Why California is a SHITHOLE

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This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
Fucking idiot. Jerry Brown took a $26 billion Republican deficit and turned it into a $6 billion surplus.
Is that why the state is over 250 BILLION dollars in debt today?

Will California ever pay off its massive debt? – Orange County Register

You're either a fucking idiot or a fucking liar. Either way you are worthless.

....and Slick Willy never really produced a surplus either. Democrats have their on accounting system.
You conflated two things. Yes, I support ending social security and medicare. I'd be open to raising the age if I can't end the programs entirely.

How do you propose that be done? Refund all the money Americans have paid to date, plus a reasonable per annum rate of interest?

If so, I'm all or it!

Why would you get money back? You spent it as it came in. You never saved a dime. Do you expect the money back you paid for roads and defense too?

Welfare: Money is confiscated with force from today's taxpayer and redistributed to other citizens

Social Security: Money is confiscated with force from today's taxpayer and redistributed to other citizens

You're on welfare, Holmes. Not one dime of your welfare check is money that you paid in. That was spent as it came in like all other taxes

So how in the world California is the 6th largest economy of this planet?
Maybe the illegals has something to do with that?

Silicone Valley monopolies and the Robber Baron Oligarchs fuel California, But that money is concentrated in the hands of a dozen men, while millions live in cardboard boxes.

But that's the way Bezos and Cook like it, peasants in poverty spend to much time trying to survive to ever resist the Oligarchy.
I use a go pro camera to on my bike, I am over sixty. I have NEVER seen this many homeless people or beggars, and never either have seen so many (illegal alien) Mexicans getting special treatment. I know immigrants. Illegal aliens from Mexico, Invaders, Not seeing them begging for money or in tents, no instead, we give wetters a higher priority than our own poor. Poverty we have, we don't need to give special status to Mexicans that can't immigrate legally given higher special status than our own poor. Do we?
Nope, and hasn't been for over a decade.
Wrong, sorry. California is, indeed, a net "giver" of federal funds. This is true in studies as recent as 2017.
You moron Maoists continue to cite a report from 1994 as if it is still relevant.

The study I pointed you to in my link is from 2013.
Where did most of Obama's Porkulous go?
Nobody knows what the hell you are trying to say, here. But, if your other statements are any indication, it would take a 6-year old with Google about 30 seconds to show it is false.

Bullshit Comrade.

California was the top recipient of Obama's Porkulous. You Maoist pigs want to pretend that doesn't count, but it will be decades until that debt is balanced out.
You can cry and scream "bullshit" all you want. California is, indeed, a donor state. the Trump belt? Nassomuch.

And still nobody knows what you are saying, son. California received MOST of the funds... of what, exactly? Use your big boy words!

You can lie all you want, but facts are facts little Maoist.

Kim Jong Brown took hundreds of billions in federal money - that you scum want to ignore it is irrelevant.
I'm sorry... but you were about to describe which program California got "most" of the funds of. And you were going to prove all of the experts wrong, and show us California is not a donor State.
Californication gets more federal funds back than any other state...by a large difference. Californication is barely a donor state in that it gets back 99 cents for every dollar paid in.

So how in the world California is the 6th largest economy of this planet?
Maybe the illegals has something to do with that?

Silicone Valley monopolies and the Robber Baron Oligarchs fuel California, But that money is concentrated in the hands of a dozen men, while millions live in cardboard boxes.

But that's the way Bezos and Cook like it, peasants in poverty spend to much time trying to survive to ever resist the Oligarchy.
Bezos pays little in taxes also.

Amazon made $5.6bn in US profits last year but paid no tax | Daily Mail Online
There is this despicable level of treatment we give "poor Mexicans" illegals over our own poor and as if they deserve being ignored, mocked or trashed. I have seen that to many times, and I don't understand that. Why do poor Americans deserve to be displaced by poor illegal aliens from Mexico? They work hard, they just expect to be paid for it unlike wetbacks... It goes way deeper And I have seen it.
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
Fucking idiot. Jerry Brown took a $26 billion Republican deficit and turned it into a $6 billion surplus.
Is that why the state is over 250 BILLION dollars in debt today?

Will California ever pay off its massive debt? – Orange County Register

You're either a fucking idiot or a fucking liar. Either way you are worthless.

....and Slick Willy never really produced a surplus either. Democrats have their on accounting system.
Wingnut newspaper. Who is surprised?

News stories covering financial issues of government cite "rainy day funds" or special "ear marked" funds, loans between government entities, sales of government holdings in, for example, shares of a health care insurance company, self insurance management funds, debt repayment funds that can be up to 40% of the debt itself, and then the "budget" is often referred to, along with mentions of pension funds investments, but the full accounting of assets of government entities, the "CAFR" is typically not mentioned.[citation needed]

"Alternative" media, since the late 1990s, has exposed segments of the public to the subject of the (U.S.) CAFR contributing to the topic being labeled as "conspiracy theory" or "soap box" issue.[citation needed] In all reality, local government's "Net Worth" accounting document, the CAFR is a mandatory review document for any responsible taxpaying citizen.

Reporting on government financial issues can be seen as sensationalized in dealing with alleged excesses in spending or tucked away wealth held not clearly visible in the budgetary accounting. A $10,000 dollar Christmas tree for example, or vague mentions of "many billions" in referring to issues around the road improvement, self-insurance, debt repayment, and pension funds managed by a state.[citation needed]

The State of TX based on good due diligence to its residents publishes a "Cash Report" that lists all funds managed by the state. The 2014 TX Cash Report can be viewed here - [6] In one recent series of reports, the Kentucky Association of Counties whose spending came under scrutiny by the Lexington Herald-Leader provided some awareness of these types of entities as well as their surpluses and the claimed spending excesses while using money acquired from government fees for products like municipal insurance at premium rates, which build surpluses beyond the needs of the entity.[7]

Typical topics of the alternative media may include examples of: government entities financing each other's bond issues; Orange County California's or other divisions of government investments in derivatives; financial deals that are kept from the public to entice businesses to locate in a state, which may include tax incentives in exchange for stock assets in a company.[citation needed]

Much of both the mainstream and alternative media coverage of the topic of government financial issues must be considered a factor in public's confidence towards issues of government accountability.

Comprehensive annual financial report - Wikipedia
This is the result of liberalism gone wild. No other state should be required to support California by way of taxation.

Beautiful California has gone from red to deep blue and from rich to poor. In fact, it’s the poorest state in the union. The state is now the poverty capital of America.

The California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs, including cash-assistance payments, vendor payments, and other “public welfare” according to Census Bureau.

In an op-ed by Kerry Jackson for the LA Times, the author reports that California, with 12% of the nation’s population, California also has a disproportionate one in three welfare recipients. The generous spending meant to reduce poverty appears to have increased it, she observes.

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America! It’s About the $958 Billion
Fucking idiot. Jerry Brown took a $26 billion Republican deficit and turned it into a $6 billion surplus.
Is that why the state is over 250 BILLION dollars in debt today?

Will California ever pay off its massive debt? – Orange County Register

You're either a fucking idiot or a fucking liar. Either way you are worthless.

....and Slick Willy never really produced a surplus either. Democrats have their on accounting system.
Wingnut newspaper. Who is surprised?

News stories covering financial issues of government cite "rainy day funds" or special "ear marked" funds, loans between government entities, sales of government holdings in, for example, shares of a health care insurance company, self insurance management funds, debt repayment funds that can be up to 40% of the debt itself, and then the "budget" is often referred to, along with mentions of pension funds investments, but the full accounting of assets of government entities, the "CAFR" is typically not mentioned.[citation needed]

"Alternative" media, since the late 1990s, has exposed segments of the public to the subject of the (U.S.) CAFR contributing to the topic being labeled as "conspiracy theory" or "soap box" issue.[citation needed] In all reality, local government's "Net Worth" accounting document, the CAFR is a mandatory review document for any responsible taxpaying citizen.

Reporting on government financial issues can be seen as sensationalized in dealing with alleged excesses in spending or tucked away wealth held not clearly visible in the budgetary accounting. A $10,000 dollar Christmas tree for example, or vague mentions of "many billions" in referring to issues around the road improvement, self-insurance, debt repayment, and pension funds managed by a state.[citation needed]

The State of TX based on good due diligence to its residents publishes a "Cash Report" that lists all funds managed by the state. The 2014 TX Cash Report can be viewed here - [6] In one recent series of reports, the Kentucky Association of Counties whose spending came under scrutiny by the Lexington Herald-Leader provided some awareness of these types of entities as well as their surpluses and the claimed spending excesses while using money acquired from government fees for products like municipal insurance at premium rates, which build surpluses beyond the needs of the entity.[7]

Typical topics of the alternative media may include examples of: government entities financing each other's bond issues; Orange County California's or other divisions of government investments in derivatives; financial deals that are kept from the public to entice businesses to locate in a state, which may include tax incentives in exchange for stock assets in a company.[citation needed]

Much of both the mainstream and alternative media coverage of the topic of government financial issues must be considered a factor in public's confidence towards issues of government accountability.

Comprehensive annual financial report - Wikipedia
So tell us...just what is California's current debt status?

Provide credible links or shut the fuck up.
ANYONE who believes California has any sort of surplus is more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!

Understanding California's public pension debt
The gap between money available and promises made is huge and growing.

SEPT. 18, 2016

What is the unfunded liability of California state and local governments?

Put simply, the unfunded liability is the shortfall between retirement benefits that governments have promised their workers and the current funding available to meet those obligations.

How much is it?
According to the state controller’s office, the unfunded liability of California’s 130 state and local government pension plans stood at $241.3 billion as of 2014, the most recent year for which figures are available.

Understanding California's public pension debt

Little wonder California citizens are fleeing the state in droves!
ANYONE who believes California has any sort of surplus is more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!

Understanding California's public pension debt
The gap between money available and promises made is huge and growing.

SEPT. 18, 2016

What is the unfunded liability of California state and local governments?

Put simply, the unfunded liability is the shortfall between retirement benefits that governments have promised their workers and the current funding available to meet those obligations.

How much is it?
According to the state controller’s office, the unfunded liability of California’s 130 state and local government pension plans stood at $241.3 billion as of 2014, the most recent year for which figures are available.

Understanding California's public pension debt

Little wonder California citizens are fleeing the state in droves!
Precisely! Socialism at work...striving to support the masses forever on the decreasing wealth of the ever-smaller-growing group known as productive citizens. It hasn't worked anywhere else in the world and it's not going to work in California.
our minimum wage is scheduled to go up and will help generate more tax revenue.

People who earn minimum wage don't pay taxes. You have to be in the top half of income earners to pay taxes.

BTW, unemployed people who get fired because they aren't worth the hurdle you put up to merit employment don't pay taxes either
our minimum wage is scheduled to go up and will help generate more tax revenue.
Raising the minimum wage does little more than raise prices....and increase the use of robotics.

California is a shithole!

Oh, it does more than that. It makes people not worth the minimum wage unemployable. It also pushes companies to move offshore and to automate reducing even more employment. While accomplishing nothing because no employer will pay anyone more than they are worth. It's basic logic. And I have owned five businesses and never would I do that or anyone I knew
our minimum wage is scheduled to go up and will help generate more tax revenue.
Raising the minimum wage does little more than raise prices....and increase the use of robotics.

California is a shithole!

literally. Homeless are shitting and leaving things like needles all over the place. I lived there in the nineties. It was such an incredible place. The sad think is that most of it still is other than two urban blue areas that are destroying them all
our minimum wage is scheduled to go up and will help generate more tax revenue.

People who earn minimum wage don't pay taxes. You have to be in the top half of income earners to pay taxes.

BTW, unemployed people who get fired because they aren't worth the hurdle you put up to merit employment don't pay taxes either
a higher minimum wage means more consumption and more local taxes, being paid.
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