Why Biden Will Pick Susan Rice as His Running Mate

That’s the worst pick he could make. Rice is a serial liar. She lied about Benghazi over and over. Picking her will get the Rs and cons inflamed to get out an vote for dumb Don.

Dumb pick.

I doubt it makes any difference to the R's who he picks. Rice will hurt with those wanting to change the status quo though.
Interestingly enough, ALL of the "Black" females who are said to be on the "short list" have significant issues to be dealt with.

Unfortunately, "Not qualified" could be a problem, given the designation of Sarah Palin a few years ago. We'll just have to be content to criticize other things.

It didn't seem to matter to those who voted for Trump.
Nope! The VP pick should be a fighter, capable of getting under Trump's skin and destroying mentally weak Pence in a debate. He'll pick Elizabeth Warren.
Laughable. He is already going to carry Massachusetts and she's white. Her color alone disqualifies her because race is everything to DNC.
He'd be my preference over someone who listens to no one else and always thinks he is the smartest man in the room.
He is the President of the United States of America. That's quite an accomplishment. Those in the room should listen to him.
Of course it is, but it doesn't matter. The goal is to get Trump out of the white house, by any means possible.
Sounds like you plan to try to assassinate him if Biden doesn't work? What next, try to overthrow the government like Venezuela? You sound committed. It's one thing to disagree with someone, but you've gone far beyond that. Hopefully the FBI is looking closely at people like you.
He can't pick Warren, Astrostar...he's painted himself into a corner now...if he doesn't pick a black woman running mate then the black vote won't turn out for him. He's got no choice now.
After South Carolina primary Biden will have to kiss black ass from now until November.
I like Elizabeth. She is so much smarter than Trump or Pence and will egg Trump into saying many things he will regret. (Opps, my bad; he will never regret anything he says, too stand up for that. But, it will cost him anyway, whether he likes it or not.)
She is an airhead all hyped up on caffeine.
Nope! The VP pick should be a fighter, capable of getting under Trump's skin and destroying mentally weak Pence in a debate. He'll pick Elizabeth Warren.

We can only hope!
Because the incompetent and senile Biden can't make a decision on his own, he will do as he is told and pick Susan Rice to be his Vice-president. Then, if for some reason God abandons the human race and Biden becomes President, they can quickly shuffle the Alzheimer addled Joe out of office. Rice becomes President and Obama runs the nation from his Chicago mansion. That's the plan. Hope it never happens. Vote Trump in 2020; vote like your life depended on it.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a right wing takeover of this country. Vote Biden in 2020 be3cause everything this country stands for is at stake.
Laughable. He is already going to carry Massachusetts and she's white. Her color alone disqualifies her because race is everything to DNC.

You forgot that Elizabeth Warren IDENTIFIES as being a woman of color!
The big liar?

One thing about Biden's pick. No matter who he picks you know it will be a shitass. That is all he has to pick from in the Democrat party. The Party of scumbags. Rice is as dishonest as they come. She has lied to the American people many times.

Trump is the shitass. Trump supporters are scumbags and you demonstrate that quite well. Anyone he picks will be better than Trump. Trump is the most dishonest pick. He is a congenital liar.
He is the President of the United States of America. That's quite an accomplishment. Those in the room should listen to him.
He was a great candidate, I'll give him that. I'm a great chess player but that doesn't make me an expert on our military.
The short list is simple...

Lads if he picks Susan Rice, please bring up Benghazi... Benghazi is by word for hyper partisans investigations that went no where...

I love this whole thread, you have been mentioning personal attack after personal attack...

Reason is Trump has failed, his policies are a disaster... He borrowed to hype a boom market and cut money boring stuff that keep Americans really safe... Now we have 120k+ dead (number probably 50% higher), economy in toilet, deficit record high, unemployment highest in decades and a President that is not taking responsibility..

Trump can't run on his record, can't run on policies, can't run on integrity... Trump is down in the shit and he is doing his best to drag Biden there too... US have seen this and that explains his numbers...
He'd be my preference over someone who listens to no one else and always thinks he is the smartest man in the room.

Why do you prefer to put someone in office who has few if any positive accomplishments but has many negative accomplishments as well as obviously losing his faculties?

Why do you prefer to oust someone who has scores accomplishments in management and executive experience even before he ever took office? Since taking office, leading the EXECUTIVE branch of our government, he has done a great job. Why jump back into the same quagmire known as the ELITE WASHINGTON?


So is Biden is picking a token black and token female? Is Rice going to be called an Uncle Tom, which I know from liberals is no longer racist.

Well, Joe Biden knows a lot about be a token. He was the token old white guy for failed former President Barack Hussein Obama!

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