"Why businesses are scared to spend money..."


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
"Steve Wynn: Obama is why businesses are scared to spend money!"

1. Wynn slams Obama as the reason that businesses are scared to spend any money and says it will continue that way until Obama is out of office:

2. I’m afraid to do anything in the current political environment in the United States. You watch television and see what’s going on on this debt ceiling issue. And what I consider to be a total lack of leadership from the President...

3. ...this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, and progress and job creation in my lifetime. And I can prove it and I could spend the next 3 hours giving you examples of all of us in this market place that are frightened to death about all the new regulations, our healthcare costs escalate, regulations coming from left and right.

4. A President that seems, that keeps using that word redistribution. Well, my customers and the companies that provide the vitality for the hospitality and restaurant industry, in the United States of America, they are frightened of this administration.And it makes you slow down and not invest your money.

5. And a lot of people don’t want to say that. They’ll say, God, don’t be attacking Obama. Well, this is Obama’s deal and it’s Obama that’s responsible for this fear in America.

6. The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest, their holding too much money. We haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists.

7. And that’s true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I’m telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs."
Steve Wynn: Obama is why businesses are scared to spend money | The Right Scoop
(emphasis mine)

Now, that's speaking truth to power!
This is the big mystery that everyone ignores.

Obama is the wet-blanket over the economy.

The fact that nobody trusts him and the fact that he's given them reason not to trust him, this is the primary reason the economy is still struggling.

When you have government telling you how to run your business, telling you to run it in a way you know will be too expensive to afford or will reduce your profits to the point of bankruptcy, of course businesses are pulling back and trying to simply survive.

If everyone read Obama's book they'd know he wants to make Capitalists in America pay for the supposed evil they have perpetrated against minorities. He wants the system to suffer, even collapse to make them pay for all of the ill-gotten gains he feels were gathered off the backs of Blacks, Hispanics, and anyone he considers to be his people.
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Businesses will invest in this land when they sense that investment will show a good return.

Changing who leads this nation might make some small difference, but not much.
Businesses will invest in this land when they sense that investment will show a good return.

Changing who leads this nation might make some small difference, but not much.

Be serious.
The cranes are running 24/7 in Managua, Rio, Panama city,Santiago and San Jose. They're spending money.............just not in the idiocracy.
I own a small biz and I can tell you Obama makes me want to do nothing more than what I do now. In fact Obama makes me scared to do better than I'm doing now.
I own a small biz and I can tell you Obama makes me want to do nothing more than what I do now. In fact Obama makes me scared to do better than I'm doing now.

Take heart from these words, spoken by our great 16th President,

"This, too, shall pass."

Have you heard the story behind those words?
King Solomon asked for a gift : "If a happy man looks at it, he becomes sad, and if a sad man looks at it, he becomes happy."

To everyone's surprise, Benaiah held up a small gold ring and declared, "Here it is, your majesty!" As soon as Solomon read the inscription, the smile vanished from his face. The jeweler had written three Hebrew letters on the gold band: _gimel, zayin, yud_, which began the words "_Gam zeh ya'avor_" -- "This too shall pass."
At that moment Solomon realized that all his wisdom and fabulous wealth and tremendous power were but fleeting things, for one day he would be nothing but dust. And This Too Shall Pass ...

Probably apocryphal, but makes the point.
Businesses will invest in this land when they sense that investment will show a good return.

Changing who leads this nation might make some small difference, but not much.

Be serious.

Actually, I think he is serious and I think he is right.

Business won't invest in this nation until they are confident that they will make a profit on those investments. President Obama is a factor in the current lack of confidence, but even when he leaves office there is no guarantee that his replacement can or will inspire confidence. Believe it or not, we could actually get something worse.

Obama refered to the US Chamber of Commerce as a sinister tool of the GOP. What does that tell you about his attitude toward capitalism? How could any business expand when Barry is talking about 70% taxes on middle class people who own businesses who he deems to be rich? Energy prices are likely to go higher as a result of Obama's extortion scheme called "global warming". The biggest social upheavel is about to click in with the novel sized "law" and nobody knows what's in it.
Truth is why expand when you cannot sell all you have to offer now?

Jobs is the issue, not Obama.

One of the major downsides to a consumer spending based economy.
Truth is why expand when you cannot sell all you have to offer now?

Jobs is the issue, not Obama.

One of the major downsides to a consumer spending based economy.

But Obama is a good part of the reason the jobs market sucks so bad. It is not all his fault, but his attitude towards business is a major reason businesses are not hiring. They may not be laying off like they were, but they are not hiring either.

Truth is why expand when you cannot sell all you have to offer now?

Jobs is the issue, not Obama.

One of the major downsides to a consumer spending based economy.

But Obama is a good part of the reason the jobs market sucks so bad. It is not all his fault, but his attitude towards business is a major reason businesses are not hiring. They may not be laying off like they were, but they are not hiring either.


Attitude is one thing even that is pretty much like Bush and his actions have been very bushlike in regards to coprorations.
They are not "scared" to spend money. They don't need to spend it. They are making profit without doing very much.

They didn't invest under Bush..even after he gave them the keys to the bank.

Why the heck would they spend it now?
They are not "scared" to spend money. They don't need to spend it. They are making profit without doing very much.

They didn't invest under Bush..even after he gave them the keys to the bank.

Why the heck would they spend it now?

Amazing! You have a liberal Democrat billionaire explaining in blunt English what the real issue is for he and his peers and you won't believe it. You guys need to pull your heads out of your asses. Obama is a socialist who hates capitalism and business and wants to remake America into something it was never designed to be. I was one conservative who was willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt when he was elected. I've had 2.5 years to see him in action and now realize he is dangerous for this country. We can survive until November 2012, but if the man gets relected for 4 more years, God help us.
Truth is why expand when you cannot sell all you have to offer now?

Jobs is the issue, not Obama.

One of the major downsides to a consumer spending based economy.

Let me expand of that thought.

Working wage earners have seen flat wages for over thirty years. As a matter of fact in Real Dollars, their income is about where it was in 1980! The wage earner simply has less and less expendable income. Thus the demand side of the supply and demand economics is missing a huge component.

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