Why Aren't Schoolkids Protesting About Lax School SECURITY ?

School Insecurity starts with government officials ignoring dozens of warning signs and enabling a mentally ill kid to get a gun because the information that would have disqualified him was not provided to the background check data base.

View attachment 178788
Right now, "starts with" isn't the correct focus. Securing the schools IMMEDIATELY, is. Anohter shooter could turn up at another school Monday morning.

How many armed guards are at that school ready for him ? What security system (cameras, monitors, alarms) are in place to pick him up before he gets to the front door ?

Pardon me for not trusting that doing more of the same government Epic Fails will result in something different this time.
School Insecurity starts with government officials ignoring dozens of warning signs and enabling a mentally ill kid to get a gun because the information that would have disqualified him was not provided to the background check data base.

View attachment 178788
Right now, "starts with" isn't the correct focus. Securing the schools IMMEDIATELY, is. Anohter shooter could turn up at another school Monday morning.

How many armed guards are at that school ready for him ? What security system (cameras, monitors, alarms) are in place to pick him up before he gets to the front door ?
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:

There is a marked difference between the inaction of Sheriff's deputies and the actual action of the Coral Springs police. The Sheriff's department is run by a corruptocrat who stuffed the organization with political cronies.
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:
1. These are still in the allegation stage. Nothing is confirmed on the 3 other cops, currently.

2. These were police, who are RESPONDERS. I'm talking about armed guards, who are DEFENDERS, (already in place in the school before arrival of the perpetrator). If everythiung had been set up right - multiple armed guards in the school + adequate security technology, Cruz would never have made it to the front door. He never would have even gotten out of the parking lot.

Got any other bright questions ? :rolleyes:
Why are you so so fucking stupid that you see no problem with people having easy access to assault type weapons?

Those kids are wayyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you & your right wing dumbasses.

Go fuck yourselves & your fake giving a shit about the kids, ll you care about is being about to tote around a semi-aitomatic assault type weapon because it is the only way you can get it up.

Why are you so fucking stupid that you can't see that of course I see a problem with SOME people having easy access to assault type weapons ? Those particular people who, by their violent history have shown they are unqualified to possess ANY weapon.

And Why are you so so fucking stupid that you don't know that banning guns from law-abiding people, merely gives added advantage to criminal shooters, who will get their guns on the criminal grapevine ? ..completely apart from govt gun control.

No, the kids are NOT smarter, Thy are being manipulated like puppets by gun-control adults. The same liberal idiots who set up gun-free zones, responsible for hundreds of deaths. If the kids were smarter than they are, they would be Protesting About Lax School SECURITY, instead of being programmed to rant only about gun control.
I can take you to a coon dog trial where you can purchase anything you want completely out side of government scrutiny. This is a fact, it will not change. The Genie is out of the bottle here in the US, you can not put it back in. Millions of millitary type weapons across millions of square miles, good luck finding them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think we neede to step back from ideology at times and look at what the practical application of a law is aside from ideology. The cost in searching for these guns and the odds of finding enough of them does not lead me to belive it is do able. I say if ya can not enforce a law it is worthless to have on the books!
Why aren't the School Kids protesting agains the FBI?

A woman who knew Nikolas Cruz made a chilling phone call to the FBI weeks before he killed 17 people, warning that the twisted teen was "going to explode."

"I just think about, you know, (Cruz) getting into a school and just shooting the place up," the unidentified woman said in the eerily prescient call to the FBI's tip hotline on Jan. 5, according to a transcript obtained by the New York Times.

FBI tipster warned Nikolas Cruz could start ‘shooting places up’
School Insecurity starts with government officials ignoring dozens of warning signs and enabling a mentally ill kid to get a gun because the information that would have disqualified him was not provided to the background check data base.

View attachment 178788
Right now, "starts with" isn't the correct focus. Securing the schools IMMEDIATELY, is. Anohter shooter could turn up at another school Monday morning.

How many armed guards are at that school ready for him ? What security system (cameras, monitors, alarms) are in place to pick him up before he gets to the front door ?
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:

There is a marked difference between the inaction of Sheriff's deputies and the actual action of the Coral Springs police. The Sheriff's department is run by a corruptocrat who stuffed the organization with political cronies.
Makes a nice soundbite but prove it. Anyways, the armed guard thingy didn't work. No matter how thin you slice the excuses.
Pardon me for not trusting that doing more of the same government Epic Fails will result in something different this time.
It's NOT the same. They didn't have the adequate security in place. Are you getting enough sleep ?
School Insecurity starts with government officials ignoring dozens of warning signs and enabling a mentally ill kid to get a gun because the information that would have disqualified him was not provided to the background check data base.

View attachment 178788
Right now, "starts with" isn't the correct focus. Securing the schools IMMEDIATELY, is. Anohter shooter could turn up at another school Monday morning.

How many armed guards are at that school ready for him ? What security system (cameras, monitors, alarms) are in place to pick him up before he gets to the front door ?
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:

There is a marked difference between the inaction of Sheriff's deputies and the actual action of the Coral Springs police. The Sheriff's department is run by a corruptocrat who stuffed the organization with political cronies.
Makes a nice soundbite but prove it. Anyways, the armed guard thingy didn't work. No matter how thin you slice the excuses.

Reading comprehension and logic are clearly not your strong suit.
Why aren't the School Kids protesting agains the FBI?

A woman who knew Nikolas Cruz made a chilling phone call to the FBI weeks before he killed 17 people, warning that the twisted teen was "going to explode."

"I just think about, you know, (Cruz) getting into a school and just shooting the place up," the unidentified woman said in the eerily prescient call to the FBI's tip hotline on Jan. 5, according to a transcript obtained by the New York Times.

FBI tipster warned Nikolas Cruz could start ‘shooting places up’
Yup. They should be doing that too. :goodposting:
Short, easy answer? This is America, and they can protest about whatever the fuck they want to.
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:
1. These are still in the allegation stage. Nothing is confirmed on the 3 other cops, currently.

2. These were police, who are RESPONDERS. I'm talking about armed guards, who are DEFENDERS, (already in place in the school before arrival of the perpetrator). If everythiung had been set up right - multiple armed guards in the school + adequate security technology, Cruz would never have made it to the front door. He never would have even gotten out of the parking lot.

Got any other bright questions ? :rolleyes:
The armed guard hid outside. Maybe we should harden a bunker outside for them? :lmao:
Pardon me for not trusting that doing more of the same government Epic Fails will result in something different this time.
It's NOT the same. They didn't have the adequate security in place. Are you getting enough sleep ?

Lack of armed security is not the root cause of this problem, bub.

A mentally ill person who wishes to cause harm will find a way. Cruz should have been prevented from purchasing weapons, and put in a mental institute. If you want to solve the problem, identify the real cause.

I'm all in favor of proper security, including allowing properly trained teachers to conceal carry...but that wouldn't stop a mental/evil whackjob from mowing down a bunch of kids with a truck.
Makes a nice soundbite but prove it. Anyways, the armed guard thingy didn't work. No matter how thin you slice the excuses.
There aren't "excuses". One armed guard is never enough for a school (or any institution). 5 would be more like it + CCW armed employees. With scenarios like that, mass shooters wouldn't even show up. Israel has proven that.
School Insecurity starts with government officials ignoring dozens of warning signs and enabling a mentally ill kid to get a gun because the information that would have disqualified him was not provided to the background check data base.

View attachment 178788
Right now, "starts with" isn't the correct focus. Securing the schools IMMEDIATELY, is. Anohter shooter could turn up at another school Monday morning.

How many armed guards are at that school ready for him ? What security system (cameras, monitors, alarms) are in place to pick him up before he gets to the front door ?
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:

There is a marked difference between the inaction of Sheriff's deputies and the actual action of the Coral Springs police. The Sheriff's department is run by a corruptocrat who stuffed the organization with political cronies.
Makes a nice soundbite but prove it. Anyways, the armed guard thingy didn't work. No matter how thin you slice the excuses.

Reading comprehension and logic are clearly not your strong suit.
The armed guard thing still didn't work, regardless how how dumb you think I am. ;biggrin:
Short, easy answer? This is America, and they can protest about whatever the fuck they want to.

I bet you don't feel that way about the March for Life, and anti-abortion protestors outside of Planned Parenthood.
Right now, "starts with" isn't the correct focus. Securing the schools IMMEDIATELY, is. Anohter shooter could turn up at another school Monday morning.

How many armed guards are at that school ready for him ? What security system (cameras, monitors, alarms) are in place to pick him up before he gets to the front door ?
The armed guard in Florida hid outside. When 3 cops showed up, they hid outside with him. Got any other bright ideas? :biggrin:

There is a marked difference between the inaction of Sheriff's deputies and the actual action of the Coral Springs police. The Sheriff's department is run by a corruptocrat who stuffed the organization with political cronies.
Makes a nice soundbite but prove it. Anyways, the armed guard thingy didn't work. No matter how thin you slice the excuses.

Reading comprehension and logic are clearly not your strong suit.
The armed guard thing still didn't work, regardless how how dumb you think I am. ;biggrin:


The collective IQ of the LW loons on this site has descended into the low double digits.
Makes a nice soundbite but prove it. Anyways, the armed guard thingy didn't work. No matter how thin you slice the excuses.
There aren't "excuses". One armed guard is never enough for a school (or any institution). 5 would be more like it + CCW armed employees. With scenarios like that, mass shooters wouldn't even show up. Israel has proven that.
Israel is at war. Is America at war with itself?
It seems rather obvious that the protester kids complaining about gun control, have been programmed to do just that, by adults who are mostly hiding in the background.

It's pretty obvious. ifyou hve a nutjob walking from th parking lot toward the school with an assault rifle in his hand, you need to stop him with guns in your hands. You're not going to fix that situation by picking up the phone and clling the police (who can't get there fast enough). It's also not going to do you any good to rant about gun control, at that point. nor re you going to stop him by offering him a lollipop or ice cream cone.

So why aren't the kids talking about school SECURITY, which is horrendously lax, all over the state ? The reason is because th eliberal adults orchestrating this "movement", if you will, are clueless about guns, security, law enforcement, and have even been programmed themselves to distrust police and security personnel with uniform and badges. Their mentality is miles apart from what needs to be done.

And what needs to be done is a no-brainer. Schools call their armed guards "school resource officers" or SROs. OK. The number of these SROs per school is horrifying. in some areas of Florida, it is an unbelieable ONE per school. In other areas, it's one eery other school, leaing some schools with ZERO protection. A dozen per school would be more like it.

And the money being spent on school security ? Florida spends twice as much on the VISIT Florida program, as on SROs. And funding for SROs has actually gone down. THIS is what kids and the knuckleheaded adult directors ought to be bitching about.
School security starts with other school kids not having access to AR15s.

It's okay for them to have access to a revolver? How about a 9mm semi-auto?

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