Why can't liberals comprehend this is the United States of America??

We are a nation of 50 states bigger than Europe

Is Spain the same as Italy ?

Is Great Britain the same as Germany?

Hence the name United States of America

Not the United State of California

What's next does the liberals want to get rid of the Senate that's supposed to protect each state evenly?

The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, afederal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 1]Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America betweenCanada and Mexico.

If it's 50 states, then give each state 1 vote. If it's a country of Americans, then give every person a vote that is the same.

But no, this is the USA. The country that goes around the world telling countries like China, Russia, Venezuela etc that they should be DEMOCRATIC, and can't figure out that there's no democracy to be seen in the presidential election.

Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

in socialist countries, all votes go to the chosen candidate, no matter which button the voters push.
:( As I suspected there's no actual population documentation that spells it out, best we get is Wiki 1800. Still I enjoy hunting for such things, it entertains my brain to have all my monitors full of searches :p

That said, I'm not really seeing anything that can really support that "winner take all" isn't what the founders intended Care4all - and believe me I'd like to have a hope on that because I know damn well that the D's won't give that up without something implied in the constitution. They'd stand to lose half of CA, 23 Es, likely say 10 E's in NY... There's just no way this is going to happen either I'm afraid :/
We are a nation of 50 states bigger than Europe

Is Spain the same as Italy ?

Is Great Britain the same as Germany?

Hence the name United States of America

Not the United State of California

What's next does the liberals want to get rid of the Senate that's supposed to protect each state evenly?

The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, afederal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 1]Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America betweenCanada and Mexico.

If it's 50 states, then give each state 1 vote. If it's a country of Americans, then give every person a vote that is the same.

But no, this is the USA. The country that goes around the world telling countries like China, Russia, Venezuela etc that they should be DEMOCRATIC, and can't figure out that there's no democracy to be seen in the presidential election.

Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.
If it's 50 states, then give each state 1 vote. If it's a country of Americans, then give every person a vote that is the same.

But no, this is the USA. The country that goes around the world telling countries like China, Russia, Venezuela etc that they should be DEMOCRATIC, and can't figure out that there's no democracy to be seen in the presidential election.

1 vote per state gives Trump a landslide victory. One vote per person gives Trump a small victory, the EC gives Trump a victory. What exactly is your issue?

Hillary lost, why cant you deal with that?

Trump lost the popular vote, dumbass. Where have you been?

Nope, the latest counts show him winning the PV as well as the EC. But it doesn't really matter, Hillary lost, she is a two time loser, a terrible candidate, a criminal, a liar, a corrupt dishonest person, most corrupt person ever to run for president. and the people voted to send her back to her mansion in NY for the rest of her miserable life. Deal with that reality and STFU bitching about the EC. If you stupid dems ran a decent candidate you would have won.

No the latest count does not show that.

when the illegals and dead people are removed from the counts, he does. In Cal, they give drivers licenses to illegals, all you need to register to vote is a drivers license and a statement that you are here legally. No checks, no verifications. We will probably never know how many illegals voted, how many people voted multiple times, or how many voted in the name of dead people.

But it really doesn't matter, we use the EC to chose our presidents. if you don't like that pass a constitutional amendment and get ratified by 38 states. Until then, STFU.

Great point. Popular vote would be a clear violation of the 14th amendment. States like California who encourage voter fraud and flood their system intentionally with illegal votes would be violating equal protection of States that try to fight voter fraud
We are a nation of 50 states bigger than Europe

Is Spain the same as Italy ?

Is Great Britain the same as Germany?

Hence the name United States of America

Not the United State of California

What's next does the liberals want to get rid of the Senate that's supposed to protect each state evenly?

The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, afederal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 1]Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America betweenCanada and Mexico.

There is no rational argument for making all states equal in power.

they are in the senate. 2 senators per state. sounds equal to me.

I said a 'rational argument'.

facts are not "rational" ? since when?

You are losing it.

Make the rational argument that every state should have 2 Senators.

Losing it…?


Damn you don't know the Senate was set up for state rights

The house was set up for people's rights

Damn I am. Just a low life industrial maintenance guy and I know that.
If it's 50 states, then give each state 1 vote. If it's a country of Americans, then give every person a vote that is the same.

But no, this is the USA. The country that goes around the world telling countries like China, Russia, Venezuela etc that they should be DEMOCRATIC, and can't figure out that there's no democracy to be seen in the presidential election.

Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"
There is no rational argument for making all states equal in power.

they are in the senate. 2 senators per state. sounds equal to me.

I said a 'rational argument'.

facts are not "rational" ? since when?

You are losing it.

Make the rational argument that every state should have 2 Senators.

Losing it…?


Damn you don't know the Senate was set up for state rights

The house was set up for people's rights

Damn I am. Just a low life industrial maintenance guy and I know that.

thank the teachers union for liberal ignorance. they no longer teach American history.
We are a nation of 50 states bigger than Europe

Is Spain the same as Italy ?

Is Great Britain the same as Germany?

Hence the name United States of America

Not the United State of California

What's next does the liberals want to get rid of the Senate that's supposed to protect each state evenly?

The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, afederal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions.[fn 1]Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America betweenCanada and Mexico.

If it's 50 states, then give each state 1 vote. If it's a country of Americans, then give every person a vote that is the same.

But no, this is the USA. The country that goes around the world telling countries like China, Russia, Venezuela etc that they should be DEMOCRATIC, and can't figure out that there's no democracy to be seen in the presidential election.

Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

Another dumb ass who thinks the candidates ran for the popular vote ...
Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"

Hitler was a socialist who ran the socialist party of Germany, he's pure left. What is a real difference between Hitler and Stalin?
Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"

So was Castro. Tell us about how Hitler and Castro were elected by the people.
There is no rational argument for making all states equal in power.

they are in the senate. 2 senators per state. sounds equal to me.

I said a 'rational argument'.

facts are not "rational" ? since when?

You are losing it.

Make the rational argument that every state should have 2 Senators.

Losing it…?


Damn you don't know the Senate was set up for state rights

The house was set up for people's rights

Damn I am. Just a low life industrial maintenance guy and I know that.

Nobody's disputing the existence of Congress you fuckwit.
But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"

Hitler was a socialist who ran the socialist party of Germany, he's pure left. What is a real difference between Hitler and Stalin?

You're an idiot. Hitler is the prime example of the political right.
they are in the senate. 2 senators per state. sounds equal to me.

I said a 'rational argument'.

facts are not "rational" ? since when?

You are losing it.

Make the rational argument that every state should have 2 Senators.

Losing it…?


Damn you don't know the Senate was set up for state rights

The house was set up for people's rights

Damn I am. Just a low life industrial maintenance guy and I know that.

thank the teachers union for liberal ignorance. they no longer teach American history.

The above from the homeschooled imbecile who just claimed that Trump is leading in the popular vote.
Because fascists loathe individualism and liberty. They want all of society to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction at all times. Progressives cannot accept that some people wish to live differently from them.
Not a history buff are you?
Back in the 1800s the entire world was full of dictators and the like America gave hope to the world.. We changed the world good or bad.. Never forget that..

They came to us we didn't go to them

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"

This Is not Germany in 1938..we have the Senate and house and the EC

Can you see the difference?
You're an idiot. Hitler is the prime example of the political right.
Fascism is totalitarianism and totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing you progressive nitwit. Progressives are so limited in their intellect that they believe Hitler was "right-wing" simply because he turned on the U.S.S.R. towards the end of the war (as if he did so because he was trying to stop the spread of communism or something :lol: ).

But also a lot of people lived right on the poverty line. A bad summer and people died. Genocide was also rife.

So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"

This Is not Germany in 1938..we have the Senate and house and the EC

Can you see the difference?

Hitler became Chancellor in an elective process not any more democratic than the electoral college.

He then got the legislature to pass the Enabling Act, which made him effectively dictator.
I said a 'rational argument'.

facts are not "rational" ? since when?

You are losing it.

Make the rational argument that every state should have 2 Senators.

Losing it…?


Damn you don't know the Senate was set up for state rights

The house was set up for people's rights

Damn I am. Just a low life industrial maintenance guy and I know that.

thank the teachers union for liberal ignorance. they no longer teach American history.

The above from the homeschooled imbecile who just claimed that Trump is leading in the popular vote.

homeschooled? nope. I am a product of public schools, and liberal colleges, including the left wing bastion of Harvard. The difference between me and you is that I am smart enough to see the liberal bullshit for what it is.
You're an idiot. Hitler is the prime example of the political right.
Fascism is totalitarianism and totalitarianism is exclusively left-wing you progressive nitwit. Progressives are so limited in their intellect that they believe Hitler was "right-wing" simply because he turned on the U.S.S.R. towards the end of the war (as if he did so because he was trying to stop the spread of communism or something :lol: ).

View attachment 100312

That chart is made up baloney.
So people don't now? You can't do anything with dictators and the like you can never move forward your screwed or get killed..

That's why I love America if you bust your ass you can win like Trump

Or sit on your ass and lose.

This is the greatest country in the world because we have the EC..

Er.... what? It's the greatest country because, hey, you might not win the popular vote, but you can still sit your ass in the White House, whereas in other countries, damn, you actually have to win the popular vote? That sucks hey?

The right president comes along at the right time

Its not my quote but so true.

How are you using the term "right"? I mean, Hitler was considered to be on the right. He was "the right president"

This Is not Germany in 1938..we have the Senate and house and the EC

Can you see the difference?

Hitler became Chancellor in an elective process not any more democratic than the electoral college.

He then got the legislature to pass the Enabling Act, which made him effectively dictator.

sure, can you tell us who he ran against? Did that person survive?

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