Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.
Well, if we idiotically increase the MW to $15 then we kill the low wage jobs. Nobody can afford to pay $15/hr for menial labor. The market isn't there. It's a nice fantasy to have but it's not practical. So you're going to kill the low wage jobs and you're correct, there will be more people on public assistance and more crime.
The 1% still needs workers for non-robotic jobs, and will pay $15/hr if it's still profitable, which will be the case. The small businesses will have more adaptive stress, and may hire fewer workers ... until they adapt.

Public assistance OR more crime, is the way i look at it. Public assistance can include education or training for skills in demand.
As little as you have to pay him.

Then we need stronger laws.

Our laws are just fine. Nobody is forced to take any job they don't want to.
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

Nobody will hire you... why?
COBOL programmer, nobody does COBOL anymore. old, outdated, worn out. Also Bi-polar.
As little as you have to pay him.

Then we need stronger laws.

Our laws are just fine. Nobody is forced to take any job they don't want to.
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

Then you must be a worthless idiot.

I've not had many "jobs" in my life. I think the last time I worked for a paycheck for an employer was when I was going to college. I worked for a rental store as an account rep. I was in my 20s... within about 6 months, they promoted me and gave me a nice raise. Within a year, I was a store manager. By the time I finished college, they were offering me a regional manager job. I turned it down because I didn't want to work for someone else. They were shocked that I turned down their offer and actually tried to offer me more just to keep me... made me feel good and I had to think about it... they offered a lot of money.

The point is, I demonstrated a value to them. Whenever you can do that, good things happen. I just do not understand people who are miserable in their jobs... why? Wouldn't you feel better doing something you like? I mean, why waste away your life doing something you're miserable doing? I don't get it.

The claim that 'no one will hire me' is equivalent to 'no one will feed me'.
I had to become an independant contractor to earn the money I needed to feed myself and my family. Pizza Hut turned me down for a job, I don't know why, they didn't say. Dominoes gave me a criminal background check and then still didn't hire me even though I don't have a criminal background. Why waste the money on the check on someone you're not going to hire?

I type 85 wpm. My best nick is filling out paperwork. I got turned down for disability, for Bi-polar disorder, because they said I did just a terrific job filling out the paperwork I could do that for a living. Don't see any ads for paperwork filler outers.

I've been driving as an independent contractor my personal vehicle for 40 years. I gave up looking for a job a long time ago and became self employed. but work is drying up, customers are harder to find. I need a real job that'll pay me a steady paycheck.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. ...
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.

Yes, I have been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, and many others. The Scandinavian countries have very high tax rates and very small populations, plus they have homogeneous populations (that has nothing to do with gays, btw).

If you own a house or a car in Scandinavia you are probably high in the government. The rich are all government employees, does that tell you anything?
Earlier this year, i visited Belgium & Germany. The rich there are mostly NOT gov employees. Does that tell you anything?
Duh, that capitalism works?
So you disagree with USA con retards that say European countries are socialist?
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. ...
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.

Yes, I have been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, and many others. The Scandinavian countries have very high tax rates and very small populations, plus they have homogeneous populations (that has nothing to do with gays, btw).

If you own a house or a car in Scandinavia you are probably high in the government. The rich are all government employees, does that tell you anything?
Earlier this year, i visited Belgium & Germany. The rich there are mostly NOT gov employees. Does that tell you anything?
Duh, that capitalism works?
So you disagree with USA con retards that say European countries are socialist?

Europe is mostly socialist, the EU is failing because of its socialist tenets. But there are still pockets of capitalism in some countries. Those countries make it very difficult for an entrepreneur to make it, but some do. We seem to be trying to follow that example and destroy new businesses in this country.
The 1% still needs workers for non-robotic jobs, and will pay $15/hr if it's still profitable, which will be the case. The small businesses will have more adaptive stress, and may hire fewer workers ... until they adapt.

Public assistance OR more crime, is the way i look at it. Public assistance can include education or training for skills in demand.

They're not going to adapt, you're going to put them out of business. Corporations will still hire people for non-robotic jobs but they will be the college grads who bring $15/hr value to the table. And we already have all kinds of programs for education assistance and training, that's not the problem.

But look, it doesn't matter what I say... you're not going to listen. You've been brainwashed by socialist class warfare rhetoric and just want to stick it to the proverbial 1%. Now, if we didn't have to completely destroy what it took 250 years to build, I'd just wish you good luck with that and let you find out the hard way... but I don't want my grandkids to wake up in the United State of North Korea, so I am going to fight you tooth and nail until my dying breath.
As little as you have to pay him.

Then we need stronger laws.

Our laws are just fine. Nobody is forced to take any job they don't want to.
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

Nope. That's not force. No one is coercing you to take that job.
The threat of me and my family starving to death if I don't, is force.

No. That's life.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.

Yes, I have been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, and many others. The Scandinavian countries have very high tax rates and very small populations, plus they have homogeneous populations (that has nothing to do with gays, btw).

If you own a house or a car in Scandinavia you are probably high in the government. The rich are all government employees, does that tell you anything?
Earlier this year, i visited Belgium & Germany. The rich there are mostly NOT gov employees. Does that tell you anything?
Duh, that capitalism works?
So you disagree with USA con retards that say European countries are socialist?

Europe is mostly socialist, the EU is failing because of its socialist tenets. But there are still pockets of capitalism in some countries. Those countries make it very difficult for an entrepreneur to make it, but some do. We seem to be trying to follow that example and destroy new businesses in this country.
There are "good" businesses and there are predator businesses that only focus on profits and ignore consumer privacy concerns.
I find the EU countries more balanced between profits & social welfare.
USA laws are more pro-business at the expense of consumers (e.g., opt-out vs opt-in marketing). In contrast, fewer Europeans are as rich, but the overall living environment outside gated communities is more ethical and fun for normal citizens & tourists.
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The 1% still needs workers for non-robotic jobs, and will pay $15/hr if it's still profitable, which will be the case. The small businesses will have more adaptive stress, and may hire fewer workers ... until they adapt.

Public assistance OR more crime, is the way i look at it. Public assistance can include education or training for skills in demand.

They're not going to adapt, you're going to put them out of business. Corporations will still hire people for non-robotic jobs but they will be the college grads who bring $15/hr value to the table. And we already have all kinds of programs for education assistance and training, that's not the problem.

But look, it doesn't matter what I say... you're not going to listen. You've been brainwashed by socialist class warfare rhetoric and just want to stick it to the proverbial 1%. Now, if we didn't have to completely destroy what it took 250 years to build, I'd just wish you good luck with that and let you find out the hard way... but I don't want my grandkids to wake up in the United State of North Korea, so I am going to fight you tooth and nail until my dying breath.
You sound like an extremist that supports the 1% vs fuck everyone else (or "i don't care about others").

I prefer the more balanced approach that respects EVERYONE within social ecologies, which i believe is more realistic.
You sound like an extremist that supports the 1% vs fuck everyone else (or "i don't care about others").

I prefer the more balanced approach that respects EVERYONE within social ecologies, which i believe is more realistic.

No, I am a free market capitalist. I don't buy into the Marxist 1% meme. No matter what kind of society or system you have there will always and forever be a 1%. Our system is one where you can aspire to BE one of the 1%. Other systems, you can't. This is a meme established by Marxists to promote class warfare and it's successful because some people simply don't believe they can aspire to greatness in America. It's important for them to get you to believe this so that you are okay with handing over more of your individual liberty to the state who promises to take care of you. The problem is, Utopia doesn't exist.
You sound like an extremist that supports the 1% vs fuck everyone else (or "i don't care about others").

I prefer the more balanced approach that respects EVERYONE within social ecologies, which i believe is more realistic.

No, I am a free market capitalist. I don't buy into the Marxist 1% meme. No matter what kind of society or system you have there will always and forever be a 1%. Our system is one where you can aspire to BE one of the 1%. Other systems, you can't. This is a meme established by Marxists to promote class warfare and it's successful because some people simply don't believe they can aspire to greatness in America. It's important for them to get you to believe this so that you are okay with handing over more of your individual liberty to the state who promises to take care of you. The problem is, Utopia doesn't exist.
Statistically speaking, it's a no-brainer to say that there will always be a 1%. It's what that 1% controls in terms of wealth that is the issue. The economic landscape is becoming a stark and uninviting place for the vast majority. And as far as government intervention goes, the Wall Street gang was all for self regulation until the 2008 crash when they went to the government screaming like little girls begging to be saved.
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But look, it doesn't matter what I say... you're not going to listen. You've been brainwashed by socialist class warfare rhetoric and just want to stick it to the proverbial 1%. Now, if we didn't have to completely destroy what it took 250 years to build,... but I don't want my grandkids to wake up in the United State of North Korea, so I am going to fight you tooth and nail until my dying breath.

Hot Damn! Preach Boss!!!!!!

Statistically speaking, it's a no-brainer to say that there will always be a 1%. It's what that 1% controls in terms of wealth that is the issue.

Apparently, you don't understand what percentages mean. The Top 1% refers to the people who control the top 1% of wealth. The top 1% of wealth is the same regardless of how much wealth there is... it's a percentage of the total.

Here's where there is a difference... In a Communist style system, the Top 1% are the ruling class who also control all political power, all the weapons, all the press, etc. In OUR system, anyone is free to become part of the 1% and anyone can control political power, weapons or access the press.

The "issue" is... you've been brainwashed by socialists trying to promote Marxism. That's the precursor to Communism. The reason is, because they want to be the ruling class or 1%. And they want you to submit your liberty and power to them. You've bought into their rhetoric because you're selfish and think that people who have more than you don't deserve it. You think that somehow, if you support this War on the 1%, you will eventually see some kind of windfall of all that wealth.... the socialists who are feeding you this crap have a name for you.... Useful Idiots.
Apparently, you don't understand what percentages mean. The Top 1% refers to the people who control the top 1% of wealth. The top 1% of wealth is the same regardless of how much wealth there is... it's a percentage of the total.

I'm pretty sure that the "one percenters" are the top one percent of the population when ranked by income. As a group they control a lot more than one percent of total wealth. That's the complaint.
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Apparently, you don't understand what percentages mean. The Top 1% refers to the people who control the top 1% of wealth. The top 1% of wealth is the same regardless of how much wealth there is... it's a percentage of the total.

Correct. It's the same with so-called wiping out poverty. Even if that were possible, there would be a new class of poor that are now considered the middle-class.
You sound like an extremist that supports the 1% vs fuck everyone else (or "i don't care about others").

I prefer the more balanced approach that respects EVERYONE within social ecologies, which i believe is more realistic.

So what is your plan for this "balanced approach?"
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

I believe we discussed this before. Didn't you state that you were grossly overweight? If so, right there is a starting point.

Next is to get into a line of work that's always in demand. That's what I did. At one point, I had employers looking up my phone number and contacting me about jobs I never applied for or even heard of.

Even today, my industry is starving with over 60,000 jobs that Americans won't work. They don't like the hours, the time away from home, the sacrifice, getting the training and so on.
If their work is not worth a livable wage it isn't worth doing by a human being.

Why not? That doesn't even make sense.

Back in the 80's recession, I drove a roach coach which was strictly on commission. On many occasions, I made less than minimum wage. So I got two jobs. Not that I would ever want to do that again, but I needed to keep the lights on and food in the fridge.

In a sense, I still have two jobs working seven days a week. That's because I invested in real estate and I'm a landlord on top of my full-time job. I haven't been on a vacation in over 30 years.

I don't know anybody under the age of 30 today that has more than one job, and many of them, no overtime either.

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