Why can't Public Assistance increase?

As little as you have to pay him.

Then we need stronger laws.

Our laws are just fine. Nobody is forced to take any job they don't want to.
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

Then you must be a worthless idiot.

I've not had many "jobs" in my life. I think the last time I worked for a paycheck for an employer was when I was going to college. I worked for a rental store as an account rep. I was in my 20s... within about 6 months, they promoted me and gave me a nice raise. Within a year, I was a store manager. By the time I finished college, they were offering me a regional manager job. I turned it down because I didn't want to work for someone else. They were shocked that I turned down their offer and actually tried to offer me more just to keep me... made me feel good and I had to think about it... they offered a lot of money.

The point is, I demonstrated a value to them. Whenever you can do that, good things happen. I just do not understand people who are miserable in their jobs... why? Wouldn't you feel better doing something you like? I mean, why waste away your life doing something you're miserable doing? I don't get it.

The claim that 'no one will hire me' is equivalent to 'no one will feed me'.
The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
The easy solution is if an employer offers low wages NOBODY applies. Leave the job unfilled. HOPEFULLY the business struggles. Let those jobs sit there unfilled. Some low life's would then say "hey there are jobs and nobody is applying and this is what's wrong with america.". Those folk should be shunned.
Another way that I've found is refusing to patronize the types of businesses that treated me like shit when I was coming up. I don't care if what they sell is slightly cheaper (ironically, it's usually not), I refuse to support cheap bastards.
The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.

The problem is, there will still be people with only low-wage labor to offer. Let them eat cake, I guess.
The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.

The problem is, there will still be people with only low-wage labor to offer. Let them eat cake, I guess.

Or, more likely, let them try to work things out off the books, in the underground economy.
The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
That is the correct motorcycle. Note that the liberal way of dealing with change is to legislate artificial constraints. If they were in charge back in the 1920's, they would be mourning the loss of buggy whip making jobs and demanding all sorts of laws to protect them.
The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
Interesting point. Are you aware of Moore's law? It says that computer technology doubles every 18 months (and it's actually accelerated in the last few years). The capitalists see recent breakthroughs in technology as golden opportunities to replace the people at the bottom with automation. What they seem to be too clueless to grasp is that at this rate of change, they won't be needed either in a few years. It'll be interesting to see how that problem is addressed.
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The claim that 'no one will hire me' is equivalent to 'no one will feed me'.

Well... what we have now coming up are what I call the "Fruit Loop Generation"... I don't mean they are nutty as a fruit loop... although, that often fits too... I mean, they were raised with a box of Fruit Loops sitting in front of the TV playing Nintendo. Their parents, who worked hard, gave them everything and took care of all their needs. They didn't learn things in school because all the schools are run by idiots now. So they find themselves grown but without any idea of how to make it in the real world. They simply don't understand the concept of having to work for things. The hardest work they ever did was rescuing the princess on Mario Brothers.

And us older people are left to deal with these mindless nitwits and their constant and incessant whining and complaining that life's not faaaaaaaaair!
.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.
.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.

what an ignorant statement. "if I cant find work, I will rob people". There will always be jobs for people willing to work. If you want welfare or prison food you should have to work for it cleaning the streets, picking up trash, etc. No free rides for anyone.

Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
Interesting point. Are you aware of Moore's law? It says that computer technology doubles every 18 months (and it's actually accelerated in the last few years). The capitalists see recent breakthroughs in technology as golden opportunities to replace the people at the bottom with automation. What they seem to be too clueless to grasp is that at the rate of change, they won't be needed either in a few years. It'll be interesting to see how that problem is addressed.
Of course. I have seen it in operation in my career. When I started in IT 30 years ago, a programmer had to code everything. You had to write code to open a file, read it, and identify things like field separators and line breaks. To take input from the keyboard, you had to read the input string and identify white space. If you wanted something written to the screen, you had to either put it out wherever the cursor was or write a graphics routine to light up dots on the screen. Today, all that is automated. All you have to do is reference code that somebody else wrote and everyone uses. Reading the tea leaves, I moved out of coding and into database maintenance because kids were coming out of college (and India) that were trained in the latest technology and willing to work for 1/3 what I was making. Now, with the advent of SANS, virtualization, and cloud hosted services, traditional DBA tasks are being devalued and taken over by automation. I have to keep moving into other areas to maintain my value to the industry. It is terminally dumb to put your head in the sand and hope that what you're doing now will still be relevant or valuable 10 years from now.
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. If you want welfare or prison food you should have to work for it cleaning the streets, picking up trash, etc. No free rides for anyone.

Well, not if they're illegal. Which was, I think, the point.
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The point remains that the minimum wage jobs of taking orders and payment, flipping burgers and tossing potatoes in the fryer would be gone.

Oh, they're gone... mark my words. In another 10 years, you will see virtually no fast food jobs unless it is for a college-level IT person to operate the robots. The capitalists are always two steps ahead of goofy liberals. They see the writing on the wall and they're not wasting any time. McDonalds is already testing fully-automated kiosks in certain places.

So, all this hullabaloo over $15/hr burger flipper jobs is pointless. There won't be any more of those jobs in the future. And the people who will suffer will be the inexperienced workers who need any kind of job to gain experience. The mom and pops are already struggling, this wave of stupidity will bury them.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
Interesting point. Are you aware of Moore's law? It says that computer technology doubles every 18 months (and it's actually accelerated in the last few years). The capitalists see recent breakthroughs in technology as golden opportunities to replace the people at the bottom with automation. What they seem to be too clueless to grasp is that at the rate of change, they won't be needed either in a few years. It'll be interesting to see how that problem is addressed.
Of course. I have seen it in operation in my career. When I started in IT 30 years ago, a programmer had to code everything. You had to write code to open a file, read it, and identify things like field separators and line breaks. To take input from the keyboard, you had to read the input string and identify white space. If you wanted something written to the screen, you had to either put it out wherever the cursor was or write a graphics routine to light up dots on the screen. Today, all that is automated. All you have to do is reference code that somebody else wrote and everyone uses. Reading the tea leaves, I moved out of coding and into database maintenance because kids were coming out of college (and India) that were trained in the latest technology and willing to work for 1/3 what I was making. Now, with the advent of SANS, virtualization, and cloud hosted services, traditional DBA tasks are being devalued and taken over by automation. I have to keep moving into other areas to maintain my value to the industry. It is terminally dumb to put your head in the sand and hope that what you're doing now will still be relevant or valuable 10 years from now.
Yup. My company is on a tear to move everything to India. The guys in my group were under some pretty intense pressure to port all of our code to a new development library format so that someone on the other side of the world could turn a crank and deliver a product. Kinda backfired. Attrition spiked and productivity fell off to nothing. All the guys who were cracking the whip to get this done have either been fired, forced into early retirement or had the good sense to move on before either of these things happened to them. And at least for now, the guys on the other side of the world seem to be many years away from being able to do what we do and they know it. I'm not sure the top levels of management do though.
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.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. ...
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.
.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. ...
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.

Yes, I have been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, and many others. The Scandinavian countries have very high tax rates and very small populations, plus they have homogeneous populations (that has nothing to do with gays, btw).

If you own a house or a car in Scandinavia you are probably high in the government. The rich are all government employees, does that tell you anything?
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Well, if we idiotically increase the MW to $15 then we kill the low wage jobs. Nobody can afford to pay $15/hr for menial labor. The market isn't there. It's a nice fantasy to have but it's not practical. So you're going to kill the low wage jobs and you're correct, there will be more people on public assistance and more crime.
.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. ...
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.

Yes, I have been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, and many others. The Scandinavian countries have very high tax rates and very small populations, plus they have homogeneous populations (that has nothing to do with gays, btw).

If you own a house or a car in Scandinavia you are probably high in the government. The rich are all government employees, does that tell you anything?
Earlier this year, i visited Belgium & Germany. The rich there are mostly NOT gov employees. Does that tell you anything?
.. so there won't be any low-wage jobs anymore.
If that becomes reality (no low-wage jobs), then we will see either more public assistance or more crime. People gotta eat ... and the prison food costs the taxpayers money too.
There will always be jobs for people willing to work. ...
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.
Boss said there will be no more low-wage jobs. I was simply responding to that claim.

Yes, i have been to Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, etc) as well as 40+ other countries on 6 continents.
Have you been to Norway? Oslo is the cleanest city i have seen, and there are few poor people in Norway.

Yes, I have been to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Russia, and many others. The Scandinavian countries have very high tax rates and very small populations, plus they have homogeneous populations (that has nothing to do with gays, btw).

If you own a house or a car in Scandinavia you are probably high in the government. The rich are all government employees, does that tell you anything?
Earlier this year, i visited Belgium & Germany. The rich there are mostly NOT gov employees. Does that tell you anything?

Duh, that capitalism works?
Have you ever been to Japan? Tokyo is the cleanest city in the world, know why? because they make the poor clean the streets in exchange for their food and lodging.

^^^This and more.^^^

I lived in Japan for two years. The Japanese culture sets them far, far apart from what we have created in America. The Japanese still possess honor and shame. A large segment of Americans have not been raised with those precious social values in generations.

It is painful to be poor and unemployed in Japan which is healthy for a society. Japanese kids grow up wanting to succeed to bring honor to their family and at all costs avoid bringing shame upon their family and themselves.

Poor people on the street in Japan are outcasts and examples of dishonor. It's harsh by our standards but then we've let our standards rot. We pay people not to work and allow illegal aliens to dilute and devalue our low end labor market.
As little as you have to pay him.

Then we need stronger laws.

Our laws are just fine. Nobody is forced to take any job they don't want to.
I am. I have a family to support and nobody will hire me. I Uber because I have to not because I want to.

Nope. That's not force. No one is coercing you to take that job.
The threat of me and my family starving to death if I don't, is force.

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