their guns on the criminal grapevine ? ..completely apart from govt gun control.

No, the kids are NOT smarter, Thy are being manipulated like puppets by gun-control adults. The same liberal idiots who set up gun-free zones, responsible for hundreds of deaths. If the kids were smarter than they are, they would be Protesting About Lax School SECURITY, instead of being programmed to rant only about gun control.

You will NEVER EVER keep people with mental issues from getting these guns.

What action did Cruz take that the NRA would agree to ban gun ownership?

1) Getting expelled from hogh school for fighting? Does that men a lifetime ban?
2) Saying you want to kill people?
3) Cutting yourself online
4) Grieving the loss of a parent? Turn in your guns?

We can take lots of actions to help make schools mote secure.

If they fail, how about we don't hand them such a killing machine?

Just because you dipsticks get your jollies playing tough guy with an AR-15
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.
You will NEVER EVER keep people with mental issues from getting these guns.

What action did Cruz take that the NRA would agree to ban gun ownership?

1) Getting expelled from hogh school for fighting? Does that men a lifetime ban?
2) Saying you want to kill people?
3) Cutting yourself online
4) Grieving the loss of a parent? Turn in your guns?

We can take lots of actions to help make schools mote secure.

If they fail, how about we don't hand them such a killing machine?

Just because you dipsticks get your jollies playing tough guy with an AR-15
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.
So why do you asswipes want them for home defense?

Wen the military is going door to door, I guess they leave their rifles behind & just carry handguns.
Logic will peg you as a fool with every one of your stupid arguments.
You will NEVER EVER keep people with mental issues from getting these guns.

What action did Cruz take that the NRA would agree to ban gun ownership?

1) Getting expelled from hogh school for fighting? Does that men a lifetime ban?
2) Saying you want to kill people?
3) Cutting yourself online
4) Grieving the loss of a parent? Turn in your guns?

We can take lots of actions to help make schools mote secure.

If they fail, how about we don't hand them such a killing machine?

Just because you dipsticks get your jollies playing tough guy with an AR-15
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.

Spotting a kid toting an AR-15 doesn't do shit because you dumbasses say it has to be legal. Now if they were banned, then that kid could be arrested on the spot.

My God, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.
So why do you asswipes want them for home defense?

Wen the military is going door to door, I guess they leave their rifles behind & just carry handguns.
Logic will peg you as a fool with every one of your stupid arguments.
Your average military member doesn't have options. They have to use what they are given, but I can fucking guarantee that no one in SEAL Team 6 had one when they went after OBL. In fact, OBL was shot in the face with... (wait for it) ... a pistol. I rest my case.
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.

Spotting a kid toting an AR-15 doesn't do shit because you dumbasses say it has to be legal. Now if they were banned, then that kid could be arrested on the spot.

My God, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.
You don't think a kid walking around a school with an AR-15 raises any flags? Why are you trying so hard to convince us that you're a complete fucking retard?
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

No...it starts with having the government do it's job and arresting students who are violent...then the government needs to put that information into the background check system......and in the case of this shooting, they failed at both.....
Yes, we should follow Australia's lead in school security.
They haven't had a single school shooting since they banned military-style weapons.

1. That wasn't the question.

2. Banning military style weapons in the US does nothing. Here, there is a criminal grapevine where criminals buy any kind of gun from other criminals.

Did you think criminals routinely buy guns in gun stores ? Nikolas Cruz is an odd exception.

Banning fully automatic military rifles doesn't work in France.......
Why are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that of course I see a problem with SOME people having easy access to assault type weapons ? Those particular people who, by their violent history have shown they are unqualified to possess ANY weapon.

And Why are you so so fucking stupid that you don't know that banning guns from law-abiding people, merely gives added advantage to criminal shooters, who will get their guns on the criminal grapevine ? ..completely apart from govt gun control.

No, the kids are NOT smarter, Thy are being manipulated like puppets by gun-control adults. The same liberal idiots who set up gun-free zones, responsible for hundreds of deaths. If the kids were smarter than they are, they would be Protesting About Lax School SECURITY, instead of being programmed to rant only about gun control.

You will NEVER EVER keep people with mental issues from getting these guns.

What action did Cruz take that the NRA would agree to ban gun ownership?

1) Getting expelled from hogh school for fighting? Does that men a lifetime ban?
2) Saying you want to kill people?
3) Cutting yourself online
4) Grieving the loss of a parent? Turn in your guns?

We can take lots of actions to help make schools mote secure.

If they fail, how about we don't hand them such a killing machine?

Just because you dipsticks get your jollies playing tough guy with an AR-15
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.

No...it doesn't.....since the worst school shooting at Virginia Tech was done with 2 pistols and 32 people were murdered, not 17.......and in Nice, France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people in 5 minutes....

You have no idea what you are talking about....does it hurt when you talk out of your ass so much?
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.

Spotting a kid toting an AR-15 doesn't do shit because you dumbasses say it has to be legal. Now if they were banned, then that kid could be arrested on the spot.

My God, you are the dumbest person on the fucking planet.

A kid toting an AR-15 civilian rifle around can already be stopped and detained by police....at a minimum for disturbing the peace...you are such a doofus.....

We have all the laws we need to control criminals and mass shooters......the government simply has to enforce them...and put in the fucking paperwork on criminals...
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

No...it starts with having the government do it's job and arresting students who are violent...then the government needs to put that information into the background check system......and in the case of this shooting, they failed at both.....
Not giving the kids access to such weapons will help not getting shot by those weapons.
Hey retard, pistols are a far more dangerous close quarters weapon than an unecessarilly long AR-15. Do you know why this shooter picked an AR-15? ...because they look cool. In other words, he is an ignorant fool like you who thinks an AR-15 is the most dangerous weapon for close quarters.

You ignorant retards are going to one day make it so they have the best weapons in their hands for massacres. At least for now they are using unwieldy and difficult to hide rifles.
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.
So why do you asswipes want them for home defense?

Wen the military is going door to door, I guess they leave their rifles behind & just carry handguns.
Logic will peg you as a fool with every one of your stupid arguments.

The AR-15 is a great self defense rifle....for all sorts of threats....from home invaders to riots......they are easy to shoot, especially for women, and can be customized for law abiding gun owners....
Long hallways, large classrooms. You asre a fiucvking idiot.

If handguns are as good why the fuck do you assholes need a gun like the AR-15?

Other than you get a hard on every time you hold it? You look in the mirror 7& Say "what a tough guy I am"? I have news, if you need an AR-15 to be a tough guy, you ain't one.
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.
So why do you asswipes want them for home defense?

Wen the military is going door to door, I guess they leave their rifles behind & just carry handguns.
Logic will peg you as a fool with every one of your stupid arguments.

The AR-15 is a great self defense rifle....for all sorts of threats....from home invaders to riots......they are easy to shoot, especially for women, and can be customized for law abiding gun owners....
Sure, but do I have a 2nd amendment right to own a nuke? If not, why not?
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

No...it starts with having the government do it's job and arresting students who are violent...then the government needs to put that information into the background check system......and in the case of this shooting, they failed at both.....
Not giving the kids access to such weapons will help not getting shot by those weapons.

Wow.....that is such an incredible insight...now if you could only go back in time and stop the Sandy Hook shooter from killing his mother to get her guns.....or go back in time and tell obama not to push the Promise Act which kept the High School from having the shooter arrested.....since had he been arrested on the numerous times he acted violently in school, he wouldn't have been able to buy those guns....
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

No...it starts with having the government do it's job and arresting students who are violent...then the government needs to put that information into the background check system......and in the case of this shooting, they failed at both.....
Not giving the kids access to such weapons will help not getting shot by those weapons.

Wow.....that is such an incredible insight...now if you could only go back in time and stop the Sandy Hook shooter from killing his mother to get her guns.....or go back in time and tell obama not to push the Promise Act which kept the High School from having the shooter arrested.....since had he been arrested on the numerous times he acted violently in school, he wouldn't have been able to buy those guns....
Not selling ARs, for example, means that nobody will ever be able to go buy one and shoot up children with it. Isn't that a good thing?
Hey retard, AR-15s are designed for targets between 50-150 yards away. I doubt one kid died more than 30 feet from the shooter, and if one did happen to die further away than that, it was only due to an errant shot. You could do FAR more damage with a pistol at short range. Quit talking about things you don't understand.

What a total ass you people are. You can't admit that an assault type rifle ups the death toll.

The mistake you dicks make is that you think people like me are not gun owners.

I own guns, probably more than you.

When going into a school, you go ahead & tote your handgun when you are shooting 30-50 feet or more & possibly hundreds of feet in hallways. And, you might go outside.

This is why you have no argumernt. You are all dishonest, NRA duped morons.
Long guns are not ideal for CQC. You can whine until the cows come home, but nothing will ever change that. It's also a fuck of a lot easier to spot a kid carrying an AR-15, than a pistol. Quit talking about guns. You are obviously very ignorant about this subject.
So why do you asswipes want them for home defense?

Wen the military is going door to door, I guess they leave their rifles behind & just carry handguns.
Logic will peg you as a fool with every one of your stupid arguments.

The AR-15 is a great self defense rifle....for all sorts of threats....from home invaders to riots......they are easy to shoot, especially for women, and can be customized for law abiding gun owners....
Sure, but do I have a 2nd amendment right to own a nuke? If not, why not?

Well...doofus......the 2nd Amendment covers individual weapons...carried by the individual for personal protection.....you can see this if you would ever read the Heller decision, or Caetano, or MIller....a nuke, even a suit case nuke, is not a personal defense weapon....
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

No...it starts with having the government do it's job and arresting students who are violent...then the government needs to put that information into the background check system......and in the case of this shooting, they failed at both.....
Not giving the kids access to such weapons will help not getting shot by those weapons.

Wow.....that is such an incredible insight...now if you could only go back in time and stop the Sandy Hook shooter from killing his mother to get her guns.....or go back in time and tell obama not to push the Promise Act which kept the High School from having the shooter arrested.....since had he been arrested on the numerous times he acted violently in school, he wouldn't have been able to buy those guns....
Not selling ARs, for example, means that nobody will ever be able to go buy one and shoot up children with it. Isn't that a good thing?

The drug cartels in Mexico have gun making shops where they are making AR-15s, 16s and AK-47s....which they will happily sell to criminals here in the states......

The AR-15 is a semi auto rifle....there are 8 million of them....and another 8 million other semi autos that work the same way as the AR-15....including revolvers which are also semi auto weapons....

The Virginia Tech shooter used 2 pistols....and murdered 32 people...not 17......

The AR-15 is the gate way gun for gun grabbing...if you are allowed to ban the AR-15 you can claim the Right to ban all semi auto weapons since they all operate the same way.....

So no....fuck you.
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

No...it starts with having the government do it's job and arresting students who are violent...then the government needs to put that information into the background check system......and in the case of this shooting, they failed at both.....
Not giving the kids access to such weapons will help not getting shot by those weapons.

Wow.....that is such an incredible insight...now if you could only go back in time and stop the Sandy Hook shooter from killing his mother to get her guns.....or go back in time and tell obama not to push the Promise Act which kept the High School from having the shooter arrested.....since had he been arrested on the numerous times he acted violently in school, he wouldn't have been able to buy those guns....
Not selling ARs, for example, means that nobody will ever be able to go buy one and shoot up children with it. Isn't that a good thing?

And the muslim terrorist in Nice, France murdered 86 people with a rental truck....our kids are allowed to drive at 16........

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