Why Can't Poor People Afford Healthy Food?

I'm going to ignore the walmart slave retardisms and address the diet of poor people.

Poor people in this country can't afford "healthy" food because they are poor...if by "healthy" you mean fresh veggies and fruits every day, and range fed chicken and low carb bread....

You can get a bag of rice and a bag of beans for $2, and it will feed a family of 6 for 2 1/2 days. It's a complete protein.

We've grown so accustomed to having huge feasts available 24/7 we've forgotten how people used to eat...most poor people lived on a fairly limited number of staples; when I was growing up, the only time we got kfc was when my grandma took us clothes shopping...once a year. We had Chinese once every two months. Occasionally my mom would take me out for breakfast and I'd have a butterhorn and hot chocolate.

The rest of the time, it was beans, potatoes, stew, oxtail soup, liver and onions..we didn't even have chicken very often when I was growing up, and when we did it was in a stew pot with carrots and dumplings. I never had instant potatoes until I started eating at my best friend's house...her mom was a cook and the kids made dinner, which always included instant potatoes. At my house, we peeled and cooked our potatoes.

Poor people today aren't eating well because they are trying to fund continual feasts on budgets that need to be geared towards a much simpler diet.

No, you can't feed a family of four micro greens and ceasar dressing, crab cakes and cheesecake every day. You can feed a family of four shake and bake pork, canned spinach, potatoes, homemade treats, homemade bread, and lots of beans and stews. I know because I do it.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Why the hell are you buying water when you can get it for free? And you can buy 5 lbs of potatoes for less than 3 dollars. So tell me how a 10 oz bag of chips at $4 is less than 5 lbs of fresh potatoes.

If you believe water from the tap is free, you are deluded. You pay your water bill, don't you?

No I don't I have a private well. But that begs the question if you already pay a water bill then why do you buy bottled water?
I paid 99 cents for a head of lettuce yesterday and water out of the tap (Which is safer than bottled water) is extremely cheap. Your post is ridiculous. Poor people can afford healthy food. They choose not to.

How much nutrician is in a head of lettuce?
I paid 99 cents for a head of lettuce yesterday and water out of the tap (Which is safer than bottled water) is extremely cheap. Your post is ridiculous. Poor people can afford healthy food. They choose not to.

How much nutrician is in a head of lettuce?

How much is in a bag of chips?

As I said one can buy 5 lbs of fresh potatoes for less than the price of one 10 oz bag of chips.

It is not more expensive to eat healthy food over junk.
I'm going to ignore the walmart slave retardisms and address the diet of poor people.

Poor people in this country can't afford "healthy" food because they are poor...if by "healthy" you mean fresh veggies and fruits every day, and range fed chicken and low carb bread....

You can get a bag of rice and a bag of beans for $2, and it will feed a family of 6 for 2 1/2 days. It's a complete protein.

We've grown so accustomed to having huge feasts available 24/7 we've forgotten how people used to eat...most poor people lived on a fairly limited number of staples; when I was growing up, the only time we got kfc was when my grandma took us clothes shopping...once a year. We had Chinese once every two months. Occasionally my mom would take me out for breakfast and I'd have a butterhorn and hot chocolate.

The rest of the time, it was beans, potatoes, stew, oxtail soup, liver and onions..we didn't even have chicken very often when I was growing up, and when we did it was in a stew pot with carrots and dumplings. I never had instant potatoes until I started eating at my best friend's house...her mom was a cook and the kids made dinner, which always included instant potatoes. At my house, we peeled and cooked our potatoes.

Poor people today aren't eating well because they are trying to fund continual feasts on budgets that need to be geared towards a much simpler diet.

No, you can't feed a family of four micro greens and ceasar dressing, crab cakes and cheesecake every day. You can feed a family of four shake and bake pork, canned spinach, potatoes, homemade treats, homemade bread, and lots of beans and stews. I know because I do it.

^^^ nails it.

A meal at McDonalds may taste better, it's quicker, it's easier, and it's more expensive.

Many just won't exert the effort to think that through a bit. See, effort is too hard. Cripes, do we have to do your fucking grocery shopping for you, too?

Obviously, there are issues to consider, such as access to grocery stores in rotting areas - why they're rotting is another conversation -- but there are still plenty of people who have that access and still behave this way.

I want that, and I want it now, even it it's not good for me, even if I can't afford it. Another symptom of a culture in decay.

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I paid 99 cents for a head of lettuce yesterday and water out of the tap (Which is safer than bottled water) is extremely cheap. Your post is ridiculous. Poor people can afford healthy food. They choose not to.

How much nutrician is in a head of lettuce?

How much is in a bag of chips?

As I said one can buy 5 lbs of fresh potatoes for less than the price of one 10 oz bag of chips.

It is not more expensive to eat healthy food over junk.

If you eat organic it is much more expensive.
How much nutrician is in a head of lettuce?

How much is in a bag of chips?

As I said one can buy 5 lbs of fresh potatoes for less than the price of one 10 oz bag of chips.

It is not more expensive to eat healthy food over junk.

If you eat organic it is much more expensive.

Then don't eat organic there is no nutritional difference.. Do you think the "food" from some fast food joint is organic?
"You can get a bag of rice and a bag of beans for $2, and it will feed a family of 6 for 2 1/2 days. It's a complete protein. "

At the cheap store here, it would feed a family of 6 for about 3 minutes LOL
How much is in a bag of chips?

As I said one can buy 5 lbs of fresh potatoes for less than the price of one 10 oz bag of chips.

It is not more expensive to eat healthy food over junk.

If you eat organic it is much more expensive.

Then don't eat organic there is no nutritional difference.. Do you think the "food" from some fast food joint is organic?

I do not want to feed my children fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed or meat that is full of hormones and who knows what else. Organic food tastes better too.
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If you eat organic it is much more expensive.

Then don't eat organic there is no nutritional difference.. Do you think the "food" from some fast food joint is organic?

I do not want to feed my children fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed or meat that is full of hormones and who knows what else. Organic food tastes better too.

I notice no difference in taste. There is a difference in grass fed beef and grain fed beef.

But that's your choice and a standard vegetable is still cheaper and more healthy than junk food. And that's the point.
Then don't eat organic there is no nutritional difference.. Do you think the "food" from some fast food joint is organic?
I do not want to feed my children fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed or meat that is full of hormones and who knows what else. Organic food tastes better too.

I notice no difference in taste. There is a difference in grass fed beef and grain fed beef.

But that's your choice and a standard vegetable is still cheaper and more healthy than junk food. And that's the point.

Roast an organic chicken and a cheap one and compare the taste.
Actually fast food is more expensive than going to the grocery store and buying nutritious foods.
The fact is not only are poor people unhealthy, it is their laziness that contributes to their poor health.
Example...Why cook a decent meal when it's easier to trundle over to the closest fast food joint.

you think its cheaper to cook a healthy meal with meat, vegetable and potato than to buy something that fills your stomach from the dollar menu at mcdonald's? i'd dispute that.

also, if we're talking about cooking for a family, it is a lot cheaper to make something starchy and fatty (e.g., mac and cheese or pasta) than to prepare a balanced meal.

isn't that the real issue?
Poor people don't eat healthy food because it doesn't taste as good as junk food. Poor people will spend more for junk than healthy food even if healthy food was cheaper. A bag of chips costs $3.00, a head of lettuce is 59 cents. They buy the chips.

It has to do with the psychology of being poor. It's why the poor will spend $300.00 for a pair of Nike shoes. Food is one of the ways they indulge themselves. They can't afford a trip to Disneyland, but they can afford a cupcake. They can't afford a new car, but they can afford the shoes. The poor have given up on sacrifice today for a greater benefit at some point in the future. Even if that benefit is their health and well being. It's worse now because the poor are being conditioned to believe that they have no personal connection to their health and well being. That's the job of social justice. It's not their responsibility. Their responsibility is to be happy, which means as much pampering and self-indulgence as they can squeeze out of every day.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Ever got those catalogues in the mail with the latest specials from your local supermarket? How many times do you see soft drinks, chocolate, chips and cakes discounted, sometimes by up to 50%? Compare that to how many times you see a price reduction on healthy foods, like apples, oranges, bananas, and bottled water.

In KFC the other day, it was cheaper for me to buy a burger, a piece of chicken, three wings, a small popcorn chicken, a regular chips, a regular gravy and a can of Pepsi than it was to buy a salad and a bottle of water. I wanted a salad and a water, but when I compared the prices, I wondered why I should spend more money on a healthy item when I can get the unhealthy food a lot cheaper?

How many other families see this problem? How about no discounts on junk food, and discounts only on healthy foods?

I never used to understand why people claimed they couldn't afford healthy foods, but I understand now, because its true.

It gets worse. At the local food bank, breads, pastries, and muffins are in big supply, meats, vegetables and fruits are scarce.
Actually fast food is more expensive than going to the grocery store and buying nutritious foods.
The fact is not only are poor people unhealthy, it is their laziness that contributes to their poor health.
Example...Why cook a decent meal when it's easier to trundle over to the closest fast food joint.

you think its cheaper to cook a healthy meal with meat, vegetable and potato than to buy something that fills your stomach from the dollar menu at mcdonald's? i'd dispute that.

also, if we're talking about cooking for a family, it is a lot cheaper to make something starchy and fatty (e.g., mac and cheese or pasta) than to prepare a balanced meal.

isn't that the real issue?
It is certainly easier to eat fast food than to eat healthy. Let's face it, your heat is not bleeding for the most industrious of people.
Poor people don't eat healthy food because it doesn't taste as good as junk food. Poor people will spend more for junk than healthy food even if healthy food was cheaper. A bag of chips costs $3.00, a head of lettuce is 59 cents. They buy the chips.

It has to do with the psychology of being poor. It's why the poor will spend $300.00 for a pair of Nike shoes. Food is one of the ways they indulge themselves. They can't afford a trip to Disneyland, but they can afford a cupcake. They can't afford a new car, but they can afford the shoes. The poor have given up on sacrifice today for a greater benefit at some point in the future. Even if that benefit is their health and well being. It's worse now because the poor are being conditioned to believe that they have no personal connection to their health and well being. That's the job of social justice. It's not their responsibility. Their responsibility is to be happy, which means as much pampering and self-indulgence as they can squeeze out of every day.

How many poor people do you know? None? I thought so.
I do not want to feed my children fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed or meat that is full of hormones and who knows what else. Organic food tastes better too.

I notice no difference in taste. There is a difference in grass fed beef and grain fed beef.

But that's your choice and a standard vegetable is still cheaper and more healthy than junk food. And that's the point.

Roast an organic chicken and a cheap one and compare the taste.

Whatever. That's not the point of the thread.
Actually fast food is more expensive than going to the grocery store and buying nutritious foods.
The fact is not only are poor people unhealthy, it is their laziness that contributes to their poor health.
Example...Why cook a decent meal when it's easier to trundle over to the closest fast food joint.

you think its cheaper to cook a healthy meal with meat, vegetable and potato than to buy something that fills your stomach from the dollar menu at mcdonald's? i'd dispute that.

also, if we're talking about cooking for a family, it is a lot cheaper to make something starchy and fatty (e.g., mac and cheese or pasta) than to prepare a balanced meal.

isn't that the real issue?


Poor people don't eat healthy food because it doesn't taste as good as junk food. Poor people will spend more for junk than healthy food even if healthy food was cheaper. A bag of chips costs $3.00, a head of lettuce is 59 cents. They buy the chips.

It has to do with the psychology of being poor. It's why the poor will spend $300.00 for a pair of Nike shoes. Food is one of the ways they indulge themselves. They can't afford a trip to Disneyland, but they can afford a cupcake. They can't afford a new car, but they can afford the shoes. The poor have given up on sacrifice today for a greater benefit at some point in the future. Even if that benefit is their health and well being. It's worse now because the poor are being conditioned to believe that they have no personal connection to their health and well being. That's the job of social justice. It's not their responsibility. Their responsibility is to be happy, which means as much pampering and self-indulgence as they can squeeze out of every day.

How many poor people do you know? None? I thought so.

I know many poor people, I have been very, very poor at times in my life. This is basic psychology. It's why poor people are more likely to be obese than a wealthy person. It's why there are riots at the latest NBA signature sneaker release. It's why an immigrant that comes here, even more poor than the poorest American and end up wealthy and successful.

A poor person making a decision on what to have for dinner will chose mac and cheese over vegetable soup because mac and cheese tastes better, it's more expensive but it tastes better and don't they deserve something that at least tastes good? They can't afford a steak, but they can afford a block of cheese.
Actually fast food is more expensive than going to the grocery store and buying nutritious foods.
The fact is not only are poor people unhealthy, it is their laziness that contributes to their poor health.
Example...Why cook a decent meal when it's easier to trundle over to the closest fast food joint.

you think its cheaper to cook a healthy meal with meat, vegetable and potato than to buy something that fills your stomach from the dollar menu at mcdonald's? i'd dispute that.

also, if we're talking about cooking for a family, it is a lot cheaper to make something starchy and fatty (e.g., mac and cheese or pasta) than to prepare a balanced meal.

isn't that the real issue?

#1 -- Bullshit.

A 6 piece pack of boneless chicken on sale for $1.99/lb = $8; 5 lb bag of spuds = $4 (the smart shopper stocks up when they are bogo, cuts the price in half); bag of carrots = $1. Total cost = $13. Feeds six, at a bit over $2 per person. Throw in another few bucks and you can have a homemade dessert if you'd like, bringing the total cost to $3 per person.

#2 -- Bullshit.

Box of pasta on sale = $1; ground beef = $6; pepper, onion, mushrooms, zucchini, garlic = $5; jar of sauce (or you can make your own for even less) = $2; head of lettuce = $1. Feed a family of six a delicious spaghetti dinner with salad for $15.

$3 -- Bullshit.

No the real issue is that eating fast food is EASIER than taking the time to prepare a well-balanced meal, not cheaper.

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