Why aren't the dems spouting their Bin laden is dead and GM is alive incantation

They are also hoping that the refrain doesn't become:

Bin Laden is dead and so is our Ambassador.
Liberals act like Obamination and Biden bragging on TV about killing UBL doesn't make its way to the Arab world.

Uh, their networks broadcast the headlines from the USA "over there," so when your clowns are bragging about killing UBL to get re-elected....they are watching it too.

The muslims rioting over anything that comes out of the USA are idiots, but so are Obamination, Biden and Hillary......
why do you now claim killing OBL was not a good thing after you spent YEARS claiming it needed to be done?
are you so fucking stupid you actually think that is a vote winner of an idea?

So TM when does Obama come out and tell us why our consulate was unguarded? The two navy ex-seals that died weren't even assigned to the consulate. Why was our consulate unguarded especially on a 9/11 anniversary?
Biden challenged us to ask if Bin Laden was better off today...why don't we ask Ambassador Stevens too?
Uh....if her boss is using it as an election slogan, then she should go report it to the Arab world.

Oh, it would set them off, eh? But, I thought they were only mad over some movie.:eusa_whistle:

You see telling a lie to look good eventually bites you in the ass. Lying about the movie being the sole reason for muslims going nuts in some weird logic to look good doesn't work when you are also pissing them off with the UBL is dead slogans all over TV in this country.

Hillary should hold a press conference in the middle east bragging about "UBL is dead" then see what happens.

What would the purpose of that be?

To the moderates in the Arab world, Bin Lately was an embarrassment. They don't miss him any more than the western world does.
Bin laden is dead and GM is alive. Sounds like a real game changer. I think barry otta play it on tv over in Pakistan and Iraq I bet you could woo a few republican soldiers to vote dem :D

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