Why believe ANYTHING Obama says when he LIES about something so simple!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I can't understand how ANY LOGICAL thinking person would EVER believe ANYTHING that Obama and his supporters state specifically when they use a statistic that is totally disproved by the Census bureau AND is TOTALLY MISLEADING reality!

On July 22,2009 before Obama said this in his opening remarks:

"This is not just about the 47 million AMERICANS who have no health insurance."

THIS number is totally FALSE and MiSLEADING!

First.. PER THE CENSUS BUREAU!!! Not a citizen 9,936,000
Newsroom: Income & Wealth: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009

Take away 10 million of the 47 million that ARE NOT CITIZENS!
Leaves 37 million!

Second: 14 Million covered by Medicaid:
Another problem with the CPS was noted in an April 26, 2005 Los Angeles Times article:
The survey may count some individuals as uninsured even though they are covered by Medicaid. Experts who have examined Census Bureau figures estimate 10 to 14 million individuals who are counted as uninsured likely qualified for Medicaid or S-CHIP coverage.
"Even the most extreme estimate (the Current Population Survey) contains some positive news. One is the fact that one-third of the uninsured, nearly 15 million people, live in households with annual incomes of $50,000 or above. Half of those earn more than $75,000. Moreover, (as noted earlier) 10 to 14 million uninsured people may be eligible to enroll in Medicaid and CHIPs but simply have not done so.

Few Americans Lack Access to Health Coverage | Heartlander Magazine

AGAIN the FACTS... if Obama says there are 47 million but Census says 10 million are not citizens.. AND The Census Current Population Survey SAYS 15 million said to be "uninsured" are actually covered by Medicaid!

47 million Obama says...
10 million NOT citizens
15 million Covered by Medicaid....BUT said they weren't covered!
22 million left that are supposedly UNINSURED!!!

FACTS 3...
In 2007, 17.6 million of the uninsured had annual incomes of more than $50,000 and 9.1 million earned more than $75,000. In fact, as Sally Pipes notes in the Top Ten Myths of American Health Care: A Citizen's Guide,

The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

THIS means 17.6 million CAN AFFORD BUT ----DO NOT WANT.. DO NOT NEED...

That leaves LESS THEN 5 million TRULY that need and want health insurance!

SO folks let's be very very honest!

IF the idiot OBAMA and his minions DON"T SEEM to know there are truly less then 5 million people of the 311 million Americans that NEED insurance
HOW CAN you trust them to MANAGE YOUR health care if that can't even get the basics of understanding how many need the service!

NOW you Obamatrons... this is not for YOU because YOU can't comprehend this..
BUT those that voted for Obama..
THERE IS NO LOGICAL RATIONAL reason for destroying
306 million people's health programs for less then 5 million BENEFIT!

ESPECIALLY when THERE IS A SIMPLE solution to cover ALL those that want health insurance !!!!!!
Uninsured U.S. Citizens
Posted on March 10, 2009

Q: How many of the uninsured are U.S. citizens?

A: The vast majority of the uninsured are citizens from working families.


I have heard there are 47 million people without health insurance. How many of these are U.S. citizens? What is the makeup of the remainder?


The "47 million uninsured" figure is from the 2006 U.S. Census Bureau report. In 2007, the Census Bureau reported that the number actually declined somewhat, to 45.7 million people under 65 (the age of Medicare eligibility).

Ever since health coverage became a major issue in the 2008 presidential campaign, we’ve received periodic questions from readers who wonder whether a large percentage of the uninsured are non-citizens or illegal immigrants. They’re not. According to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, 79 percent of the uninsured are native or naturalized U.S. citizens. The remaining 21 percent accounts for both legal and illegal immigrants.

Kaiser does acknowledge that non-citizens are more likely to be uninsured than citizens, because they are often restricted from public coverage and "are more likely to have low-wage jobs and work for firms that do not offer coverage." (Around 60 percent of Americans have insurance through their employers.) According to the Census Bureau, 43.8 percent of non-citizens are uninsured, versus only 12.7 percent of native-born citizens and 17.6 percent of naturalized citizens. But saying that non-citizens are more likely to be uninsured is not the same as saying that most of the uninsured are non-citizens.

What else can we say about the uninsured? More than 80 percent are from families in which at least one person works (70 percent from families where at least one person works full-time, and an additional 12 percent from families with a part-time worker). Two thirds are near or below the poverty line, making less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Only a small number (20 percent) are children, but nearly half are below the age of 30. Non-Hispanic whites make up two thirds of the population but less than half of the uninsured, and they are also more likely than any other race to have private insurance. The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a report, incorporating 2007 Census data, that covers these and other characteristics of the uninsured.

FactCheck.org : Uninsured U.S. Citizens

Illegals ARE here and using the system, and you're paying for all of the above, so it's a specious argument, as long as Pubs are for cheap labor. Pub dupes!!
It's easier for people to accept a big lie than a little one.
Uninsured U.S. Citizens
Posted on March 10, 2009

Q: How many of the uninsured are U.S. citizens?

A: The vast majority of the uninsured are citizens from working families.


I have heard there are 47 million people without health insurance. How many of these are U.S. citizens? What is the makeup of the remainder?


The "47 million uninsured" figure is from the 2006 U.S. Census Bureau report. In 2007, the Census Bureau reported that the number actually declined somewhat, to 45.7 million people under 65 (the age of Medicare eligibility).

Ever since health coverage became a major issue in the 2008 presidential campaign, we’ve received periodic questions from readers who wonder whether a large percentage of the uninsured are non-citizens or illegal immigrants. They’re not. According to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, 79 percent of the uninsured are native or naturalized U.S. citizens. The remaining 21 percent accounts for both legal and illegal immigrants.

Kaiser does acknowledge that non-citizens are more likely to be uninsured than citizens, because they are often restricted from public coverage and "are more likely to have low-wage jobs and work for firms that do not offer coverage." (Around 60 percent of Americans have insurance through their employers.) According to the Census Bureau, 43.8 percent of non-citizens are uninsured, versus only 12.7 percent of native-born citizens and 17.6 percent of naturalized citizens. But saying that non-citizens are more likely to be uninsured is not the same as saying that most of the uninsured are non-citizens.

What else can we say about the uninsured? More than 80 percent are from families in which at least one person works (70 percent from families where at least one person works full-time, and an additional 12 percent from families with a part-time worker). Two thirds are near or below the poverty line, making less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Only a small number (20 percent) are children, but nearly half are below the age of 30. Non-Hispanic whites make up two thirds of the population but less than half of the uninsured, and they are also more likely than any other race to have private insurance. The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a report, incorporating 2007 Census data, that covers these and other characteristics of the uninsured.

FactCheck.org : Uninsured U.S. Citizens

Illegals ARE here and using the system, and you're paying for all of the above, so it's a specious argument, as long as Pubs are for cheap labor. Pub dupes!!

NO it's NOT a "specious" argument because the emotional response of huge number of 47 million is NOT true!
10 million are NOT citizens it is a FACT... NOT our responsibility!
14 million ARE already covered by Medicaid SO WHY are they part of the 47 million?
Finally the inclusion of 17.5 million GRANTED they are UNINSURED BUT BY CHOICE!
NOT because they can't afford. Not because they need it!

So that leaves less then 5 million...
MY POINT was why was it necessary to LIE and use a bogus number?
BUT even more important...WHY should we believe this Govt. can handle the massive health management IF THEY CAN'T even get the number of "uninsured" straight?

IT IS so simple! THERE ARE NOT 47 million and Obama is LYING and DECEIVING!
SO why do you supporters still support this totally bogus NUmBER?

Finally THERE IS A solution to cover the truly 5 million uninsured!
Something that DOESN"T require destruction of the entire health system!

A simple solution that would provide the 5 million with a $4,000 a year premium!
REDUCE a $600 billion a year major health care cost component!
REDUCE MEDICARE costs by at least $100 billion a year!

SIMPLE EASY solution that provides coverage for the 5 million, reduces the $600 billion
component of health care and reduce Medicare costs by $100 billion!

SO why not implement the solution????
They don't WANT it because they can't afford it. And your source is BULLSHYTTE. They will be able to afford it under ACA.And the courts say you ARE responsible for all, so them having insurance saves money, angry white Pub dupe moron.
Jeeezuss - this is the dumbest op I've seen since vampiric's last one.

I would say you can't be serious but - well, we all know the rw's to be a wacko bunch, desperately grabbing at straws.
Bullshytte, dittohead. Health costs doubled just under Boosh- you like? Pathetic dupes of greedy rich/corporates....
Jeeezuss - this is the dumbest op I've seen since vampiric's last one.

I would say you can't be serious but - well, we all know the rw's to be a wacko bunch, desperately grabbing at straws.

So you have a problem with simple MATH?
Obama said 47 million uninsured!
OK 10 million of uninsured PER the census bureau are NOT citizens so why count them?
14 million ARE ALREADY COVERED by Medicaid.. WHY are you so dumb to then say they are not insured?
17.5 million DON"T WANT health insurance.. Can afford it... too young to need it!
So that leaves truly less then 5 million!

Why are you so fu..king stupid to want to have a agency that can't do simple math take over what 96% of the country already has?
You are one f..ked up idiot!

PLUS you never asked what the simple solution would be that would cut $200 billion a year from Medicare/health insurance claims!
$200 billion easily savings a year would REDUCE costs for EVERY ONE! Dumb f...k!
AND it won't cost YOU unless you are a millionaire lawyer a dime! Which I am sure you aren't cause you are too stupid to even know what I'm describing!

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