Why Can't Poor People Afford Healthy Food?

Considering how OBESE so many Poor People are, the Pol Pot Lettuce and Tap Water diet sounds like an excellent program!
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Why the hell are you buying water when you can get it for free? And you can buy 5 lbs of potatoes for less than 3 dollars. So tell me how a 10 oz bag of chips at $4 is less than 5 lbs of fresh potatoes.
Most likely just a diet too high in cheap carbs. It's more about what people get addicted too. Those more able, better at working or walking off the calories. A lot of those comfort foods are a bigger part of the problem than the solution. Funny how some want to make it about politics or rich v.s. poor. In truth, it's about what is going on inside of each of our heads. Bet your ass, that as soon as Walmart knows what enough of us want, they will stock it.
You can't buy MCd's etc with food stamps.

Inner cities don't have grocery stores.

What are convenience foods?

Yeah I know Oz's economy is good. I'm just anti-GOP and Pub dupes. Absolutely clueless. Oz has DEMAND with $15 min wage....

There is a very good reason grocery stores aren't in "the inner city"...

And a 15 dollar min wage will equal 8 dollar quarter pounders.

Do you folks even think past your pointy noses?

The cost of real estate and scarcity of property are the most prevalent contributing factors.
Also, most grocery chains are reluctant to locate stores in areas where profitability is unlikely.
Indeed. Unions hate Walmart because Walmart pays its staff wages that enable them to shop at Walmart.

You mean only at Walmart? Certainly can't afford Whole Foods Market on that measly hourly wage. I suspect Safeway and Kroger's are out of range for your average Walmart worker, too. But the Waltons hold positions 6-9 of the Forbes 400:
No. 6 - Christy Walton
No. 7 - Jim Walton
No. 8 - Alice Walton
No. 9 - S. Robson Walton
with over $100,000,000,000 in combined wealth.
And yet they skimp on every corner when it comes to their workers. Every fucking corner they can.

Maybe Obama should have asked his super pac to reject the Walmart heirs giant donation?

I think it was $300,000.


Hillary Clinton was a member of the board of directors of Walmart for quite a number of years.

And last but not least Michelle Obama is praising WalMart and collaborating with the corporation.

She's teamed up with them.

You should get up to speed.


Son, stay off the drugs.
Because its too expensive.


One can have a healthy, low cost meal if one shops appropriately and takes the time to actually cook. A loaf of bread and water are not the only alternatives to chips and soda.

(And many of the people you note buy chips and soda are also likely buying beer and cigarettes.)

I do understand that there are a lack of large supermarkets in the inner cities, but I've been reading the most insane regulations like a supermarket has to have 4 acres of parking.


Syrenn duly pointed out that unions would have a complete meltdown if Walmart said it was willing to put a Walmart Superstore in every inner city.

They'd riot to keep Walmart out.

So why would any city want to support a communist organization like Wall-Mart? I am tired of paying welfare to support low paid no benefit Wall-Mart employees.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Ever got those catalogues in the mail with the latest specials from your local supermarket? How many times do you see soft drinks, chocolate, chips and cakes discounted, sometimes by up to 50%? Compare that to how many times you see a price reduction on healthy foods, like apples, oranges, bananas, and bottled water.

In KFC the other day, it was cheaper for me to buy a burger, a piece of chicken, three wings, a small popcorn chicken, a regular chips, a regular gravy and a can of Pepsi than it was to buy a salad and a bottle of water. I wanted a salad and a water, but when I compared the prices, I wondered why I should spend more money on a healthy item when I can get the unhealthy food a lot cheaper?

How many other families see this problem? How about no discounts on junk food, and discounts only on healthy foods?

I never used to understand why people claimed they couldn't afford healthy foods, but I understand now, because its true.

It's too confusing too.

The government should supply people with daily rations.

Who knows more about nutrition that Michelle Obama?
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Ever got those catalogues in the mail with the latest specials from your local supermarket? How many times do you see soft drinks, chocolate, chips and cakes discounted, sometimes by up to 50%? Compare that to how many times you see a price reduction on healthy foods, like apples, oranges, bananas, and bottled water.

In KFC the other day, it was cheaper for me to buy a burger, a piece of chicken, three wings, a small popcorn chicken, a regular chips, a regular gravy and a can of Pepsi than it was to buy a salad and a bottle of water. I wanted a salad and a water, but when I compared the prices, I wondered why I should spend more money on a healthy item when I can get the unhealthy food a lot cheaper?

How many other families see this problem? How about no discounts on junk food, and discounts only on healthy foods?

I never used to understand why people claimed they couldn't afford healthy foods, but I understand now, because its true.

If you want prepared foods, then buying healthy is extremely expensive; however, if you prepare and cook your own meals, buying healthy is possible, even on a reduced budget.

Eggs, Dairy in general, canned soups, chili, beans, Granola, there are tons of choices, more every day. What you choose to support does become more main stream.

KFC and other fast food places are not allowed to take food stamps for hot meals.

One can have a healthy, low cost meal if one shops appropriately and takes the time to actually cook. A loaf of bread and water are not the only alternatives to chips and soda.

(And many of the people you note buy chips and soda are also likely buying beer and cigarettes.)

I do understand that there are a lack of large supermarkets in the inner cities, but I've been reading the most insane regulations like a supermarket has to have 4 acres of parking.


Syrenn duly pointed out that unions would have a complete meltdown if Walmart said it was willing to put a Walmart Superstore in every inner city.

They'd riot to keep Walmart out.

So why would any city want to support a communist organization like Wall-Mart? I am tired of paying welfare to support low paid no benefit Wall-Mart employees.

"paying welfare"? What's that mean"..
Umm, Walmart is the encyclopedia meaning of capitalism. 180 degrees opposite of communism.
You're just pissed because Walmart is a large successful company with 1.4 million employees and the union thugs cannot get in.
BTW, there are plenty of in close to urban center places where Walmart, Target and other discounters have stores. It is the big union states that try to keep out these companies. Especially Walmart. And why is that? Because Sam Walton happened to be outspoken against unions. And how do union bosses react when they don't "get their respect"...We all have seen that.
Want to reduce this country's health care bill? Educate people away from fast food. Oh no, wait.....I suspect the lobbyists Taco Bell/McDonald's/Burger King has inside the Beltway get paid a lot more than the lobbyists hired by the poor....I'm sure of it, actually.

Ok.. Go ahead. Ya know you can stop posting here and set up your own internet radio program. You can do healthy eating on a budget topics.
YOU educate them.
Typical liberal playbook shit. Create a crisis then demand everyone else be forced to fix their crisis
People on food stamps can't buy beer.

Bullshit. They simply use the food stamps for food, which free up their own Cash they would have needed to use on food, to buy Beer.

Maybe if politicians did not close the departments that over see welfare recipients they would not be able to scam the system and people would be educated in the ways of buying healthy food and gaining independence.

Oh shut the fuck up....There NEVER WAS any enforcement.
If you want prepared foods, then buying healthy is extremely expensive; however, if you prepare and cook your own meals, buying healthy is possible, even on a reduced budget.

Eggs, Dairy in general, canned soups, chili, beans, Granola, there are tons of choices, more every day. What you choose to support does become more main stream.

KFC and other fast food places are not allowed to take food stamps for hot meals.
Based on the link below, I call bullshit on your post..BTW, I searched factcheck.org for a clarification of repudiation of this story. Could not find anything. In the absence of a contrary statement, I will accept the story at face value

Free ObamaDollars: The EBT Card for Cigarettes and Alcohol - Ann-Marie Murrell - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary
MOST of the poor people I know would rather buy a bottle then healthy food. Most people are poor because they either simply don't give a fuck or are stupid.
You dumb fuckers really think these people don't sell those food stamps? LOL

There was a woman who lived across the street in my condo complex who TOLD me she sold her Food Coupons. She was divorced and when her husband sent her the check, she would sell her left over food coupons.
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Ever got those catalogues in the mail with the latest specials from your local supermarket? How many times do you see soft drinks, chocolate, chips and cakes discounted, sometimes by up to 50%? Compare that to how many times you see a price reduction on healthy foods, like apples, oranges, bananas, and bottled water.

In KFC the other day, it was cheaper for me to buy a burger, a piece of chicken, three wings, a small popcorn chicken, a regular chips, a regular gravy and a can of Pepsi than it was to buy a salad and a bottle of water. I wanted a salad and a water, but when I compared the prices, I wondered why I should spend more money on a healthy item when I can get the unhealthy food a lot cheaper?

How many other families see this problem? How about no discounts on junk food, and discounts only on healthy foods?

I never used to understand why people claimed they couldn't afford healthy foods, but I understand now, because its true.

Nonsense, they are just too lazy to put in the effort. A bag of flour and some yeast will bake a number of loaves of bread for about 50cents a loaf. Of course it takes a couple hrs to make some up and that's a lot of missed tv time.

Perhaps it's time for school classes to once again teach people how to shop efficiently and put in a little effort to prepare a meal.

How much does that bread maker cost?
Because its too expensive.

Do you know that it is cheaper to buy a jumbo bag of potato chips and a 2 litre bottle of coke than it is to buy a loaf of bread and a bottle of water?

Why the hell are you buying water when you can get it for free? And you can buy 5 lbs of potatoes for less than 3 dollars. So tell me how a 10 oz bag of chips at $4 is less than 5 lbs of fresh potatoes.

If you believe water from the tap is free, you are deluded. You pay your water bill, don't you?
I do understand that there are a lack of large supermarkets in the inner cities, but I've been reading the most insane regulations like a supermarket has to have 4 acres of parking.


Syrenn duly pointed out that unions would have a complete meltdown if Walmart said it was willing to put a Walmart Superstore in every inner city.

They'd riot to keep Walmart out.

So why would any city want to support a communist organization like Wall-Mart? I am tired of paying welfare to support low paid no benefit Wall-Mart employees.

"paying welfare"? What's that mean"..
Umm, Walmart is the encyclopedia meaning of capitalism. 180 degrees opposite of communism.
You're just pissed because Walmart is a large successful company with 1.4 million employees and the union thugs cannot get in.
BTW, there are plenty of in close to urban center places where Walmart, Target and other discounters have stores. It is the big union states that try to keep out these companies. Especially Walmart. And why is that? Because Sam Walton happened to be outspoken against unions. And how do union bosses react when they don't "get their respect"...We all have seen that.

i.4 million slaves does not make a successful company. Supporting communism should be done in communist countries. All pigs feeding at the trough talk against peoples right to organize. It was organized labor that freed Poland from Soviet Russia and threw out the robber barons in America. You people that think welfare is a way of life need to get a life.

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