Why aren't the dems spouting their Bin laden is dead and GM is alive incantation

When did they? I'm sure we will hear much more of this admin's huge successes during the debates :up:
When did they? I'm sure we will hear much more of this admin's huge successes during the debates :up:

Are you for real? Did you watch the Convention, have you been Watching Joe Biden on the Campaign Trail? They Said that over 20 Times at the Convention alone. Biden has been saying it all over the country in Stump Speeches.

Do you idiots really think Muslims don't see and hear that? Do you think it is just coincidence that at one point the crowds out side our Embassy in Egypt were chanting "Obama, Obama, we are all Osama's"

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That's a big Biden quote...his whole career in politics and he hit the mother lode with that one...
Only problem is I wonder how many Muslims are happy to hear that over and over.
Because Mitt has been doing such a great job of making an ass out of himself, we haven't had the need to say a word...:lol::eusa_clap: Keep on Trucken Mitt
that's all ya heard from the dems, seemed like a election winner. Why have you stopped??????

Well spiking the football and chest thumping by these pencil neck geeky political egomaniacs in Washington seems to be pissing off Al Qaeda. You know, that group that the Obama administration was claiming was decimated? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

From a great article I was just reading.

America looks even weaker when this administration sends confusing signals about U.S. power.

The Obama administration too often spikes the ball — whether it is Joe Biden bragging about killing Osama bin Laden, the president joking about Predator assassination missions, Hillary Clinton high-fiving over the death of Qaddafi, or unnamed top officials disclosing classified secrets about the cyber-war against Iran.

Middle East Madness | RealClearPolitics
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When did they? I'm sure we will hear much more of this admin's huge successes during the debates :up:

Are you for real? Did you watch the Convention, have you been Watching Joe Biden on the Campaign Trail? They Said that over 20 Times at the Convention alone. Biden has been saying it all over the country in Stump Speeches.

Do you idiots really think Muslims don't see and hear that? Do you think it is just coincidence that at one point the crowds out side our Embassy in Egypt were chanting "Obama, Obama, we are all Osama's"


That chant sort of sums up how many in Islam feel about America right now. This is not all just about a silly movie.
When did they? I'm sure we will hear much more of this admin's huge successes during the debates :up:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o38FRDupkc]Biden:"Osama Bin Laden Dead, GM Alive" - YouTube[/ame]

Now say you're sorry for your ignorance.

I am truly sorry Republicans tried to take credit for taking out Bin Laden after they let him go.

I am truly sorry Mitt Romney wanted to let the US auto industry die.

There. Satisfied?
LOL you right wingers are pathetic. Now you're bitching that we shouldn't have taken out bin laden? What the hell is wrong with you??

The "spiking the football" is just the right wingers cry-babying that Obama took him out when W couldn't.

Obama should take that "mission accomplished" sign and put it on the entrance of the white house.
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Bragging about killing someone isn't cool, someone needs to tell Obama and Biden. That is all.
Bragging about killing someone isn't cool, someone needs to tell Obama and Biden. That is all.

Osama Bin Laden masterminded the murder of 3000 of my fellow Americans on 9Sept01. His death at the hands of our military represented a very grim satisfaction after so many years. A satisfaction denied to us by the incompetance of the previous administration.
Bragging about killing someone isn't cool, someone needs to tell Obama and Biden. That is all.

Osama Bin Laden masterminded the murder of 3000 of my fellow Americans on 9Sept01. His death at the hands of our military represented a very grim satisfaction after so many years. A satisfaction denied to us by the incompetance of the previous administration.

Well said, it was a horrible act. As much as I hate killing, I feel now that this evil man is gone many people are able to heal and learn to live without the love ones that they lost.
Bragging about killing someone isn't cool, someone needs to tell Obama and Biden. That is all.

Osama Bin Laden masterminded the murder of 3000 of my fellow Americans on 9Sept01. His death at the hands of our military represented a very grim satisfaction after so many years. A satisfaction denied to us by the incompetance of the previous administration.

Well said, it was a horrible act. As much as I hate killing, I feel now that this evil man is gone many people are able to heal and learn to live without the love ones that they lost.

And yet it was Republicans at the Las Vegas presidential Debates screaming out "Let him die" and they were referring to a young American who was ill and had committed no crime.

I'm glad Bin Laden is dead but I'm sad Republicans screamed out "let him die".
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Bragging about killing someone isn't cool, someone needs to tell Obama and Biden. That is all.

Osama Bin Laden masterminded the murder of 3000 of my fellow Americans on 9Sept01. His death at the hands of our military represented a very grim satisfaction after so many years. A satisfaction denied to us by the incompetance of the previous administration.

The "incompetence" you speak of from the previous administration led to OBL's death. Nice try.

Maybe the libs should change their idiotic chant to "Obama is dead, and so is our Ambassador to Libya".
They don't have to spout anything as long as Romney keeps flapping his gums and shooting himself in the foot.

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