Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Fortunately, there is an endless supply of mindless unskilled people available able to say "Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?

Hardly worth $31,200 per year.

That's what seems nuts to me. Minimum wages laws make these jobs illegal. If both employer and employee can agree on a wage why does it need to be illegal?

Minimum wage laws make it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.

NO, that's an employer ripping you off.
Because every job isn't worth 'paying' for.

Because every job isn't worth 'paying' for.

Name one.

All of them, if the prospective employee has no appreciable skills.

All of them, if the prospective employee has no appreciable skills.

So you hire a person with no skills and don't pay him for a job that doesn't exist?

You've never heard of internships?

You've never heard of internships?

Paid OK. Non-paid, a rip-off

Then you're a fool.
By the way, 1%er, not sure if you saw my earlier question. In your view, should self-employed business owners be required to pay themselves a 'living wage'?

You should make a minimum of two to three times or more what you made as an employee.

Ahh.. ok, so, in your view, minimum wage for self-employed person should be even higher than it is for regular employees? What if they fail to pay themselves this minimum, what should the penalty be? A fine? Jail time?

Ahh.. ok, so, in your view, minimum wage for self-employed person should be even higher than it is for regular employees? What if they fail to pay themselves this minimum, what should the penalty be? A fine? Jail time?

What I stated is that you should make a minimum of two to three times or more what you made as an employee.

Ahh... I thought you were answering the question ( "should self-employed business owners be required to pay themselves a 'living wage'?") in the affirmative. If you don't think they should be required to pay themselves a minimum wage, why not?
I'm pretty sure that the "one percenters" are the top one percent of the population when ranked by income. As a group they control a lot more than one percent of total wealth. That's the complaint.

When ranked by income? So... IF I have a hundred bazillion dollars in the bank and earn no income, I am not in the 1%? Because... hate to break it to ya like this, but most super-wealthy people no longer have the need or desire to earn incomes. They spend most of their time trying to find ways to not claim income. If you're talking about the top 1% ranked by wealth, well... we're right back to where we started... you measuring the top 1% of wealth. And of course, the top 1% of wealthy people are going to control most of the wealth. Duh. Do you expect the top 1% of wealthy people to be poor or something? Would that make any sense in your world?

The "complaint" is based on greedy little dunderheads who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. They just know that rich people have all the money and they don't. They presume the rich people got their money by screwing the little guy. So now, they want to use the power of government to take the wealth from the rich people and redistribute it... like fucking Robin Hood.

And here is the problem with that... The government gets the money and gives it to the ruling class elite and the poor little guy gets screwed. The wealth never gets redistributed, it just gets moved into an elitist's bank account who has no accountability to anyone. You STILL have a Top 1%... only now, they are the people in political power. Now, you're really fucked.
By the way, 1%er, not sure if you saw my earlier question. In your view, should self-employed business owners be required to pay themselves a 'living wage'?

You should make a minimum of two to three times or more what you made as an employee.

Ahh.. ok, so, in your view, minimum wage for self-employed person should be even higher than it is for regular employees? What if they fail to pay themselves this minimum, what should the penalty be? A fine? Jail time?

This statement of his proves that he has never started a business.

I just started a business about a year ago. It's a bistro in a small town. My staff makes more money than me. In fact, I am actually losing money at this point. The business is doing fine... another year, and I will be making a decent profit... by decent, I mean that I won't be losing money anymore. But it takes a lot of time and patience to grow a business and turn a profit.

This statement of his proves that he has never started a business.

I just started a business about a year ago. It's a bistro in a small town. My staff makes more money than me. In fact, I am actually losing money at this point. The business is doing fine... another year, and I will be making a decent profit... by decent, I mean that I won't be losing money anymore. But it takes a lot of time and patience to grow a business and turn a profit.

If you were correctly financed why would you not be making money?

I never finance anything. It's the worst mistake a new business can make. Everything was paid up front as I went. When I opened my doors, I owed no one. The first 3 months, I turned a profit and reinvested it into the business. With any restaurant, the curiosity wears off and traffic slows down. You find out when your business is best and you have to adjust staff and hours so that you maximize results. In the meantime, you still have to buy food, keep the lights turned on, keep the air conditioner running, do the advertising, keep promoting the business, keep paying staff. It costs money. Restaurants are one of the hardest businesses in the world to be successful at.

But it't like I said... I have waiters who make $100 a night in tips. I wish I made $100 a night in profits but we're not there yet. We're on a nice trajectory and will get there sometime within the next year. We have great reviews, lots of returning customers, good feedback and every reason to be proud of what we've built. It was never intended as something to make me rich, just something I wanted to see if I could do and I did it. I'll make back my money, make a little profit and then I'll sell it. That's usually what I do and I've been doing it for 40 years.
WTF? Because YOU don't value burgers, employees of burger joints shouldn't be paid a living wage?

No, they shouldn't be making a livable wage because their work is not worth a livable wage.
If their work is not worth a livable wage it isn't worth doing by a human being.

If their work is not worth a livable wage it isn't worth doing by a human being.

Bloviating. Worth is subjective and you are trying to use it as a constant.
Fortunately, there is an endless supply of mindless unskilled people available able to say "Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?

Hardly worth $31,200 per year.

That's what seems nuts to me. Minimum wages laws make these jobs illegal. If both employer and employee can agree on a wage why does it need to be illegal?

Minimum wage laws make it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.
NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?
You sound like an extremist that supports the 1% vs fuck everyone else (or "i don't care about others").

I prefer the more balanced approach that respects EVERYONE within social ecologies, which i believe is more realistic.

So what is your plan for this "balanced approach?"
Did you read page 1?
I support the OP for starters, i.e., more public assistance to the extremely "poor" (skill-wise, social environment) to almost equal other "developed" countries.
However, the assistance must be efficient in its goals, and i admit that will take some time to right this unbalanced USA society; a generation or two.
Why can't we just cut it to ZERO???
Because every non-third-world-nation in the World recognizes that part of the social contract of an enlightened society is that we care for our poor. I'm sorry if you cannot recognize the social, economic, and health benefits of reducing poverty in our nation. Perhaps you should move to one of those third-world countries where they don't care, and let the rich freely rape, and pillage the poor.
This just shows your ignorance.

What makes you think that caring for our poor can only come in the form of money spent by government?
Did you read page 1?
I support the OP for starters, i.e., more public assistance to the extremely "poor" (skill-wise, social environment) to almost equal other "developed" countries.
However, the assistance must be efficient in its goals, and i admit that will take some time to right this unbalanced USA society; a generation or two.

I see no specifics in your reply here. Throwing money at problems has been the failure and the legacy of the Democrat party.

You can never "right this unbalanced society" as long as politics is involved. Democrats realized long ago that the more government dependents we have, the more likely Democrat voters.

Look at the huge expansion of new government dependents this administration has created. Food stamp rolls have doubled since DumBama took over. Even by the admission of the White House, 14 million more new government dependents (and growing) on Commie Care alone.

So just between those two programs, over 35 million new government dependents have been created since the beginning of DumBama's presidency. You can't do anything about that unless you convince most Americans to never have any kind of Democrat leadership again, and as long as we've been trying, it's never happened.
NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

"Ripping you off" is a term that means theft. There is no theft when a person offers a job for X amount of money, and pays that exact wage for work he fully described before the offer was accepted.

If you have a jacket that you paid $200.00 for, but you always thought it was only worth about $120.00, then nobody ripped you off. You seen the jacket, accepted the price, and paid for it with no hesitation.
The goal and objective is record profit, usually more than the worth of the service and product.

Here's another opportunity to learn some basic economics. It's impossible to sell anything for more (or less) than it's worth. In fact, every single voluntary transaction is an agreement between two parties on what something is worth.

Here's another opportunity to learn some basic economics. It's impossible to sell anything for more (or less) than it's worth. In fact, every single voluntary transaction is an agreement between two parties on what something is worth

More bloviating

What? Too many big words?

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.
Fortunately, there is an endless supply of mindless unskilled people available able to say "Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?

Hardly worth $31,200 per year.

That's what seems nuts to me. Minimum wages laws make these jobs illegal. If both employer and employee can agree on a wage why does it need to be illegal?

Minimum wage laws make it illegal to pay less than minimum wage.

It doesn't make it illegal not to hire at all. If you'r skill is not worth the minimum wage I wont hire you.

On second thought, if you're seeking the minimum wage, whatever amount is, you got no skill.
NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?

If you agree to work for certain wage or salary, how's that a ripoff?

When all of the wages are below the living wage what choice do you have?

Remember what Al penned?

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

NO, that's an employer ripping you off.

"Ripping you off" is a term that means theft. There is no theft when a person offers a job for X amount of money, and pays that exact wage for work he fully described before the offer was accepted.

If you have a jacket that you paid $200.00 for, but you always thought it was only worth about $120.00, then nobody ripped you off. You seen the jacket, accepted the price, and paid for it with no hesitation.

"Ripping you off" is a term that means theft. There is no theft when a person offers a job for X amount of money, and pays that exact wage for work he fully described before the offer was accepted.

If you have a jacket that you paid $200.00 for, but you always thought it was only worth about $120.00, then nobody ripped you off. You seen the jacket, accepted the price, and paid for it with no hesitation.

A jacket is not a job.
Here's another opportunity to learn some basic economics. It's impossible to sell anything for more (or less) than it's worth. In fact, every single voluntary transaction is an agreement between two parties on what something is worth.

Here's another opportunity to learn some basic economics. It's impossible to sell anything for more (or less) than it's worth. In fact, every single voluntary transaction is an agreement between two parties on what something is worth

More bloviating

What? Too many big words?

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

the liberal mind is incapable of basic logic and reason. Its a form of mental illness.

More bloviating.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

the truth is hard for you libs to deal with, isn't it? Hang on, maybe soon medical science will come up with a cure for your illness.

I'm not a liberal. I'm a capitalist, a member of the ruling class.
Because every job isn't worth 'paying' for.

Name one.

All of them, if the prospective employee has no appreciable skills.

All of them, if the prospective employee has no appreciable skills.

So you hire a person with no skills and don't pay him for a job that doesn't exist?

You've never heard of internships?

You've never heard of internships?

Paid OK. Non-paid, a rip-off

Then you're a fool.

Then you're a fool.

As an employer I couldn't take advantage of someone making me all of my money.
When all of the wages are below the living wage...

You never have defined it.... WHAT EXACTLY IS A "LIVING WAGE?"

You can't possibly think that it costs the same to live in Los Angeles or New York City as it costs to live in Natchez, Mississippi. And what "standard of living" are we talking about? A roof over your head and food in your belly? Air conditioners running 24/7 at 72 degrees? Unlimited health and dental care, including sex changes and plastic surgery, diamond and gold grills? A car, gas money and nice clothes? Maybe flat-screen plasma TVs, iPhones and laptops, internet connection, beer and wine allowance, ATVs and snowmobiles, paid vacations annually to some exotic location? What about all those people who've busted their humps for years doing without these things so they have something now? Screw them, they're chumps?

82 years ago... FDR proclaimed with the roll-out of a Federal minimum wage: "If American companies cannot pay a decent living wage, they have no business operating in this country!" 82 years later, we hear the EXACT SAME THING from the mindless liberal left! Let's just bow up and forget all about past history and dangle that "living wage" carrot on the stick ONE MORE TIME! ...And goofy, fucked in the head morons fall all over themselves to mimic the cry!
By the way, 1%er, not sure if you saw my earlier question. In your view, should self-employed business owners be required to pay themselves a 'living wage'?

You should make a minimum of two to three times or more what you made as an employee.

Ahh.. ok, so, in your view, minimum wage for self-employed person should be even higher than it is for regular employees? What if they fail to pay themselves this minimum, what should the penalty be? A fine? Jail time?

This statement of his proves that he has never started a business.

I just started a business about a year ago. It's a bistro in a small town. My staff makes more money than me. In fact, I am actually losing money at this point. The business is doing fine... another year, and I will be making a decent profit... by decent, I mean that I won't be losing money anymore. But it takes a lot of time and patience to grow a business and turn a profit.

This statement of his proves that he has never started a business.

I just started a business about a year ago. It's a bistro in a small town. My staff makes more money than me. In fact, I am actually losing money at this point. The business is doing fine... another year, and I will be making a decent profit... by decent, I mean that I won't be losing money anymore. But it takes a lot of time and patience to grow a business and turn a profit.

If you were correctly financed why would you not be making money?

I never finance anything. It's the worst mistake a new business can make. Everything was paid up front as I went. When I opened my doors, I owed no one. The first 3 months, I turned a profit and reinvested it into the business. With any restaurant, the curiosity wears off and traffic slows down. You find out when your business is best and you have to adjust staff and hours so that you maximize results. In the meantime, you still have to buy food, keep the lights turned on, keep the air conditioner running, do the advertising, keep promoting the business, keep paying staff. It costs money. Restaurants are one of the hardest businesses in the world to be successful at.

But it't like I said... I have waiters who make $100 a night in tips. I wish I made $100 a night in profits but we're not there yet. We're on a nice trajectory and will get there sometime within the next year. We have great reviews, lots of returning customers, good feedback and every reason to be proud of what we've built. It was never intended as something to make me rich, just something I wanted to see if I could do and I did it. I'll make back my money, make a little profit and then I'll sell it. That's usually what I do and I've been doing it for 40 years.

I never finance anything. It's the worst mistake a new business can make. Everything was paid up front as I went. When I opened my doors, I owed no one. The first 3 months, I turned a profit and reinvested it into the business. With any restaurant, the curiosity wears off and traffic slows down. You find out when your business is best and you have to adjust staff and hours so that you maximize results. In the meantime, you still have to buy food, keep the lights turned on, keep the air conditioner running, do the advertising, keep promoting the business, keep paying staff. It costs money. Restaurants are one of the hardest businesses in the world to be successful at.

But it't like I said... I have waiters who make $100 a night in tips. I wish I made $100 a night in profits but we're not there yet. We're on a nice trajectory and will get there sometime within the next year. We have great reviews, lots of returning customers, good feedback and every reason to be proud of what we've built. It was never intended as something to make me rich, just something I wanted to see if I could do and I did it. I'll make back my money, make a little profit and then I'll sell it. That's usually what I do and I've been doing it for 40 years.

You've done it wrong for 40 years. You NEVER use your own monies to open a business, you use OPM, in that way you have sufficient capital to cause great harm to your competition and keep the opening week momentum going. You also have enough monies to significantly reduce you food bill by making year/multi-year deals with your vendors.

Let's see how good of a restaurateur you are.

What is the main goal of Olive Garden Restaurants?
When all of the wages are below the living wage...

You never have defined it.... WHAT EXACTLY IS A "LIVING WAGE?"

You can't possibly think that it costs the same to live in Los Angeles or New York City as it costs to live in Natchez, Mississippi. And what "standard of living" are we talking about? A roof over your head and food in your belly? Air conditioners running 24/7 at 72 degrees? Unlimited health and dental care, including sex changes and plastic surgery, diamond and gold grills? A car, gas money and nice clothes? Maybe flat-screen plasma TVs, iPhones and laptops, internet connection, beer and wine allowance, ATVs and snowmobiles, paid vacations annually to some exotic location? What about all those people who've busted their humps for years doing without these things so they have something now? Screw them, they're chumps?

82 years ago... FDR proclaimed with the roll-out of a Federal minimum wage: "If American companies cannot pay a decent living wage, they have no business operating in this country!" 82 years later, we hear the EXACT SAME THING from the mindless liberal left! Let's just bow up and forget all about past history and dangle that "living wage" carrot on the stick ONE MORE TIME! ...And goofy, fucked in the head morons fall all over themselves to mimic the cry!

You never have defined it.... WHAT EXACTLY IS A "LIVING WAGE?"

I have many times.

Living Wage Calculator

Take their numbers and add 20%.

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